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Everything posted by halfwitt

  1. For those of you planning on attending the 4/18 Meet & Eat in Gettysburg, I need to find out if you would be interested in a two hour guided tour of the battlefield. The cost would be divided among the people who are interested in going. I am thinking we should have two tours if everybody wants to do it. If you didn’t see Fitz’s post, here is the link http://www.gettysburgtrips.com/html/gettysburg_battlefield_tours.html Please let me know ASAP if you would like to do this. Send me an email: halfwitt1@comcast.net Thanks – looking forward to seeing everyone!
  2. Dang - I missed something again. I can't keep up with the controversies.
  3. I am looking into having a few tours arranged. I'll keep you posted!
  4. That sounds like a lot of fun. I wonder if they will take 30 bikes on a tour?
  5. This is now posted on the calendar.
  6. 49!!
  7. Oh, I s'pose:thumbsup2:
  8. If you subscribe to the thread (use "thread tools" at the top of this page) you will get an email every time someone posts to the thread. We're supposed to have nice weather this weekend and I think I know where there is a totem pole about 20 miles from here. But, we have to take my daughter to Bucknell for a tour. It's fun visiting colleges trying to guess which one will take all my money in a year and a half!
  9. Yep - Noon. Looking forward to seeing 28 Ventures in the parking lot!
  10. Here is current list. Please let me know if you are on here and will NOT be able to attend (or, if you are not on here and WILL be attending)... City St Tombo 1 Beltsville MD Mini-Muffin 2 Hertford NC Beer30 2 Hubert NC Ferrantelli 2 Lindenhurst NY halfwitt 2 Windsor PA hcdagen 1 Herndon PA SteveP 2 Media PA N3FOL 1 Stewartstown PA hdyohe 2 Donora PA Whanna 2 Lebanon PA skydoc_17 2 Duncansville PA dfitzbiz 2 Chambersburg PA Bushwacker 2 Greencastle PA Newventure 2 Shippensburg PA Paul 2 Cambria PA Friend of Paul 2 PA cecdoo 2 Reading PA Sleeperhawk 2 Columbia SC Riderduke 1 Herndon VA KAWoodworth 2 Herndon VA Bugfish 2 Woodford VA hale374 2 Culpeper VA Venturing Sole 2 Fairfax VA gharbourjr 2 Lynchburg VA RTR 1 Martinsburg WV Skid 1 WV Shortkid 1 47
  11. Just remember who won the battle... I think all 20 something bikes should go to the Peace Light for a group photo. I just hope we have good weather
  12. We are at 45 people on 26 bikes! Awesome!
  13. I contacted the restaurant and they say we're still good. Come on down!
  14. This is great! We are at 43 people on 26 bikes. I contacted Ruth at the restaurant and she said she will make sure there is room for all! Looking forward to it!
  15. Glad to hear it! I have you on the list - You have to be there!
  16. So, I'm in France this week. Gotta tell you - the motorcylists in Paris are nuts. The will split the lanes even when traffic is moving. If you are in a car stopped in traffic and you don't give bikes enough room to ride between the lanes, the will kick your car. These bikes are anywhere from a scooter to a Wing. And lots of Wings here. Do you ever split lanes?
  17. You'll get some good responses as we have several members in WV. In my limited experience in WV, Rte 33 is an excellent ride as well as any road through Seneca Rocks.
  18. I can't. Sorry - I have to go to PARIS tomorrow!
  19. I think everyone who rides a motorcycle should see that.
  20. In response to an email I received --- I just want to clarify that I am not organizing a group ride for this meet and eat. I hope everyone has an opportunity to at least see the battlefield if they have never been there. The battlefield has several miles of roads and many photo ops. You may want to find the monument(s) honoring those who fought from your state. This website: http://monuments.encounteratgettysburg.com/ will help. And this is another good site: http://www.virtualgettysburg.com/vg/ Check out the new visitors center and, if you will be there Friday or Saturday night, do a Ghosts of Gettysburg tour. You can also see the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg where my daughter hopes to earn her Masters degree in a few years. Hope to see you there!
  21. Does anyone know why Bike Week was killed? What was the rationale? Do crime rates skyrocket? Or, do they just not like leather and loud pipes? I think there is another side to the story that we need to know to understand the rest of the story.
  22. We're at 41 from 7 states! I might have to find a bigger room. That's OK though. This is great!
  23. You're in! We look forward to meeting you!
  24. I'll be a little cranky if you DON'T show up!!
  25. This was a friend and coworker of mine. Please remember the Bosley family in your prayers today: Man dies in motorcycle crash Daily Record/Sunday News Updated: 03/14/2009 09:28:39 AM EDT A Glen Rock man died Friday night following a motorcycle crash on Route 30 eastbound in Springettsbury Township, according to the York County Coroner's office. York County Deputy Coroner Onalee Gilbert said Walter Bosley, 54, died of blunt force trauma to his head. He was not wearing a helmet, Gilbert said. Springettsbury Township Police said Bosley was heading east on a 2008 Harley-Davidson motorcycle when it left the road and veered onto the grassy median. The motorcycle traveled about 500 feet on the median before it hit a hole, which caused it to cartwheel several times, police said. Bosley was thrown from the motorcycle, police said. There will no autopsy on Bosley's body, but a toxicology test has been ordered, Gilbert said. The crash occurred at 10:38 p.m. on Route 30 eastbound at the Mount Zion Road exit. Police and rescue personnel shut down Route 30 in both directions between the Mount Zion Road and Hallam exits following the crash, according to York County 911.
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