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Everything posted by halfwitt

  1. Amazing - I never would have guessed that they still exist!
  2. I hate when my hands fall asleep during the day. It means they'll be up all night! When I ride for any length of time my throttle hand gets numb. I have standard gloves and stock grips. Is it my gloves? My grips? Is it physical? I don't think I grip too tight. It's only my right hand. Any thoughts?
  3. Take a rod (a shephards crook should do) and strike the ground with it. The waters should part. At least, they did for Moses. You might need a pillar of fire though. I'm not sure.
  4. I think that is great testimony to the volume of the saddlebags! But, maybe take the four wheels next time.
  5. I think many of us agree with that sentiment. But it's like insulting my mother. I can say all kinds of bad things about her but when someone else does, watch out! One of the reasons we (Mrs Halfwitt and I) picked the RSV was the price. We like the Goldwing. But we don't like it $10k more! If Yamaha would have been putting in the R&D and upgrades that everyone wanted over the years, we would be paying $25k for our bikes too. So instead, we get a deal at $15k (or whatever the showroom price is now days) and we cand spend about $2k to get the upgrades we want and we save $8k! It's a deal!
  6. This looks like a good event. I think my wife and I will try to make the first couple of days of this cross country ride. I'm working on getting specific information: Dave Barr, a double amputee veteran who rides, is organizing a contingent of riders departing from the Vietnam Memorial (The Wall) in Washington D.C. and ride across the country in a show of patriotism and honor. He and his group will be riding through the following states and all riders are welcome. Virginia West Virginia Pennsylvania Ohio Indiana Missouri Kansas Colorado Nevada California Schedule Day 1 — 28th, Aug. DC. To Washington, PA. 243 miles. via I-270 to I-68 to I-79. Day 2 — 29th Aug. Washington, PA. to Indianapolis, IN. 386 miles, via I-70. Day 3 — 30th Aug., Indianapolis, IN. to Kansas City MO. 419 miles via I-70. Day 4 — 31st Aug., Kansas City, Mo. To Colby KA. 372 miles via I-70. Day 5 — 1st Sept., Colby, KA. To Denver, CO. 235 miles via I-70. Day 6 — 2nd Sept., Denver, CO. to Salina, UT. 450 miles via I-70. Day 7 — 3rd Sept., Salina UT. To Mesquite NV. 222 miles via I-70 & I-15. Day 8 — 4th Sept., Mesquite NV. To Oceanside, CA. 383 miles via I-15. http://www.thehonorrun.org/events/xcountry/daveroute/files/davebarr_route.jpg Dave Barr has done what most only dream of doing! http://www.davebarr.com/images/para2.jpgTraveling around the world is a huge accomplishment, but only the beginning of Dave Barr’s incredible story. His solo motorcycle journey took three and a half years to complete and spanned six continents and 83,000 miles. What makes it truly remarkable is that Dave made the trip on a 1972 Harley-Davidson® motorcycle with two prosthetic legs, the result of an 1981 land mine explosion. He pushed his way through the Sahara, Namibia, and Gobi deserts, slipped through the Andes during avalanche season and braved the unique challenges of riding across China, Russia, Australia, and Africa. Dave later went on to establish a Guinness Book World Record for crossing northern Europe, Russia and Siberia on a motorcycle in the dead of winter. Dave uses his experiences to tell story after touching story. His life lessons will enrich and empower you as he shares how he brought his vision to life by setting goals, staying focused, and overcoming obstacles. To find out more about his inspiring message or to get information about Dave speaking to your organization http://www.davebarr.com/images/FarWesternPoint.jpg Dave Barr sets New World Record! Dave’s most recent adventure earned him a second Guinness World Record. This time he went to Australia on his “Southern Cross” journey. In just 45 days, he completed the first motorcycle journey ever between the four extreme geographical corners of the Australian continent. A documentary is currently in the works about this amazing trip.
  7. Be safe over there! We will miss you. We'll try to keep Mini in line.
  8. Now that is just silly.
  9. This could be tough since Burma Shave was sold in 1963. Someone needs to go to an antique store apparently.
  10. Our prayers continue to be with you and your family.
  11. I think high winds are the only thing that make me truly scared on a bike. There have been times, when crossing over a river especially, I have been hit with a gust that has pushed me one way or another. BUT - it sounds like what you had yesterday was worse than anything I have experienced.
  12. Could go with the old AMC Gremlin Lime Green!
  13. That is a great story! Glad to hear it!! I guess some people ain't so bad after all.
  14. I'm not nearly accessorized as others. XM is the best addition I've made. The one mod I wish I had was the passing/driving lights.
  15. It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.
  16. Song long. And thanks for all the fish.
  17. The odds on knowing that are four to one against and falling.
  18. Above all - Don't Panic! The guide says so.
  19. Glad you made it! Hope to see you again!
  20. Glad it all worked out for you. Especially since you didn't win the roll of duct tape. Brenda and I will head south next time!
  21. If only I had a babelfish I might know what we're talking about.
  22. We're looking forward to the M&E at your new place. Maybe have a good ol' fashioned barn raising!
  23. We heard a good "Skid Catches the Bad Guy" story Saturday. You'll probably be watching that guy one day soon!
  24. I hope we can make it! Let us know when and where. Glad you enjoyed it and thank you so much for making the ride up to join us.
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