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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    Anders Goodwin


  • Location
    Denver, CO, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 Venture 1200
  1. I guess it is winter here in Colorado, also get the whistling on the speedo this time of year. I think Im going to play with the sync adjustments to just allow a little more fuel in a little seaform cant hurt and look at choke system, when I bought the bike it was disconnected altogether. Other than that very happy with my Venture Royale Im at 91,000 miles over here. Thanks for the responses.
  2. Cleaned my carbs, bike runs great but difficult to cold start. When its warm its starts right up, I have a new battery and a vmax starter installed. Used to start easier before I cleaned the carbs. I synced the carbs and it runs great, starts great when warm but I have to cheat sometimes to get her started with some carb cleaner when cold. I dont want to do that anymore, any advice is appreciated. I was thinking maybe the floats on the carbs but Im not expert, Maybe new jets? But tis was ok before I took it apart and tried to sonic clean it. I realize shes just old and dry but there has to be some adjustment. I use the choke to try to start but its a fuel issue.
  3. awesome thanks guys, I havent been in there yet, maybe Ill replace the plastic fan when I get in there, most of my oil leak was coming from the oil filter I didnt have it on tight enough but I noticed the water pump and thought I would ask. Very good replies, thanks again.
  4. Hello Ive been putting some miles on my old 83 Venture, and there has been a lot of oil leaking out the last year, it seems to be coming from the water pump overflow valve, if thats even a thing. Im not sure would love any help in stopping the bleeding!
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