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Dj Danger

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Personal Information

  • Name
    Jeff Gilmore


  • Location
    Walker, LA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Music, motorcycles, travel
  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 Royal Star T/D
  1. I like the bike just fine, BUT.... NO WAY I'd ever pay 28,000 bucks for a bike with Yamaha badges. I'll wait a few years, and pick up a used one, after someone else had taken the tremendous loss on it new.
  2. Dj Danger

    rear tire

    I have about 400 miles on my Kendra Cruz tires. I could not possibly be any happier !
  3. May have been covered already, but, worked on my windshield today. Turned out AWESOME !!!!!![ATTACH=CONFIG]109173[/ATTACH] Sorry for the pics being sideways !!!
  4. I got the paint at AutoZone. It is VHT (Think thats the name) ceramic header paint. I have 3 light coats, and one medium coat. If you have your tips off when you do them, the can gives you instructions for curing them, in the oven. I rode about an hour and a half the day after I painted them, ( I painted mine on the bike) , no smell of paint, no bubbling, not tacky to the touch. I THINK, they also make a gloss black, but not in the header coating, however, the regular high temp VHT is good for 600 degrees I believe. I wouldn't think the tips get any hotter than that !
  5. Thank you, we shall see how they hold up !
  6. ​So , like a lot of BUBS owners, my tips were starting to flake the chrome plating off really badly, and I got sick of looking at it. Here are the finished product. With a little good old fashion elbow grease, and some high temp header coating, they look much better.
  7. I like my bubs as well, but, my tips are flaking, I may try some high temp flat black spray paint
  8. Come on down, be glad to show ya all around Louisiana, hell, I'll feed ya too !!!!
  9. Got my bike back from the mechanic last Saturday. New tires, carbs completely overhauled, new plugs, and new battery. Unbelievable the difference in the way it runs. Also, the tires made a HUGE difference. have put about 500 miles on it since. Feels like I have a brand new bike !!!!
  10. this is what I had today..... Shrimp and Crawfish Étouffée , over butter grilled Red Fish filet....
  11. A man is sitting at the bar, having a drink or two, when 3 ladies walk in and sit down. He notices they have an accent. After another drink, he gets up, and walks over to their table and says "excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice your accents, are you ladies from Ireland? " One of the ladies rolls her eyes and says, "Wales" ! He replies..." Oh, excuse me.... Are you whales from Ireland ? "​
  12. Unfortunately , there is no O-ring on the part, the conical end is what seals, and mine were pitted with rust.
  13. Update !!The Carb drain plugs came is a few days early, bike shop called me today, and she is ready to go! Going pick her up in the morning !!! Lol... this has been the longest 2 weeks I can remember in a while ! Will be glad to have my baby back !!!
  14. Yeah, I'm gonna just bite the bullet and wait until the 20th and see if they become available, I'd HATE to get her back together, only to have to go back into them because I didn't want to wait. And thanks everyone, for helping me look into it ! Y'all are awesome !
  15. I have been told by the mechanic at the shop, that on the carbs, there is no O-ring. Is this correct ? I sent the picture from an earlier reply to the mechanic, and was told the ones on the royal star carbs, have no O-ring?
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