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Everything posted by mountainhorsega

  1. Actually, that first pic is a Katana we bought when everything that is yellow was PINK and changed the color and re-sold. This is the first fitting of the fairing Shep had started. (Have modified it a little bit since and have some more adjusting to go) Will get more pics soon. I fab'ed the brackets from diamond plate aluminum, They are braced behind with 1/4" thick aluminum strap. Rode very well with just a little additional bounce up around 85 or so. Since then, have leaned it back a little more and squared it up a little better - solved the bounce problem. Using Stainless bolts and nuts everywhere. Went with an 8" dark smoke shield and deflectors. It is just about the perfect height - kind of wish would have gone with 9" but that might have been a little to much - Can see about 2-3 inches over it right now and topping a hill in the dark, you lose the road until you clear the crest so I think the 9" would have been to much. Plan on dropping it about another 1/4 to 1/2" to get it to wrap around the headlight a little better and filling the gap above the speedo with dark smoke acrylic. We have the stereo and speakers sitting in the office. We are just waiting to do the cleanup on the old speedo and tach holes and filling them and all the excess openings with fiberglass. Then it's waiting for a nice warm day to paint it. Trying to find a neat looking 2.25" Thermometer and clock on the cheap but no luck yet. I suspect we will fill the two small round holes with smoke plexi and stick on a clock and thermometer that we can find. More to come later - right now, building the house is taking precedence. Will update the RSTD Owners Unite thread when I have time.
  2. Don really beat me to this but - I was just about to say - we don't know why he wants her to ride a sporty. Then, I went back and looked at the original post. He may just want her to be happier. or maybe he is embarrassed by the Yamaha. Either way, Peg I think you have made you decision and told him your choice. This is really a very giving and forgiving group of people and you would both be welcomed. It sounds like you guys have been together for some time - I would expect that he will respect your decision. You have already tried the sportster and feel like it isn't what you want and have told him so. If he doesn't respect your decision (or you), then it is just a matter of deciding how you want to handle it. Just do what it takes to make you happy - even if it is the compromise of riding the Harley to be with someone you care about. Horse
  3. He should support you. whatever you like. I agree that it sounds like he has fallen into the if it aint harley it aint sh*t attitude and that is just sad. by the way - If you REALLY want to get his goat (and some additional comfort), go get a wing trike - I know a place that can put you on one pretty cheap. My wife loves her's.
  4. Michelin Commanders have been good tires for me. I go through the bridgstones in about 6000 miles and the commanders have been lasting 12-14 on the back and 18-21 on the front. The handle MUCH better than the Bridgstones too. Going to try the E3 next time if I can find one and afford it but haven't got there yet.
  5. I don't know about faded glory - They have the inside zipper (Which I usually hate but is ok on these) and the Harley badge on the outside of the ankle. They are not comfy for long periods - I have had them for over 6 months and CANNOT get them broke in to be comfortable. I hate walking more than a few hundred feet in them, I guess for sitting still, they aren't to bad but I walk a lot and I would try to find something more comfy. The only reason I bought them is because that was all I could find for a decent looking black boot. Everything else was combat boot looking things and I work in an office. Wish I could have just found a nice pair of black Justin lace up work boots but for some reason they stopped selling black around here.
  6. Didn't see the eyes - was busy looking for spots to get. and yes - was over joyous about the not wiping out part. (Even at 30 or 40 - that would really suck)
  7. didja get the bike back first?
  8. after 30,000 miles I have to just say I need to practice. There wasn't really a slide or anything - just a little squak. No biggie. It just always gets the adrenaline up when there is something in front of you that shouldn't be.
  9. I think I have 1 rear RSTD rotor (I don't remember if we pitched it or not) - and I don't know if it's magnetic or not. I will try to look if you are still interested. Just PM me if you are.
  10. Was following the school bus in this morning - a deer waited for it to pass and then walked right in between it and me. Fortunately I was only going about 35 or 40 and got shut down. Could have reached out and touched her but on my way by. Was watching the school bus more than the side of the road cause it usually has a stop just a little bit further ahead. I did notice I still need to practice being a little more aggressive on that front brake and a little less on the back.
  11. Or Michelin Commanders
  12. Someone asked a question about something I AM an expert at! (Well, not SQL but I have been a programmer for 20 years.) Here is a great link for an SQL tutorial. This is not Sequel (SQL) Server but Structured Query Language. It is used inside of Sequel(SQL) Server - from a command line. Unbelievably powerful functionality. http://www.w3schools.com/sql/
  13. It's doing NOTHING in Chickamauga:stickpoke:
  14. The bike is only 20-30 lbs lighter and everthing else is the same. I like the Commanders a LOT better than the Brick's. My first ones were great - got 20k or 22 out of the front and about 12-14 out of the rear. Second rear was just as good as the first (12-14k). Third rear seems a little slicker in the wet. May have just been the roads had gotten oil built up (Late summer in the middle of the drought just a little shower every once in a while) or I may have been riding more aggressively not sure (I think I got around 12 or 13 out of it). I am on the second front and am guessing I have around 15k on it and it still looks great. They ride GREAT - never feel lines in the road and are very smooth coming into and out of corners. I was forced to put another Brick on last October - It really didn't ride that bad but they wear out fast and it is starting to howl in corners and ride is starting to deteriorate at around 3k miles. (Does stick good in rain though). I am trying terribly to decide whether to put commanders back on or try an e3. really thinking about trying the e3 just to see if the mileage is much better. Will be due in probably a month. I ride pretty hard - not as bad as some but, I do stress them. The rear Bricks are getting around 6-7k and the Mich's - around 12-14. So they definitely last a lot longer. Let us know what you decide.
  15. Easy to install, I like them and I let them cycle through the colors while riding (I feel like the change is likely to get noticed more than just a solid color.) They don't seem quite as bright as the Lizards but they are bright enough. I have ride through town almost daily past the cop shop with them changing colors and have never gotten any comments but I have worried about it(They are only on Red or blue for a few seconds and I have them set where there is no direct color shining at anyone - it is just reflected light off of the Chrome and paint - I never keep them on Flash but they have (I think) 7 different flash modes plus breath mode. I Figure Flash and Red or Blue would REALLY excite the cops. They do have full length separate wiring for each light instead of the Lizards with the fixed length and adapters (That was one of the reasons I went with Wizards - was worried about having to make all those adapters fit and have problems with connections) The only problem I have had is every now and then, will go to the garage and they will be on - all by themselves. Emailed Custom Dynamics where we bought them and they sent a new controller - no questions asked. The new one has done it a couple of times but I haven't emailed them again - We see it everyday even when not riding. I believe it is the same controller used on the Lizards so I doubt going with those would have been any different. Finding a home for all of the excess wire was the biggest problem - we put one under each bag - I left all of the wire for back tire removal (Just wire tied it to the rails under the bags). The rest, I have in the cavity under the seat. Mounted the controller behind the battery in that open spot. All in all - I like them and am satisfied. Would recommend custom dynamics as they have had good customer service so far. Only have 6 of them on the bike right now (Waiting to get the fairing on for the other 2). Forgot to mention - Put 2 under the tank and one on the passenger floorboard bracket facing back toward(Actually forward) the side panel on the inside edge. They throw a lot of light in good places. Plan to put the other 2 under the fairing somewhere. They come with 2 remotes that are easy to use. I never have any trouble finding the mode that I want.
  16. Ours is a TD but there is only about 20 or 30 lbs weight difference, the fairing might change resistance a bit but, Holding 75 on the highway 2-up is NEVER a problem. at 75 in 5th gear, it is just getting into the power range pretty good. Pulling a trailer may be a different story but - 2-up (I am at 240 and we'll just say the better half puts us over 340 lbs) 75 is no problem. Sounds like it needs looked at.
  17. We have Bub's - I love them, the wife even likes them. I wish I could tell the difference in sound between them the RK's and the Barons. Wife says she can hear me from about 1 mile away if I am really hammering it leaving the house but I think that might be a little exageration(maybe not, I have never heard it from behind) But, if they are to loud, you can re-wrap them. I like my Bub's:missingtooth:
  18. All of ours are manual shift. A ford deisel truck "Reverse Left and UP" - wait to start light, chevy gas truck "Reverse RIGHT and DOWN", bikes - normal. Tractor Left hand control forward and reverse AND High/Lo/REAL lo, left foot clutch, right foot right and/OR left brakes, right hand raise/lower 3pt lift AND gear selecter. 4wheeler Start button on LEFT handlebar. I get out of the Ford and into the chevy and sit and wait for a light to go out that doesn't even exist - usually takes me 20 seconds or so to realize there isn't a light, then go forward instead of back. I get out of the chevy and into the ford and start it without waiting - (Nice white smoke sometimes) then go back instead of forward I get off the tractor into the truck and nearly rip off the turn signal handle. I get off the 4-wheeler onto the bike and honk the horn. Then, we rent a skid steer that you steer with your hands and work the bucket with your feet. The get in the excavator that you steer with your feet and work the bucket and boom with your hands. I stay screwed up!
  19. Free concerts every Friday night down town. One of the best downtown areas I have seen since San Antonio. Beautiful area. Tons of great riding
  20. Sorry about the bike - REALLY and I'm no lawyer so I may be wrong but my opinion is - If the owners manual states no trailers, and it has a trailer hitch, they do not have to cover it. I know it doesn't state no triking but it's basically the same - pulling additional load. When the trike kit was installed, it became an additional load(Probably close to the overall limit of the original bike(just guessing). I don't like it either and I would be p.o'd but a companies warranty covers their product providing it's intended purpose. Now if there was a defect in material/workmanship, that's a different story (Magnasson Moss act - just cause you changed it doesn't mean they get away with defects in material/workmanship). But just because something has a warranty doesn't mean you can overload it and expect the company to pay for what you did. If I built a trailer and stated it was rated to carry 500 lbs and something failed with 500 lbs on it - so be it. But if someone puts 800 lbs on it - they overloaded it. Tires get hotter, engines get hotter(on the bike), everything gets hotter. Just like when you pull a camper behind a truck with an auto trans - they recommend a trans cooler. It's working harder. I REALLY hope you can find that it was defects in material/workmanship. Not blaming you at all - we have a GW trike too and if something goes wrong, we are in the same boat - it is pulling more and we wont get any warranty.
  21. I just run it at 3/4. Checked with the mechanic and he said it is common
  22. Don't notice higher but do notice further forward. If you already feel crowded, the mustang might be a problem. The guy we bought from was tall and said that was why he was selling them.
  23. It was downright chilly in Calhoun at 8:30 this morning. I went to the dentist and rode back to Dalton at 9:30. Hooked up with a Concours for most of the way up 75. I don't know if he was as cold as I was but he should have been
  24. When I hit the dog, the owner wanted to pay(Once he found out it was going to be $800). I took it to one shop who took it apart and listed every part that was scratched, dented or might be a problem. Another shop didn't even take anything off and only identified 2 parts (vs. the 8 the first shop listed) A lot of it depends on the shop have do the estimate.
  25. Can one of you gurus here verify? I am almost certain the crash guards are the same on the tour deluxe as the venture. Can anyone verify that?
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