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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Possible pinched wire when your put the fairing back on. It would be right near the fairing screw under the headlight.
  2. Wing nuts with the plastic tubing. Works GREAT.
  3. I had mirrors with turn signals on both sides of the mirrors. Red LEDs in the mirrored glass and amber LEDs on the back chrome side. The amber LEDs also were running lights. Loved them!
  4. I like that line! That's what I'll tell the doctor, yes I'm exercising.
  5. I got the results from my visit to the Cleveland Clinic. My eye exam was at the Cole Institute and had a lady doc who was very nice. She said that my eyes are in good shape and no optic nerve problems. She feels the dizziness and blurred vision are a result of the headaches and hope the MRI will show something. Got the MRI results of my spine and the doctor said I have another protruding disk and other degenerative disks in my back and also in my neck which is the cause of the headaches and vision problems. Does not recommend surgery, just medication and some exercises and of course less FOOD, like ice cream! yea right! I tried driving in the daylight but when sunny it's real bad. I won't even think about night driving.
  6. Yes the twins are premies. They had to be taken 2 months early by emergency c-section. One was taking the blood from the other and my daughter got HUGE and I mean HUGE in just 2 weeks. She was mimicing the twins problems. One weighed 3 lbs 6 oz and the other 2 lbs 8 oz. The big one with all the blood needed a saline transfusion and the small one needed a blood transfusion. They are both doing better now but before released they must be able to go thru 5 days without any problems We thought one might have come home today but doctor said not yet. Here's a pic of both of them on their dads lap.
  7. Thanks Cindy, Great PICS. Wish I was there.
  8. Not boring to me either! We are waiting for our twin grandsons to get healthy and bigger and then be released from the hospital.
  9. FANTASTIC! :thumbsup: That's so GREAT. :dancefool::ice_awesome-vi46644
  10. You and me both, Yammer!
  11. Sure glad you both are OK. That's terrible when this happens and even worse on a new bike. But it can be repaired. Better that you walked away from it.
  12. You got it. Prayers sent from here.
  13. You got it. Prayers sent from her.
  14. Nice pictures, thanks. Looks like a great day at MD.
  15. VERY SHARP!:thumbsup:
  16. Squidley, welcome to OHIO! Sure wish I was coming to MD to see everyone. Please give my best to ALL. Have a great weekend working on all those bikes, ride safely and eat to your hearts content. Love all you guys. What a great family venturerider.org is!!!
  17. I had one put in "my bike" years ago. I actually put in a TRI-BAR Headlight and also put in TRI-BAR Driving lights. My bike is now gradona's.
  18. Would you PLEASE drop some off at my house on the way to MD!!!
  20. Prayers sent
  21. I'm off to The Cleveland Clinic tomorrow for a Neurological Opthamology apt and then a MRI on my spine. Trying to figure out why I have no feeling in my fingers and feet. Also why everything is blurring and then the headaches. So if you see my driving, I would advise you to get out of my way! The GOOD news is my twin grandsons are improving day by day. They are back to their birth weight and Ethan is off the respirator. They are 4 weeks old now and hopefully only another 4 till they go home.
  22. The new insight does look nice but then again so is the Prius.
  23. Just listed a Phantom Radar / Scrambler Detector in the Classifieds and will entertain ANY OFFERS :scared:on all the other items I have in the classifieds.
  24. beautiful set-up!
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