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Everything posted by Crash

  1. I like it!
  2. Marcie and I have also been thinking about you. Glad all is going as expected. Love to you and Family.
  3. Can you print from the ipad?
  4. As said before, sure glad you guys walked away from that accident.
  5. Good luck Don, we'll be praying for you and keeping you in our thoughts.
  6. The Ohio State Buckeyes http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af193/gdingy101/Brutus.jpg :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
  7. Does anyone know what is the best deal for XM Sirius Radio for a yearly subscription? And what do you get? Thanks.
  8. SWEET....Enjoy!
  9. Congrats! Like Squidley said "the fun BEGINS" Take it from one that knows. BTW, we have our TWINS with us this week. Last week we had Avery, she ust turned 4 and the week before we had ALL 3. WOW! The reason we are watching them so much right now is that the other grand dad just had back surgery so he's a little busy at the present recovering.
  10. I sure miss my bike. Miss riding in this beautiful weather. Sure missed coming to M. Day at Don's and seeing everyone. This really SUCKS. Just had to vent.
  11. You got it. Good luck on the surgery and see you back here real soon.
  12. Fantastic Pictures. Made me feel like I was there!!
  13. Wishing everyone safe riding to and from M D. Have a great time, wish I was coming.
  14. Your bike looks BEAUTIFUL. And I sure do miss mine. Have fun at MD and ride safe.
  15. Very good looking Charlie. Be safe coming to the States. Sorry I won't be there.
  16. Remove it from the base and get a new post from hardware store or dealer and J B Weld it in. Then get wing nuts for both studs and 2 small pieces of plastic tubing to go o er the studs to prevent the wing nuts from vibrating o:big-grin-emoticon:ff. No wrench needed!
  17. Glad tto hear you are doing better
  18. Then the baby on the left should too, cuz they're identical.
  19. My sister made these t shirts for Avery, Ethan and Logan. BTW, Ethan is a minute older than Logan... that being..........ENLARGE to see read.
  20. Prayers sent
  21. Brad, that's absolutely FANTASTIC. NO ONE DESERVES IT MORE.
  22. NEED MORE PRAYERS for the TWINS Our 10 month old twin boys, Ethan and Logan had their MRIs on their brains Monday (Logan) and today (Ethan). We are waiting to hear about Logan's results but did get Ethan's and he has Periventricular leukomalacia. http://www.answers.com/topic/periven...r-leukomalacia PLEASE keep Ethan, Logan, Avery the 3 1/2 year old BIG sister and their mom, Shannon and dad, Keith in your PRAYERS. __________________ And knee replacement surgery for me in 2 weeks!
  23. :thumbsup:FANTASTIC
  24. I've had packages left at a different street but the correct address number. These were huge rugs. The company reshipped them so our "friends" on the other street are enjoying our rugs.
  25. Hey Charlie, since I still can't ride maybe you can pick me up on the way to MD and I can sit in the trailer, therefore putting it to good use.
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