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About jiminohio

  • Birthday December 21

Personal Information

  • Name
    Jim Simonson


  • Location
    Patterson NY, United States


  • City
    Patterson NY


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 RSV
  1. It wasn't terribly romantic on my part. I was in the ICU, it was her birthday, and I said "You know that ring you like? Why not go get it." No date has been set yet. She wants me to dance at the wedding. As if I could dance before. Thats why I have a band.
  2. First, thanks again to all of you for your prayers, messages of support and general well wishes. It meant quite alot knowing you guys were sending positive thoughts while I was getting the finest treatment Wheeling, WV has to offer. Its been two and a half months since the accident. I'm still at home, and still not allowed to put any weight on the leg (turns out I had 8 breaks, femur to foot). I still have some open wounds, and my foot is still the size and color of a small holiday ham. On the plus side, I am now allowed to try walking with crutches, can sit in the front seat of the car like a big boy, and I returned to playing keyboards with my band, after lowering my equipment. My one month old venture was totaled and bought by the insurance company, (at a profit!) I'm going to wait until I'm healed before getting a replacement. My girlfriend has been an angel through all of this, so while in ICU the second time, I asked her to marry me. Surprisingly, she wants me to get another cycle. So while not currently a venture owner, I plan on still being a venture rider. By the way, I have two of the Yamaha headsets, never used, that I'm offering for sale. I'll post details in the correct forum. Wishing y'all a great holiday season, Jim
  3. After two weeks, and six operations, I was allowed to leave the hospital today. My next doctor's visit won't be for a week, so I am thankfully allowed to just rest at home. I want to thank all of you for your messages of support, public and private. While I have never been the most emotional guy on the planet, your prayers and well wishes have touched me very deeply and have helped me to change the way I view life overall. (and for the record, I'm not on morphine now Thank you all once again. Jim
  4. I will make this short until the drugs let me become more coherent. Last friday, Moundsville, WV, 745 pm. crossing through an intersection at 30 mph, I was hit by a 16 year old girl who failed to check or slow down to turn left. direct hit to my left leg. knocked me off my 07 rsv, which continued 120 yards down road with out me. "damn fine bike," I thought to myself watching her drive away as if I was still on her, as I lay on the road. Fractured thigh now has a rod through it, shin had a carbon fiber and titanium external fixture to hold it all together, changed to a rod this morning, ankle and foot both broken, three huge gashes with black foam to pump out fluids. Thanks to helmet and Joe Rocket Ballistic, rest of me is OK. Just arranged for wi-fi in the ICU, where it appears I will be for a while.
  5. The iPod does play mp3s, as well as aac, wav, aiff, and "apple lossless". The iTunes software will import files to whichever of those formats you prefer, using the importing settings under the advanced tab of the preferences.
  6. Hi all. New member here, but I had to chime in. Running a "large" ipod mounted to your scoot will eventually kill the drive inside. I speak from experience. Fortunately, I fix macs for a living, so I swapped the drive for a new one. If you have a nano or a shuffle, there is no internal drive to vibrate, so no need to worry about the drive. Just avoid riding supercross.
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