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About Scifiman

  • Birthday 12/09/1965

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  • Location
    Frankford, Ontario Canada


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  • Interests
    Star Trek
  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Yamaha Royal Star Venture


  • Occupation
    Retired Auto Worker

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  1. Put these on last week and they work as advertised. A bit surprised at how the pressure really climbs on the rear at highway speeds but all is well. No plans on changing my cold psi, 40 front and 41 rear, rear can climb to around 48 at highway speeds but I suppose it always did that, the tpms just makes me aware of it is all. Saved me checking pressure all the time, worth the coin.
  2. E4 rear has been discontinued, contact Platinum Powersports in Clinton Ontario, they still had a stack on hand last month, they will ship to you fairly quicky, that is where I got mine from, you can contact them thru their Facebook page as well. https://www.facebook.com/donald.broadfoot You can message Donald direct thru messenger and he can set you up, if he still has some left that is. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Gotta luv living in Canada, poof $100 becomes $195 just like that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Had the Elite 4s installed a month ago, have run up about 3500 kms on then so far and I must say I am impressed, nice smooth quiet ride, just as good if not better than my old E3s. The Elite 4s excel on wet pavement, heavy rain, only con I have noticed so far is that center tread on the front tire, which I believe gives it the edge in wet conditions, has a nasty tendency to grab tar snakes, I knew this going in so not too much of a bother, I generally try to avoid them to begin with. Here is to hopefully another 35,000 kms. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Well well, it took a bit of searching, lots of phone calls and a bit of luck but came across a powersports shop about 3 hours from me that has a stack of Elite 4s, they are shipping them to me as I type this. A happy camper I am. Glad I hadn’t ordered anything else ahead of time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Yep, they tell me the 150/90-15 is not available in an E4
  7. Yamaha Dealer, Blackstock Motorsports. Blackstock Ontario Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Tire Time. Well my E3s have reached the end of the road, I have over 41,000km (25,000 miles) on them, they have been great so went to order a set of Elite 4s only to find that they have discontinued the rear tire, now I know everyone has a tire opinion, dealer says my matched pair available options are Dunlop D404, Bridgestone G702/703 or Avon Cobras, I was wanting to stick with Dunlop but the D404 reviews leave something to be desired. Any comments or opinions would be appreciated. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Have E3s on my 08, brought the tire pressure up to max, so I run 40psi, slow ride was much improved and tire wear seems even and good, have 40km on them so far with lots of life left, was going to change front to 130 but didn’t want to sacrifice high speed handling. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-die-f4d3d9cd99ca The above article was originally posted March 10th, so 11 days ago with the latest update being on March 19th. Interesting read for sure, but it shows how even a communist country with the power and ability to basically place 70 million citizens under house quarantine for close to 2 months was not able to contain this bug, for the governments of Canada or the US such a lock down is probably not even possible and even if it is our governments have waited too long. I was one of the ones who didn't believe this was any big deal, I bought what the WHO was selling, that this was no worse than the Flu, no need to close borders or restrict movement, well you don't have to look any further than videos and images coming out of Italy to understand why the WHO is no longer sticking with their original song and dance, when people get the Flu they know it, they show symptoms fairly quickly, well not with this bug, some reports you can be infected and show no symptoms for up to 10 days while you are playing 'Typhoid Mary' and infecting all your friends, relatives, and co-workers. The media does have a habit of blowing things out of proportion, not this time. We don't have near enough ventilators for the number of people projected to be critical and in need of one. There is my 2 cents, I will get off the soap box now.
  11. Nice! Glad to hear it worked out.
  12. I just upgraded my PC from Windows 7 to 10 due to them dropping support, was reluctant at first as I was comfortable with 7 but seeing as we have been using 10 at work for some time now I wasn't too worried. Couple of nice surprises along the way, first being that you can still download the Windows upgrade from Microsoft for free, Microsoft claims to not offer a free upgrade at this time however they failed to disable the option on their website, the following article link showing you how to upgrade for free was posted back on the second week of December, I performed this free a couple of weeks ago with no issues, you might want to check it out and save yourself some coin. https://www.cnet.com/how-to/upgrade-to-windows-10-free-heres-how/ Second surprise was my 12 year old PC, (ancient in the computer world), it had been givings me fits and starts, slowdowns as well as the occasional lockups for sometime now and I was planning on a PC upgrade, however since I switched to 10 the system is running much faster and smoother with no lockups, now it has only been 2 weeks but so far I am impressed, PC upgrade may be on hold for a bit.
  13. Hey there. Still riding the 08 Venture, take it out every chance I get, still luvin the couch on wheels. New Venturerider cap would come in handy!
  14. Yep, checked when I got home last night and the water temp and oil lights pop on when I hit the starter, so only bulb out in mine is the high beam indicator which I can live without. Thanks guys. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Out on a ride today and noticed that my high beam dash lights is no longer working, then I realized that I haven’t seen many of my idiot lights light up lately, can’t remember if they used to flash on when turning on the key. Would be odd if they had mostly burnt out, only one that flashes in at startup is the engine light, this is an 08 RSV, are they not suppose to come on at startup? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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