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Everything posted by cecdoo

  1. Cool beans, glad they got you fixed up:clap2: Craig
  2. Great news, really happy for ya Brad, been there myself. Craig
  3. If everyone wants to do Gettysburg in the spring I will look at putting something together, but I cant schedule it till beginning of May? Dont know how that works for everyone? Craig
  4. I bought one of these last year, you can find them for about 15 bucks, It worked great, sound quality and volume were as good as the radio. The unit itself is a little cheesy about the same quality as a cheap cassette, but it worked just fine, and no wires, only downside I found was it is basically just random play, but I could live with that. Only reason I quit using it was my GPS has the built in MP3. For 15bucks ya cant go wrong. Craig
  5. I also have a mild blockage, did you have a heart cath to confirm? I get a yearly once over, nuclear stress test, heart ultrasound and other tests, I have hi Chol./Trig and a bad family history, Craig
  6. Thanks, very well done!
  7. All the best Taters:fingers-crossed-emo Craig
  8. Sorry for your loss, will keep you and his family in our thoughts..... Craig
  9. Yep me Too:sign yeah that: Craig
  10. Sorry to hear this Tom, give Taters our best wishes for a speedy recovery, Take care, Craig
  11. Honda CB350 dark green, nice little bike.
  12. Looks like the inventor is one of our members:clap2: Craig
  13. Exactly my problem, I have the dvd and have watched it quite a few times, I am not ready to drop my bike making tight turns, I would love to be able to do it, but not at the expense of trashing my bike. It would be great to take the course on a beater bike or one equiped to handle any fall. Like I said I admire the guys who do it and would like to be able to, but I aint crashing my bike to get there. Guess I just keep practicing. Craig
  14. Hey Earl thanks for putting these kits together I am interested in one, I guess I missed it but how do I pay? Do you have paypal? Also on a side note are you going to maint day at Dons, bet you could make some $$$$ installing these kits there? Let me know how to pay ya. Thanks Craig
  15. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that: Craig
  16. Ordered 2 pickem up at your place. Thanks Craig
  17. 3500psi Powerwasher outta work too:yikes: Craig
  18. I just spray Honda Polish on a rag and start wiping. Craig
  19. I aint any taller than you, I always just sat on the seat and rocked it a few times till it fell forward off the stand. Worked for me and I never dropped that 1st gen. Craig
  20. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that:
  21. Thanks for the pics, looks like a great time, guess I'm gonna have to move south, we even have family in New Orleans. Craig
  22. Hey Bob, I am enjoying your trip reports, I am riding rite along with you in spirit, as it snows and blows like H%$# here. Hope ya have a safe trip and keep the updates coming. Craig
  23. Hope it all works out Gerald, sounds pretty good so far:fingers-crossed-emo Craig
  24. its the best feeling in the world!! Having grandkids fighting over your lap. Craig
  25. Bike looks great Jerry, is it a Pearl White? see ya in the spring, Craig
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