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Everything posted by cecdoo

  1. My Ventures are the first bikes I have ever owned with a wind shield, I still have a bike with no shield and I enjoy riding it on a warm summer day, but I could never put the miles on that bike that I can with my venture on a long trip. With no shield you get clean air pushing straight at you, with the wrong size shield you get more buffetting and wind noise then no shield at all. I tried cutting an old shield down to about 6" thought it really looked cool, it lasted about 10 min on my bike, buffetting was terrible, I have the biggest clearveiw because it gives the best air protection for my wife, the happier she is the more she wants to ride. Craig
  2. Would hate to see you part it out if its as nice as you say, I have an 85 Madura, its the cades little brother, 1200ccs vs cades 1400 ccs if you go on the delphi forums, on the Madura board there is a guy that knows the cade inside and out and he is very willing to share his knowledge, really a great guy. Rob is his name he is one of the moderators. Let me know if I can help. Craig
  3. These bikes have separate oil in the secondary, the trans does not get lubed by the engine oil. Its very important to check and maintain the secondary fluid. The plug you are talking about is in the secondary unit. The fill drain area is behind the small cover on the left side of bike on the engine, it has 4 screws holding the cover on. They are great bikes. Craig
  4. Glad to hear she is alrite, all the best to the two of you. Craig
  5. Hope ya have a great day!!! Craig
  6. I just rest my hand lightly on the throttle, the slight movement has never been a problem for me? Craig
  7. I started on a cb350 great little bike, enjoy every minute you get to spend with her, gonna be a great project, I am sure she will remember the time you two spend working on the bike forever:thumbsup: Craig
  8. Marker is fine , but I would be happy to add our names to the rsvp list for ya. Looking forward to meeting you two:thumbsup: Craig
  9. You live in Ohio and you are leaving for NY on MD:think:
  10. Yep we were there, this guy really went out of his way for us! I would consider giving him the business:thumbsup: Craig
  11. Thanks for the reminder, I renewed again even tho you deleted my "Beaver" post:rasberry: Craig
  12. Hope ya have a great day!!! Craig
  13. Great looking family, I would recognize "Barney" anywhere LOL
  14. And its definetly a 'chick magnet":rasberry: Craig
  15. Best of luck to ya, hope all goes well with the surgery and you are good as new for the riding season. Enjoy your time off:080402gudl_prv: Craig
  16. Will keep you in our thoughts Don, hopefully all will go well and you will be back on your feet in no time, My Dad had PC so I get checked every year, glad they caught yours early. All the best, Craig
  17. Thanks for the updates and pics, am enjoying following your travels, have a great trip and say hey to "cupcake" for me:thumbsup: Craig
  18. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that: Craig
  19. Dont forget Whiteface Mtn and Lake Placid, then head to the Ferry, Ben and Jerrys in Vt is worth the trip. If ya get into SE Pa give me a call. Craig
  20. Hope you all have a great day:thumbsup: Craig
  21. Hope ya have a great day!! Craig
  22. Will keep him in our thoughts, hopefully he is doing better each day. Craig
  23. Wife and I will be up for some Peanut Butter Ice Cream, count us in! Craig
  24. I'll be interested in hearing how the f4 compares, I currently have the tallest clearveiw w/vent:080402gudl_prv: Craig
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