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Everything posted by cecdoo

  1. Hope ya have a great day!!!!!
  2. :wow:How did you find the time to take those great pics! Thanks
  3. Thanks Al
  4. Cool Video:thumbsup: Thanks, Craig
  5. Thank You Don and Eilleen, it was an awesome event. Every year it just keeps getting bigger and better, I know it is an awful lot of work and I just wanted to let you know it is appreciated. Thanks Hummingbird the ice cream was great too! Cant wait till next year! Craig
  6. We made it home around 4 as well, Thank You Don and Eileen you guys really know how to throw a party:thumbsup: it was awesome!!! The Jonas bike ran Flawless all the way home, smooth as silk and averaged about 42mpg @ 70mph on the speedo. The new shoes really held nice, I am sure Jonas is gonna be very thankful to all that helped with his bike. It was a long winter and a wet spring so it was so great to see all my old friends and get the chance to make some new friends as well. Without a doubt one of the nicest weekends of the year. Craig
  7. We are in beautiful downtown Elyria, what happened to the Micky D's:think::think:
  8. Me too:thumbsup:
  9. Hope ya have a great day!!!! Craig
  10. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that:
  11. Glad to hear you are back hitting on all 4 cylinders, also glad its not going to affect your trip:thumbsup:. You are a pretty lucky guy to catch it before you had an attack. See ya soon. Craig
  12. Looks like a great time, thanks for the pics:thumbsup: Craig
  13. I ride the Pa turnpike alot, I put a set of steble airhorns on mine, whenever I am passing someone my thumb is on the horn button as soon as I see their front tires cross the center line they get a blast. Seems to work pretty well for me. Craig
  14. Hey Randy, maybe with all the cancellations there mite be room for ya at the comfort in:fingers-crossed-emo Craig
  15. Cool Beans!!!! See ya soon:fingers-crossed-emo Craig
  16. My thoughts are with you and your family, all the best at this difficult time. Craig
  17. Great Pics, thanks for sharing:thumbsup: Craig
  18. Sounds like a great adventure, keep us updated if you can, Craig
  19. cecdoo


    Has anyone heard from Jonas since the Volcano erupted in Iceland? I sent him a PM to see if he was ok, and if he was affected at all, havent heard anything. Hope he and his family are ok and he doesnt have too much cleaning up to do:fingers-crossed-emo Craig
  20. I had I basket installed in my 06, it helped, maybe a 60% reduction in noise? When I first got my bike the whine drove me crazy, I was just like you, if I cant fix this the bike is going. A few guys on the site said dont worry about it, you get use to it:think: I really didnt care for that answer, just as I am sure you wont, but they were rite! After awhile you wont even notice that noise, I would give the basket a try tho. Craig
  21. Hey dont forget I gotta drive that thing across Pa. I think pink mite clash with my outfit:bawling: Craig
  22. Hope ya have a great one!!! Craig
  23. Very sorry to hear this, will keep the family in our thoughts. Craig
  24. Hope ya have a great day!! Craig
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