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Everything posted by cecdoo

  1. Hey Bob, let me know if I can help ya in any way with your plans. Craig
  2. The woman is a "Saint":innocent-emoticon: Craig
  3. Hope that May 30th day sticks, it works great for me:happy65: Craig
  4. Hey whats the weather like down that way, low/high temps? Mite just get one last ride in this year? Just maybe, if the weather cooperates. Craig
  5. Congrats Lou, nice clean looking scoot, hope you really enjoy it, have fun in Fla. guess a Hooters run is in order. Craig
  6. Hey I aint laughing, I think you mite be onto something, Craig
  7. Guilty as charged, I plead ignorance, I cant get them to load I guess they need to be re-sized? When I get some free time I really got to learn how to do this shX%$#@t. Craig
  8. Around 11K, was out today, if it stays nice mite get a few more, Craig
  9. Boy I hope you are wrong about that long winter?? But it sure got cold quick we had a very hard frost the other morning, had to scrape the windshield. Craig
  10. Congrats Gerald and Ramona, jeez I didnt think you guys were old enuff to be married that long, you must have robbed the cradle:think: Craig
  11. You sure you want to use Naked Rider and "peanut" in the same sentence:nanner:Craig
  12. Congrats on the new ride, looks like a beauty, good luck, Craig
  13. Hey Scott, glad to hear you got a chance to enjoy Pa rt 6, I seem to remember another wedding Sherry crashed:big-grin-emoticon: When you do the eastern part of rt 6 let me know, I 'll ride up to meet you. Craig
  14. Good to hear from you again, I was wondering what happened to you:confused24: Craig
  15. Got mine today also:thumbsup2: Craig
  16. Way to Go!! Bike looks really sweet. Bet that trophy is going rite in the livingroom. Congrats:thumbsup2: Craig
  17. Great pics, thanks for sharing, sorry I coulnt make that one. Craig
  18. Yeah we missed you guys, next time??
  19. Thanks to Gary, Jeff, Bev, Chris and Dave for a great afternoon, the sky was clear blue, the sunshine warming and the roads and scenery were beautiful. Thanks for desert Chris, hope everyone makes it home safely. Craig:fingers-crossed-emo
  20. Hate to hear about anyone crashing, but glad you werent banged up too badly. Take care and heal quick. Craig
  21. Sounds like a great ride for a good cause, I think you deserve a pass on the St Jude ride. It was a nice thing you guys did!! Sorry to hear about the spill glad it wasnt worse. Craig
  22. Yeah I guess it would:whistling: Craig
  23. Listed in the classifieds under 2nd gen parts for sale, or Larry will contact you with info, They are great, and Larry is a super good guy. Craig
  24. Went thru it last year with our daughter, We have Erie and their rates are great except they dont like new drivers, it actually ended up being cheaper for her to have her own policy? Which I still dont understand and no one has been able to explain to me? It is a pain and between gas and ins. the poor kids are getting hammered. I do believe in letting them pay for ins. and gas, I help out with the maint. Good Luck and I would be interested in how you make out. Craig
  25. Sounds like a great trip, ride safe, I will ask the weather gods to help you out:big-grin-emoticon: Craig
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