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Everything posted by cecdoo

  1. Get the xxl clearveiw shield, your wife will love it!! Craig
  2. Nice Job!!!!! Craig
  3. cecdoo

    Im Safe

    Thanks for the update Clay, and Thank You for your service, stay safe buddy, I look forward to shaking your hand, Craig
  4. All the best tommorrow Gary, good luck!! I guess this means you are gonna win the contest:banana: Craig
  5. I think you need to find for sale adds for bikes that are the same as yours. Find as many as you can, you could show them to your adjuster to prove what it would cost you to replace your bike. That silver is a "rare" color, of course try to find as many high priced bikes as you can. Good Luck, Craig
  6. I could get ya goin:rasberry: but outta respect for Don's short fuse during his "kick the habit" I am gonna just let this go, sure sounds like you are looking for someone to get you riled up though:rasberry: Just kidding, whats the wife think of the "new Bill" Craig
  7. Really sorry to hear about this Randy, hopefully they can figure out what is causing the headaches and get you fixed up and healthy, I watched you working on those bikes at MD I can tell you aint the kind of guy that likes to sit around. Take Care, Craig
  8. Well I did pick up on the "stroke" reference, one thing I have learned on this forum is that Don is a very smart and thoughtful guy. I am pretty sure he took the stroke warning pretty seriously and I doubt I could have added anything he hasnt thought of. I have very high Chol. and Trigl. and the dr telling me I was gonna drop of a heart attack didnt really scare me much, but when he told me of my risk of stroke, that got my attention, there is no way I want my wife wheeling me around in a wheelchair with a dribble bib. So I guess my advice to you Don, is to do whatever you gotta do to avoid another of those little strokes. You have got one helluva a lot to hang around for. Good Luck, Craig
  9. Hey just remember on those polishes a little goes a long way, esp. on a motorcycle, that stuff could last you for years, Mite want to try that one on the wife, gotta be better than that "make-up" crack:thumbsup2: Craig
  10. Hang in there Don, if it was easy anybody could do it. They say its the hardest habit to kick. Hope it gets alittle easier each day, you can do it! Now if only I could get my chocolate addiction under control?? Craig
  11. Really sorry to hear about your crash, glad you could walk away from it. Hopefully you will heal up quick and the Ins. will take care of you. Good luck, Craig
  12. We have been getting the winds as well, bunch of tree limbs down, junk everywhere, sorry to hear about the bikes Dan, hopefully you can get them untangled and back on there stands. Hang in there buddy its gonna be spring soon!! Craig
  13. Thanks, I really enjoyed that, I have a 17 yr old daughter, I can relate. Craig
  14. Hey Cougar, I'll take that chrome cover if its still avail. let me know how to get you the$$$ paypal worx for me. Craig
  15. Just sent my pillow top off today, cant wait to be able to touch the ground:rotf: I had him re-do my 1st gen seat a few years ago, it really helped my wife enjoy the ride. Like all have said Rick is a good guy and he does a great job. Craig
  16. Take it one day at a time Pete, All the best in your recovery. Craig
  17. I had the same problem, sent my seat down to Rick Butler you can find his ad in our classifieds. He will cut your seat down and narrow it at the neck, it will get you about 1.5" lower. Then get a pair of boots with a thick sole and big heel. Then just practice putting your left foot down at stops and you're good to go. Craig
  18. Hey Curt I was wondering what the H@#LL happened to you, you came on here like gang busters and then disapeared. Glad to hear business has been good and you're keeping busy, sorry to hear about the fall:scared: Hope you heal up quick, take care, Craig
  19. Well I gotta say I feel the same way you do, I watched a few guys work their tails off from morning till nite in some pretty nasty heat the last 2 years. It seems to get bigger every year with more folks wanting more work done. I havent felt it was my place to say anything since I wasnt doing the work. I know Don and his wife probably spend the week before just getting ready for this event, and then a few days after cleaning up, would be nice if everyone could relax alittle and BS. Just my 2cents:think: Craig
  20. You're a lucky guy, wish my wife would kidnap me and take me to the Keys:parrots: Have a blast!!! are you taking the bike? Man I am so jealous. Craig
  21. Sorry to hear about your Dad, it must have been quite a shock! May he RIP. Craig
  22. Wonder if a heat lamp would work, or one of those little cube heaters? just thinking out loud. Craig
  23. Honda Polish, windshield, chrome, paint, tires, seat, it does a great job. Spray it on, wipe it off. Craig
  24. Mr Buffet bought 300 million in Bonds set to mature in 2014 paying 15%. Cash is King:mo money: Craig
  25. Way to step up Ron:thumbsup2: Craig
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