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Everything posted by cecdoo

  1. Boy if you are trying to stay on her good side, I think you are going about it all wrong:think: Glad to hear you are doing well. Take care, Craig
  2. Nobody cares as much about this as you do, so you need to keep them honest, I wouldnt feel bad about that. The APA got caught in a lie thats on him, he lost some credability, thats also on him he sounds like a lazy sob looking for an easy way out. If he isnt wiling to tell the truth and fight hard for your family, find someone who is. Good Luck, Hey did dale and haylie catch any fish?? Craig
  3. Welcome to the gang, looks like you found a really nice one! I am sure you are gonna love it. Looks like some pretty country to ride in too. Have fun. Craig
  4. Ok, How is Mom doin?? Hopefully she is ok??? Craig
  5. Dale, I hope you and Haylie have the best day fishing tommorrow, you certainly deserve it. Take care, Craig
  6. Looks like you guys had a great time, I like the batwing. Craig
  7. I think anyone who has ever met you knows you are a sweetheart and would never do anything to intentionally upset anyone. I like your handle just the way it is. Craig
  8. I have a garmin nuvi 750 but there are lots in the nuvi line, its a widescreen works great, has the mp3 and fm pickup and you can get one under $200. Ram mounts under left mirror stem its a nice set-up at a reasonable cost. Craig
  9. I wonder if the products you are using are causing the problem? I dont think the seats are leather, the stock seats are vinyl. I also have an 06, no problems yet. Craig
  10. Cindi, you Dale and Haylie are in our thoughts everyday, I cant even imagine being in your position, your strength and grace are amazing. I hate to see your family in so much pain I only wish there was more I could do. Take care, Craig
  11. Glad to hear you are ok! Ya hear alot about Dogs and deer but this is the first cow collision, guess I better start watching for them too! Craig
  12. Great to see you again, glad to see the ointments working:happy34: Craig
  13. Hi Amy, Welcome to the family, I cant answer your question but if you look at the bottom of this page there is a box marked similar threads, click on that top thread and read down thru, there mite be some help there. If not repost this thread or bump it up to the top. There are so many members threads get lost quickly, hang in there someone will help you. Craig
  14. Hoping they have some good news for you guys. Good Luck, Craig
  15. It would be great to have La show up in Pa. He is welcome here anytime. Craig
  16. Looks like it was a great time, one of these days I'll get down there! Craig
  17. Glad you two are ok, alittle sore but ok, hope Angie has a speedy recovery. Take care, Craig
  18. Hey you already took care of my seat, but it would be great to finally meet you:thumbsup: Craig
  19. Wish I was closer Bob, sounds like fun. Craig
  20. If you look to the left of your first post, you will see the Main Menu area, look down about 5 topics and there is VR Tech section. Craig
  21. Looks great, enjoy that new ride:thumbsup: Craig
  22. Somebody must like HD, the stock went from a low of $8 and change to over $16 in a month:fingers-crossed-emo Craig
  23. Nice looking bike Eck, I am happy for ya, hope you have a great ride home. Craig
  24. Brad, I'll keep you Lonna and her Mom in my thoughts, hopefully Lonna will have an uneventful trip and Mom will be doing better each day, guess you are gonna be s%$t outta cheesecake for awhile! Craig
  25. My Dad use to say "If it aint broke, dont fix it" words to live by:rasberry: Craig, Glad to see your brother finally made it home:thumbsup2:
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