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Everything posted by cecdoo

  1. Really sorry to hear about the crash, hopefully they can get the bike fixed up or replaced quick. Good Luck Craig
  2. Rick, I was looking forward to meeting you and shaking your hand but every time I went back to the hut, you had more admirers than Paris Hilton, I tried on 2 or 3 occasions to say hello but you were surrounded and busier then a one armed paper hanger with crabs. Anyway look forward to meeting you one of these days and thanks for the work you have done on my 1st and 2nd gen seats. Craig
  3. We filled up in N. ridgeville Ohio got rite on Ohio TP, set cruise at 75mph indicated on stock speedo, up hills down hills only stopped 2 times for toll booths on TP pulled in for gas on Pa TP 222 miles later, took exactly 5 gal. I put Iridium plugs in before we left and Rotella Synth. oil. 2 up loaded, with xl clearview. Damn tolls cost more than the gas:crying: Side note that was the longest non-stop ride for my wife, getting her in shape for Asheville:thumbsup2: Craig
  4. Oh Exorcism I thought you said circumsicion.... Never mind:Laugh: Craig
  5. I too am self-employed, and there is a BIG difference, nobody sends me a check every week when the phone dont ring:soapbox: Craig
  6. Nice pics Peggy, great to see you guys again. Hopefully we will see you at the Skid Inn. Craig
  7. Dont give Eck any ideas!!
  8. Happy for you two, you sure make beautiful little girls, uh o 2 weddings to pay for, there goes retirement:crying: Craig
  9. Great pics Ian, it was nice to meet you and your wife, hope to see you at the next event. Craig
  10. Hang in there Kenny, we will keep you in our thoughts, hope they get you back in shape quick. Take care and listen to the Drs. Craig:fingers-crossed-emo
  11. Hang in there buddy, better days are coming, missed you at MD hope to see ya at the Skid Inn. Craig
  12. Wow Bob, I cant even believe this!! Glad to hear you and Becky are fine. Hopefully they get you all fixed up quick!! Great seeing you guys again. Craig
  13. That was great Bubba is quite the intellect, he was telling me about his 2 brothers Darryl and ...... Craig
  14. We just made it home, Thanks to you, Eileen and Dylan for hosting this party, it just keeps getting bigger and better every year. It was great to get together with old friends and really nice to meet alot of new ones, hope I can remember everyones names?? Special thanks to Riderduke and Brad who hooked me up with a new guardian bell, it did its job on the TP with a 75-0 panic stop, I shot off the rite shoulder the tractor trailer behind me shot off the left and all was well, think Kim mite need to clean her shorts!! Just a great event we had a blast, Thanks again. Craig:thumbsup:
  15. Dont know about that specific tire, but I have run Coopers on my cars and trucks never had any problems with them. Craig
  16. If you are gonna do any work on your bike Larry's stand is the way to go. Well worth the price. Get the one with the legs. Craig
  17. Great story, thanks for sharing! Sounds like it worked out perfect, weather was beautiful and the grounds and house look great. Hope both couples have a long and happy life ahead. Craig
  18. Seems to be hot topic lately, I used the Rotella Synth. for the first time in my bike this year 06 with 24K I definetly hear the whine alot more and it seems to get worse the hotter the engine gets. I am gonna switch back to dino after MD. I had the "I" basket put in last year it helped some, It will be interesting to hear what others have to say. Craig
  19. I dont have any trouble sliding that chrome trim off, I could probably swap shields in 10 mins. Your magnet idea sounds great or even some heavy duty velcro. Good Luck. Craig
  20. Wish I could Bob, but we cant leave till sat, see ya there!! Craig
  21. Yea I was wondering if it was just in our area, picked up 2 cans @ $8.50 each the other day thats almost double what it was, mite have to look at the Berrymans B-12 alot cheaper. Wonder if it works as good? Craig
  22. Glad to hear the Drs fixed him up and he's still kicking. Hopefully a speedy recovery. Craig
  23. Hope you are rite Goose, I just took my bike to the dealer for the leaky shock and cracked left lower fairing, the service tech says he never heard of a bad shock?? and something must have hit and cracked my fairing?? so I asked him to call Yamaha and inquire as I know of other owners with the same problems that were fixed under warranty. He still hasnt gotten back to me? But he didnt seem real eager to get it taken care of? As he was checking service history on my bike he pointed out that the rear wheel and hub had been replaced in 06 under warranty?? Anyone else have the rear wheel replaced? Craig
  24. :sign bring it on:
  25. Looking forward to meeting you, I hope you enjoy every minute of your trip!! See ya saturday. Craig
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