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cecdoo last won the day on January 12 2024

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About cecdoo

  • Birthday 11/18/1952

Personal Information

  • Name
    Craig Englehart


  • Location
    Reading, PA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Motorcycles, Sea-Doos, traveling, Mtns and shore.
  • Bike Year and Model
    1985 Suzuki Madura, 2007 RSV Hannigan Trike

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  1. Ok, Thanks
  2. Ron, would you happen to have the 3 button radio controller that sits left side handle bars?
  3. Still have the Hannigan Trike and I still love it! Bucket List trip this fall took us to Needles hiway, Beartooth Pass, Chief Joseph Byway, Going to the Sun Rd. Million Dollar Hiway. Gets looks everywhere she goes.
  4. Werent many guys who could pull off pink chaps... RIP Jeff
  5. Hey Don, again a sincere THANK YOU! for all you do, I know it aint easy. I hate change, but know its inevitable, I will figure it out and in time come to like it. Thanks again. Craig
  6. That is one beautiful bike! Is all the chrome factory or was it added by previous owner. Thinking about going back to 2 wheels, that beauty could be a contender. Very Nice Craig
  7. Would like to express sincere condolences to his wife and family, I never met Dale and after reading his obituary it was certainly my loss. Seems like the kind of guy I would have hit it off with. I understand his decision to end his time on this earth on his own terms. I only hope the family can understand and find peace as well. RIP Dale sounds like you lived a wonderful life. Craig
  8. If you are on the short side, like me, you can get flatfoot on a gen 2 alot easier then 1st gen. I have owned both and was never real comfortable whenever I had both feet on the ground. Other then that I think seat/ride position is the biggest difference. Craig
  9. Glad to hear, you finally found both culprits, and it didnt cost you an arm and a leg. Craig
  10. Like Don, I cant be much help with wiring, but really looking forward to following your progress on build. All the best, Craig
  11. Ya gotta love those easy fixxes, and that one was cheap too! Craig
  12. Just throwing out ideas? New Battery, low charge or bad? How old was old battery, mite be a bad stator or voltage reg. Bad connections at ground points? Ignition switch bad? Sorry cant be more help. Craig
  13. Not an owner, but did do a fairly good test ride. I was doing 70mph in 3rd and it was just cruising along. I couldnt even figure out what 6th gear was for?? Could you be bogging the engine at too low rpms. The one I took out was more responsive then my RSV, alot more responsive. I did love the bike. I am sure you will get responses from actual owners in a bit. Craig
  14. Very Cool, Thanks for posting! Craig
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