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About lyleh

  • Birthday 01/11/1953

Personal Information

  • Name
    Lyle Hookom


  • Location
    Eden Prairie, MN, United States


  • City
    Eden Prairie


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Wood working, Golf
  • Bike Year and Model
    2001 XVZ13TF


  • Occupation
    Network and Database Administrator (retired)

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  1. I just received my new voltage regulator and the charging system is now working great! My thanks go out to Crazy Joe for his input and to this site for the great service it has supplied to my tech questions. Lyle
  2. Thanks for the call Joe, I really enjoyed talking with you. I did as you said and removed the radiator overflow container and found the connector when I was looking from the right side of the bike, not the left! The connections all looked good. The venture article you linked me to had a nice picture of it. Actually I had been referring to that article before and missed the stator connector pic. I am going to order a rectifier. Lyle
  3. Hi Crazy Joe, I have a question on locating the R/R connector and stator connector. My documentation says to remove the left side cover and possibly the inner cover then find the 3 pin stator connector with 3 white wires. I must be looking in the wrong spot as the only 3 wire connector I see is for the speedo, and the wires are not white. I have inserted a speed adjustment device inline with the speedo connector. I have attached a picture of what I am looking at. Would you let me know if I am looking in the correct spot, or where I should be looking. I did measure 12 volts on the connector at the rectifier and the pins look good. I really appreciated the quick response to my original post, and "thanks for your service"! Lyle
  4. I have a 2001 Yamaha Venture Royal Star with 114,000 miles on it. Today the bike quit on me and I determined that the battery is not being charged as the battery voltage does not increase past the 12vdc while revving the engine. I disconnected the cable from the rectifier and tested the diodes on all 3 pins and they check out fine according to documentation I found on this site. I also checked the 3 stator pins in the rectifier cable with the engine running and at idle they are around 25vac and when revved up they go to over 100vac. I am looking for input as to: · Are there other tests I could run? · If it is the generator would only the stator need replacing? · Do I need special tools to replace the stator? · Could it be the rectifier? · Something else I have not thought of? Thanks for any assistance, Lyle
  5. Thank you for the information!
  6. I am interested in getting a SpeedoDRD for my 2001 Royal Star Venture. My concern is where does the device plug in, where is the location of the connector? Does the device come with instructions on the connector location?
  7. I mounted my Zumo XT near the radio control. I tested orientation in both horizontal and vertical and prefer the vertical because in the horizontal position I could not see my left blinker light. For power I removed the gas tank and seat and routed the wires in the cabling channels directly to the battery. The garmin has its own fuse. The unit mounted with the hardware that was in the Garmin box.
  8. I have a 2001 Yamaha XVZ13TF . This winter I installed a Garmin Zumo XT on the bike. The Zumo when connected to my iPhone’s Bluetooth was useful for the mapping app on the Zumo, but not for any audio, YET. I then added a Bluetooth receiver to the bike which also connects to the Zumo. Now I can listen to my iPhones Music, SiriusXM, iHeartRadio, etc. thru the bikes headset or speakers. Adding the Bluetooth receiver also allowed me to receive and play, or read, text messages and voicemails on the Zumo. Without the Bluetooth receiver the Zumo will not accept these messages from the iPhone. I was not particularly interested in receiving messages as it is a distraction, but it is quite simple to click the notification and play them. To install the Bluetooth receiver I removed the front of the fairing and then unplugged the aux jack cable near the cassette player from the receiver amplifier. I then plugged the Bluetooth adapter into the aux input of the receiver, no adapters needed, very simple. For power I spliced the Bluetooth power wires into the 12v aux power port in the fairing. The adapter I purchased is an “NVX Universal Bluetooth Adapter - Waterproof Audio Receiver - Auto, Marine”. Spring has finally arrived and I took my first ride of the year with the new Garmin and Bluetooth and they worked wonderfully.
  9. Thanks, that’s what I’ll do. I’ll keep an eye on it afterwards.
  10. When removing the fuel tank from the MC I disconnected the fuel hose from the fuel valve and the brass tube that the hose connects to came out of the fuel valve and remained in the fuel hose. Can I just reinsert the brass tube in the fuel valve, or will that cause the valve to leak gas?
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