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Everything posted by Twenty7Delta

  1. That is the one thing I really don't get - I like being able to wear whatever I want. I actually busted out laughing the other day, I couldn't help myself. A guy was in the intersection in front of me and I usually don't care what anyone does, each to their own, but all of a sudden the harley jacket, harley helmet, harley glasses, harley boots, etc... seemed really funny. (my boots are harley, just don't tell anyone, k?) ;-) Is that the common channel? I wondered about that a while ago but never found anything, it's been decided then? I will keep mine on then!
  2. Wow! Glad you're OK, sounds like some warning signs at least should have been posted. Someone should get heck over that!
  3. Ride safe. Looking forward to hearing about your trip!
  4. I knew posting here would find my answer! Thanks. Guess I will stick with the fm transmitter then. Thanks for explaining the problem!!
  5. I added a y adapter to my AUX input as suggested here so that my garmin could be plugged in. I thought I would still be able to listen to my iPod through the AUX input by the cassette deck. Unfortunately, now when I plug my iPod in (even when the gps is off). The audio is extremely weak. I discovered by accident that if I touch the back off the iPod to the fuel filler cap that the audio is normal!! I need to take it all apart again. Perhaps my plug became disconnected while I taped it. It's weird though because I certainly tested it??? The grounding thing is really strange too... The gps audio is fine...
  6. Just wanted to pass on how much I enjoyed this movie. It has some Canadiana that might not translate but it's about a fellow diagnosed with cancer who takes off on a trip across Canada on a little Norton. I think it's just how much he learns about himself through the experiences and people he meets while travelling alone on two wheels that grabbed me. Check it out if you get a chance.
  7. I don't know Earl but feel bad about his injuries and hope he recovers soon!
  8. Thanks, got that part but voice in tapatalk would be cool...
  9. Speech recognition! No way, I hope they bring that to the iPhone, or perhaps I haven't found it yet... I use dragon dictation and search all the time to reduce typing...
  10. Bob Seger: Turn the Page
  11. For me, the advantages are it's much quicker, the navigation is easier too. I can view the boards on my browser but this app just show mr the posts and pics. It also work with the PMs and seems quicker than on the web.
  12. This tapatalk app is perfect! Good suggestion, posting with it now...
  13. I think there's a "cool app" thread on every forum I belong to!! The tapatalk app looks very cool, downloading now. There is a free one but that only allows reading, no posting... Thanks for the tip on the bikebandit app - I will check it out. My most used app is Evernote, which is free, it's a great repository for all notes and pdfs and photos and such. It syncs with my computer and is available on the web. It also has character recognition so if you take a photo of a post-it-note with Evernote it will scan it and recognize words so that it is searchable...
  14. sorry to hear what happened - hope you're back on your feet soon.
  15. What a great ride, crisp fall air, the harvest smells in the air, beautiful sunset and a nice (too short) chat with Rocket who brought my t-shirt back from Cody after I had to drop out. Thanks Rocket for doing that. Nothing like a 500 km ride in the fall evening to remind me how much I love this bike!!
  16. it must be a Canadian thing, I've had a few as well. Only two this year but my worst was years ago when I caught an owl in the chest - that was messy!!
  17. I've been thinking the same thing lately... I have ham radio on my bike, plus the gps, and the stereo... I like having them on a long trip but they are definitely distracting! I rode a WR250 the other day and had a blast. I wouldn't want to take it across country but it was a hoot to ride!
  18. I just rev it until the rev limiter kicks in and then shift. Trouble is you're way over the speed limit when you go to third.
  19. Did a ride to raise money for a local air ambulance organizaiton yesterday and I was surprised, as I often am, that I was the only Venture out of 100 bikes! Anyways, when they were drawing door prizes they hadn't picked any of my numbers but then the emcee stands up and says "we're not even going to draw this one, it goes to whoever rides a Yamaha Venture!". Sweet, got some free saddlebag liners!
  20. thanks for the update, we are all hoping for a quick recovery!
  21. I use the Nolan n42 BT system paired to my ham radio and with a cable that Nolan supplied (I think they said it was a gold wing cable (5pin)) I can use the intercom and the CB. Works well, the batteries last about 12 hours but then you have to remember to charge the helmet or you're screwed the next day! Audio quality is great for voice, I don't like the music through the headset speakers. when I have paired the helmet to my blackberry I get very good reports of the call quality.
  22. I feel your pain about the bike but I am glad you are OK!!
  23. I have the similar Nolan (n42) and like it but I find it is hot and a bit noisy. I got it for the N Com bluetooth system and that works very well for me.
  24. nope, I am usually on the other side of the camera!! I have a pic of the three of us on the ferry but not me and the scoot at the same time, darn it! Guess I'll have to go back! my wife won't mind.....
  25. Here's my bike on the ferry from Depature Bay to Horseshoe Bay (I could be wrong it was a long trip!). These are from last Saturday. I hope this doesn't mean I have to do anything... :-)
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