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Everything posted by gdebruin123

  1. Don, I think what happened is that I got the universal version instead of the plug and go. I just looked at the instructions and it clearly states the splicing. On their website it states the difference so I think you are referring to the plug and go and then no splicing is needed and hence the picture guide was correct. Plug and go would be better, oh well.
  2. Yes it seemed that way and worked for my RSTD. The wiring that comes with it has red wire to connect to an ignition hot source - i.e. rear lights. Instructions even stated this. The guide did not. I did not have power without the connecting the wire.
  3. I will be coming up 80 and could intersect at some point with Lone Eagle and the others if they come that way. I will check with them. Thanks.
  4. Count me in for now. I will confirm for sure on the Friday before due to some oral surgery - as long the pain does not interferes with the riding I am good to go. Let me know what meeting points we might have.
  5. If I may add it hooks up under the left cover under the seat. Attached are the installation instructions which should work for both the Venture and Tour deluxe. Note these instructions left one important piece out and that is that you need to splice the hot wire in to something that turns on with ignition. I did mine to the rear lights which are right by the battery. Hope this helps. 12565.pdf
  6. I wouldn't! I have been to Mexico plenty of times but always in a locked car. Have you ever rented a bike in the US - they very explicitly tell you that you can't travel to Mexico and for good reason. Then there is the heaven forbid having an accident and then trying to communicate, negotiate, etc. Again I wouldn't.
  7. I just had leveling links and new tires (avon venom) installed this week and I feel a nice difference but not the height difference. Although I am tall I feel no real difference in the height of the bike but feel an very nice improvement in the handling of the bike. As I was driving today it really handled better. Not sure how much is due to the new tires versus the links but it is a better bike.
  8. Jim, I am sorry to hear you have to stop riding. In the exchanges we had you had mentioned this but was hoping the rest would help. I am sure you will have no problem selling the bike. Take care and keep in touch.
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