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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhh Bill, sounds like my wife and I had a day just like yours..Konnie rode with me for about 275 miles yesterday. Temps were perfect for riding. Only problem I have now is a very sore back...I had to remove the back rest off my GW so my wife could get on & off eaiser. By doing so, I rode for the first time in a long long while holding my self in an upright position and not being relaxed on the back rest.. I am paying for it now... cant hardly walk or sit..and I have a burning sensation on my right side.. I already reinstalled the back rest and wont be removing it again...
  2. Congrats... I wont say beer for everyone until I get the money, but I sent a reply and told them to take the $95.00 shipping & Handling fee out of what they were going to send me and then to just send me the ballance.. Im still waiting..
  3. Randy, I want to thank you for all you are doing and what you have done to help Mary with her needs and for keeping the rest of us informed. You are a saint my friend. Eck
  4. Thanks Randy.. Such a loss..
  5. Id love it my friend, but just cant make it... I asked my wife if she wanted to go for a ride tomorrow and she said YES... dang..so Im excited and got to make ride plans for about half the day..
  6. Im feeling the luv...
  7. I have a GW 1800 right now but I will be looking at the HD's for my next ride..that is a long while off right now cause I love my wing, but who knows.. if a good deal comes my way, I will be on an HD too..I have never rode one but sure like the looks and sound of them and have had many friends who ride them..
  8. Keep in mind these instructions apply to a GW that is finely tuned with engine idle set properly...(sometimes set just a little higher then normal). I do not believe all the instructions are worthy of merit..like, Side notes: 1. if you ware concerned with dropping your machine, put some of the foam pipe insulation around your crash bars I turely do not believe foam pipe insulation will protect the crash bars when one is moving in a forward motion and drops the bike..No way will the foam insulation protect anything. The application of foam insulation pertains to laying the bike over on its side when it is NOT IN MOTION, like if you were going to change the rear tire....
  9. Eck

    Goo Gone

  10. Eck

    Goo Gone

    WD 40 would be my choice, then some car wash soap and water to wash the WD 40 off.
  11. Hey James, Good to see your able to get up and about a little now. It takes time to heal from the knee repalcement. Keep up with the exercises though..Look forward to seeing when you can ride again..(hope its soon before the four letter word comes...)..
  12. You can use the 15w40 rotella. I use it in my Goldwing, and have for the past three years..
  13. I am sickened to hear of this sad news. It leaves me speachless. What a fantastic guy. I met Mark a few years back. He and I spoke on the phone not long ago too. Mark was the life of the party everytime we got together. This just makes me sick to my stomach to loose such a great person as Mark. He would make you laugh no matter what kind of day you were having.. Mark, I will miss you my friend..I truely enjoyed each and every time we got together and all the laughs and stories we shared. I look forward to the day you and I can meet and ride again.
  14. Lewis...........your catching up....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. What do you use them for?, to place important papers in sort of like a safe?
  16. Yea he could have..your right...
  17. A 76-year-old man has been identified as the driver and is now in custody. Heck, by the time he goes to trial he will be dead... My guess ...road rage... I would not think the biker was messing with the old mans wife...
  18. I hate those times when there is no more "cushion" left in my grips...and cant raise my shoulders any higher to cover my head... The next day my knuckles hurt from squeezing so tight and holding on so long..and my neck hurst from using muscles I havent used in a while..
  19. http://www.craigvetter.com/pages/Vetter_Fairings/All_Vetter_instructions.html You can also do a search on vetter side car installation instructions on you tube videos..
  20. You can tell a tree by its fruit....
  21. As they say, everything is just a click away...... Dont ya just hate it when you have to click one more time just to find out the answer.
  22. Jeff, I would suggest you split the fairing Here is how to do it: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=494 After you get the faring split, stand in front of the bike looking aft, and on the left hand side of the head light look for the large BLACK connectors with the black tie-wrap around them as shown in this attached below picture. One at at time... take a connector apart and apply dilectric grease to the male and female pins and holes..then reconnect them. Again, only take one at a time apart. After applying the dilectric grease to all connectors, and they are all connected back up, with fairing still split apart, turn on key and CB radio and see if it works now.. If it does not work, then let me know. Feel free to call me with any questions. My phone number is located at the bottom of my profile page Hope this helps you sir.
  23. Pick, I think you can relax on the purple wire not being connected to anything. The purple wire is used ONLY IF you have your head light modulator wired up to your horn. If / when the horn is activated your headlights will flash for a limited amount of time then they quit flahsing.. If the modulator is attached to the horn, the head lights will only flash when you activate the horn.. In your case, I think you may have had the head ligh modulator wired directly to your head lights, and not to the horn, and that is why you have a purple wire not connected under your fairing. I do not think it is because the dealer for got to hook it up.. To prove my theroy, turn on your key and headlights and see if they modulate as you want them to.. if they do, then the purple wire does not need to be coneected to anything..just tape up the end of the purple wire so that no bare waires touch anything and short out.. See item #4 below which speaks of the purple wire... Horn Wire Connection: The Signal Dynamics modulator has a "Head's Up Alert" feature that links to the horn. When you press the horn button, the headlight will modulate for a few seconds even if the modulator is turned off. Or, if the modulator is currently active, hitting the horn button will change the modulation rate for a few seconds. This feature is terrific for getting extra attention if you think someone may not see you. With a simple modification (described below), this feature will also work at night and the impact is phenomenal. It has saved me more times than I can count. Locate the horn hot wire. It is black with a white stripe. On my 2001 Concours, the wire is in a wiring harness zip tied to the left fairing support tube. It is to the left of the triple tree, next to the left inside fairing, above the radiator. There are two plastic OEM snap connectors covered up with a black plastic protective boot. It will be necessary to cut the zip tie, push the boot back, and cut away some electrical tape to expose enough of the wire. If you want to check to make sure you've got the correct wire, insert the positive tip of a voltmeter into the slot for the wire on the OEM connector. With the bike turned on, touch the other end to a ground point on the bike or to the battery negative terminal. It should show +12 volts. When you press the horn button, the voltage should drop to 0 volts. Cut the horn hot wire (black with white stripe) a few inches away from the OEM connector. Leave yourself plenty of room and don't cut too close to the OEM connector. You'll need plenty of wire length to attach a quick connector. This is the only "invasive" cut you have to do for this installation. Locate the modulator's purple wire. Wrap the purple wire together with one end of the black/white horn wire. Put a quick connect on it. Put the corresponding quick connect on the other end of the black/white horn wire and attach the horn wire back together. The purple wire is now attached to the horn hot wire. Put the protective boot back in place and zip tie the wiring harness back to the body tube. Cap the modulator green wire. You won't be using it. Find more to read here: http://cog-online.org/clubportal/clubstatic.cfm?clubID=1328&pubmenuoptID=30605 or you can call them directly for questions here: Installation question or help call 800-785-1814, Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern/ Standard Time.
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