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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Many riders head for North Carolina in hopes of finding that beautiful ride full of memories to take back home. The attached link below is a LARGE PDF file and provides information and MAPs on many of the scenic roads in NC. I hope this link provides what you are looking for when you ride in NC. Please note: This is a large PDF file and may take a minute to download. It is 191 pages long.... So, if a page appears blank, just be patient. I saved it in my favorites... http://www.ncdot.gov/download/travel/scenic_byways.pdf
  2. Just want to mention how nice it is to see such a very kind offer Chase! My hat is off to you !! Many thanks!!!!!!!!!!! Eck :thumbsup2: :clap2::thumbsup2: PS: I deleted the duplication of this thread..
  3. Embed a piece of screen in your repair over the damaged area, (from the side not seen). It sure strengthens the repair..
  4. I have stayed at this place in Maggie Valley and they are "very" biker friendly. Right next door to the motel (walking) they also own the restaurant and lounge. The creek runs right outside your window. We left the windows open all night just for the sound. Very reasonable rates ($64.00 for balcony room), and the rooms big and are pretty darn clean for as old of a motel this place is. Next time I go back to Maggie valley this is where I will be staying. They made me feel right at home here. Stony Creek Motel 4494 Soco Road[/url] Maggie Valley, NC 28751 Get directions ‎ (828) 926-1996 stonycreekmotel.org
  5. Sending wishes for a full recovery!!
  6. Bob, I sure hope you and Becky have a very safe and eventful trip. (God Bless her for hanging in there with you.....)... Eck
  7. I read your story and your right.............its time for a beer.....
  8. I can only assume (after us talking about it) that the choke flap is either not free enough to fluctuate when under a load, or that the fuel line is kinked or partially clogged. If I remember correctly, you mentioned it had a fuel pump. The fuel line from fuel pump to gas tank could also have a kink in it or even a small hole/crack where the fuel pump is sucking air. If I lived close enough, I would swing over to help you, but that's out..ha
  9. This thread already HAS gone south. It has been flagged for other moderators to review.
  10. Well your garage is certainly big enough to hold a few more parts. Since I don't have the room to store (or have) more, then I guess you win already. You can stop now...ha Did you figure out that old mower yet why it wont rev up?
  11. Cant believe the technology in the paint used on this thing. It shrinks and swells. I mean when this thing takes off, the paint slides back a 1/2 inch...............
  12. Had me worried there for a minute by your TITLE...
  13. Way to many WAR STORIES to be a Star member. Same as being involved in the GWRRA organization. Neither are for me !!!! I'm not interested in any of their rules or who's who and why or how they got there.
  14. glad you are able to tell us about it....prayers sent for a full recovery ... !!
  15. Eck


    Page down on this page and you can see other mods people have done. I know you are asking for a SECTION (all of its own) for mods performed, but hopefully paging down will help you for now.
  16. While at the New river bridge you must take everyone down this historical road that goes UNDER the steel bridge. The road is State Rd 82 Once your on the north side of the new river bridge, going FROM the visitors center parking lot, turn right and head north on HWY 19, and go to the very next road to your right. Turn onto this road and you will go just a little ways and then you will come upon a "Y" in the road. Stay to your left and go slow, bikes should be spaced apart for safety reasons. This is a one way road all so be careful. There are some challenges of pot holes but going slow (2nd gear) you can easily maneuver around them. As your on your way down the mountain, there is a pull off (on the left) so pictures can be take of the underside of the Steel bridge above. Across from the pull off is a place to walk up some wooden steps and photograph the rocks and cave. Just keep following this road and you will eventually cross over the river on an old steel bridge where you can stop and take more photos of the huge steel bridge above you. A sharp curve to the right (after the small steel bridge) and you are on your way UP the mountain which you will come out on the south side of the New River Bridge. Enjoy!!!!! Write up of the road I am speaking of: The road through the Gorge is State Route 82, and other than going down Rt. 16 to Rt. 60, it was one of the only ways to get across the 900-foot deep canyon. The mostly one-way route that now exists makes for very easy driving. It is hard for some to picture this route as a two-lane road that once had a lot of traffic. Passenger vehicles, coal and log trucks, and all kinds of tractor trailers once had to navigate this narrow mountain passage. One reason the trip took so long is that driving very quickly was treacherous. Around any curve you might have met a large vehicle that was taking up a lot of the road. When you have time, take a drive through the Gorge on Rt. 82. Think about how that was once one of the only ways to cross the New River http://www.nps.gov/neri/planyourvisit/fayette-station-road.htm
  17. Heck, I'm on my way.........Ah, oh yea, where do you live... (just kidding)..
  18. Dan, I sent you an email with my address. Eck
  19. Dang...It sure does look like $#!^.............. Never mind sir. I sent you an email a minute ago saying same. Thanks anyway!!! Eck
  20. I will take yours if Woody doesn't have one. Same thing happened to mine (frayed from end to end almost), but mine doesn't work at all anymore.
  21. Wanting to buy: Anyone have a good used upper cord laying around like the one shown in the pic below? I'm in need of one. Mine quit working.
  22. A recent article in the Kentucky Post reported that a woman, one Anne Maynard, has sued St Luke's hospital, saying that after her husband had surgery there, he lost all interest in sex. A hospital spokesman replied ... "Mr. Maynard was admitted in Ophthalmology – all we did was correct his eyesight.”
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