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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Found this HONDA related video that brought back many good memories of my younger years. Hope it brings you some good memories to you. It sure would be nice if the museum would open up here in the USA though...! Enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&x-yt-ts=1422579428&v=Cmw3LB-lvvg&x-yt-cl=85114404
  2. One constructive comment I hope to add in regards to your question: WHAT KIND OF TOURING BIKE SHOULD I GET NEXT... Be aware that when it comes to BMW's, there really aren't that many BMW (service) dealers available when touring the country. That being said, I would look at ALL types of touring bikes but before I pick any single one out, look to see the availability of related dealers through out the USA and or countries that I plan to tour in. Hope this info is found helpful to what you are asking
  3. Only you know what kind of riding you will be doing such as long long long distance or just some moderate distance and the around town riding. You know how much weight you can / want to handle and how much MORE weight you need to add to make those long distant rides. Pick a ride that suits you and read up on the technical issues of that model. Get to know your bike before you ever head out on the road..Know what tools / common parts you will need and always expect the unexpected. Good luck in your choice!
  4. Start counting backwards now.......(Best of luck that results are achieved)
  5. I wouldn't do that................but that is my 2cents for what it's worth.
  6. There are some really COLD people on the site lately...Not so sure I really want to meet up with some of them now...never know what they will do to you..:
  7. Glad your friends are both OK bud!! Good on you for helping him out in getting his ride fixed back up too!! Thumbs up to ya!
  8. Hope you didn't "weaken" the bonding adhesive that holds them to the backing plate when you heated them up... Would hate to see you apply the brakes and hear your pads hitting the hiway as you ride past them as they bounce along side of you.
  9. Skid, I never knew this tour was available(or existed), until today or I would have told you about it when you (and I & Herb) was there. Next tiem I get even close to Beckley, WV., I will go on this tour. Location: New River Gorge Bridge which is about 23 miles north east of Beckly WV. on Hwy US-19N http://www.nps.gov/neri/planyourvisit/nrgbridge.htm Need sound..[/B]
  10. So sorry Don that you had to pull the plug on this one. I can only say you did one heck of a job on Venturerider.Org and it stands out more than any other motorcycle site out there on the web. I am proud to be a part of the VR family which is only here because you created it and gave it your heart. I cant thank you enough for the great times and the many friends of which I met over the past 10 years, which I never would have ever met, if it wasn't for what you created and achieved. Thanks!
  11. Well bud, if I was closer I would help you fix it. I fixed mine using perforated strap used for hanging pipe. it worked like a charm..no gaps when finished. I had to place a piece in the vise and twist it to make it work. The perforated holes lined right up after cutting it to the length I needed. No need to drill/open the holes either. Did same for both sides and never ever had another issue with it.
  12. They don't go THAT fast...........
  13. Not a Yamaha, but a bike I am working on. A complete tear down. 100% of every bolt, nut washer has been removed.
  14. Prayers sent for all involved and affected from Alabama. Being the age you are, you will see this time and time again as you pass through life. I cant express safety enough to you. Always do what is safe, not fast, think smart before making a move. I have lost many friends and co-workers with over the years. Some standing right next to me, some went as I was speaking directly to them. Memories I never wanted, but they made me smarter as to what working safely really means.. (Note: This thread has been moved from the Watering Hole to the Inspirational, Motivational, Prayer Requests, Etc. section)
  15. Eck


    Plumberman, Please don't just just scrap the parts. I would ask that you please contact Dragonrider or Snarley Bill to see if either could use those parts as door prises at their scheduled rallies (or Dragonrider could auction them off for St. Judes) this year. Another thing is, if you are going to just scrap the parts is post them as free parts and ask the interested party to jut pay "whatever" the postage is to get them to them. No need to make two trips to post office. Just go mail the part to the interest party and when you get home send them an email telling them how much YOU paid to mail the part to them. They can send you the money once they know. I did this for about 4 years and only got burned once - but that person is no longer on the site. If you don't want to contact Dragonrider or Snarley Bill, then I ask that you just package the parts up and send them to me and whatever the postage is I will pay you back on postage. I will then get in touch with them. Just my 2 cents - for what it's worth.
  16. Found this article and thought GL1800 owners may find it as interesting as I did. Digest as you wish. I found the 7th paragraph very interesting.. An Update on the GL1800 Brake Secondary Master Cylinder Safety Recall | Stuart's Blog
  17. You may need to cut a deal with the devil to buy one, however: The price is an eye-opening $78,000. Keanu Reeves' motorcycle company debuts first bike | Fox News
  18. When Pigs Fly, Watch This Paragliding Harley-Davidson | RideApart
  19. Eck

    Carb Sync

    I hope you didn't order one of those. It only has two hoses and you need a meter that has four hoses to sync the carbs on a 1st or 2nd gen............ When you get the correct meter and need some help, give me a shout and Ill ride over and help you.
  20. This thread has been moved to the Jokes and humor section...:
  21. Since joining VR.Org I have seen at times where several involved members have at least once, taken what someone posted completely wrong and got fired up about it, sent a return "Drive-By" post or email and let their thoughts, feelings be known, ripping the years of friendship apart. Feelings are hurt for reasons unknown to many and silence between the two (or more) parties becomes the norm. One remains upset and defensive and the other(s) defend their original post and true meaning meant in that post. Two things usually happen: 1 - the offended party wakes up and realizes that he took the message incorrectly and with or with out an appology, comes back and the friendship continues as what true friends do. 2 - The offended party walks away, bad mouths his perception of the incident, and not long afterwards something else comes along and he sends his new opinions on to his next victim. No one person can ever say they were not even a "little" offended at one time or another towards another VR family member here. I am guilty of this myself and have taken things wrong several times. An example for those who have been here a long time.. Remember Nason........What a battle that was and what an ending..another comes to mind was the guy Dallas. He always offended someone with what he thought was humor... Don, You did nothing wrong and said nothing out of order towards Yamaha so don't let a negative email bring you down! You sent him your honest reply and placed the ball back in his court. Stand back and let him digest it now. The future will bring forth the truth if this person is a level headed true friend or one you really don't want to associate with anyway. I know I have had times where it has taken me a few weeks to unravel my misunderstandings a few times..
  22. Check out what Yamaha is releasing in the Philippines. I bet it wont be long and we will be riding these in the USA. https://ph.news.yahoo.com/future-personal-mobility-yamaha-tricity-143445842.html Yamaha Motor Philippines
  23. Check your email on the site here.. Eck
  24. You will never convince me that you bought them for her, but you just might convince her...I hope for your sake she does like them..( )
  25. Currently, JC Whitney's customer service is being handled in the Philippines, so good luck with that if something doesn't meet your needs.. The LaSalle call center and the Independence, Ohio call centers have both been closed. Also the parent company "US Auto part's" has also closed its Carson, CA distribution facility.....Hummmmmmm I would be very cautions in purchasing anything from JC Whitney nowadays. Quality standards may be slacking and may not meet all safety requirements.!!
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