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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Great.. at least we know your problem has been addressed. We dont want anyone to feel "left out" when they ask a question, and no one responds... Anytime you need help, just ask... be patient cause it may take a day or so for someone to answer..then again, it might only take five minutes... Take care!.. Ill be watching for your pictures
  2. Pierre, Just following up here bud.. Do you still need help with this??? Have not seen a responce from you and I was wanting to make sure you were not left out after asking a question. :thumbsup2:
  3. Bill, When you see this post, page down to the bottom of the web page, and you will see many other posts from others, about plastic repair... ABS is what it is made of...
  4. A photo would be helpful to determine what may be wrong. Hold chrome tip piece on the fender where it is to be mounted, take a phot, and let us see what you have going on here... The only thing I can think of right now is the attachment hole in the fender may be "smaller" in diameter, than the alignment pin on the back side of the chrome piece... Can not tell though with out see it...
  5. Well I have not bought one....but if I was in the market for one, I would definately buy one from Carbon one.. I too believe in helping a VR member.
  6. So sorry to hear of your loss of a good friend Rick. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  7. Mike, If your interested in an enclosed trailer to keep your bike clean on the trip....camp out in once you get there...I have one for sale that is all fixed up to haul an 05 RSV.. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=187&cat=18
  8. Yep, I was hopeing you werent going to be drinking or bathing in it...
  9. Posted this once before a while back, but some thought I was nuts after reading it...(But hey....I am nuts..ha) You can use regular spar type BBQ grill cleaner.. Just spray it on, let is soak a minute or two, and wipe it off with water and a sponge... I use it every time I clean my W-Walls..
  10. Joe, Ha..........I love it....... I have to respectfully agree to disagree.......Now thats cool!!!! One thing I notice in your below post is you are now speaking of a fouled spark plug. In the previous posts, I didnt see or notice mention of anyone speaking of a fouled plug. However, I may have missed that point, i will go back and re-read them all. So if we are now speaking of a fouled plug, then I too will agree with you in that a "fouled plug" can have the effect of a ground, and thus short the plug out where it will not fire. However, if we were talking about a GOOD spark plug, I will have to respectfully agree to have to disagree... LOL with you Joe and dont think I am mad or trying to get under your skin.. Looks like V7Goose thinks we are having it out!!!!! Now stop that, ouch, quit, your hurting my feelings, stop now, sniff, tear, sniff.. Doesnt really matter, as Pegscraper said ;he has new plugs installed.
  11. Freezyrider, Hey bud, I'm not trying to doubt you to much here, but I would like to, (in a respecful way please), challenge your below comment. I was a state certified mechanic for years. Went to many a state scheduled training class, and several manditory state held seminars over my years, and I built many an engine from scratch, and I not once EVER heard of this. Please endulge me for a minute. If a spark plug fires while being grounded on the outside, then it will / should fire the same on the inside unless there is an actual break in the spark plug wire and the "spark" is shorted or grounded out, prior to it reaching the spark plug. Engine compression can do nothing whatsoever to stop the "spark plug" from producing or creating "spark". Compression is a required ingredient of the actual "combustion" process, but it alone can not stop or alter the plug from producing "electrically produced spark". The engine cylinder can not "fire" (produce combustion) if the gasoline and air is not "compressed", but the compression alone can not stop the spark from coming in through the plug or change it in any way. A plug will fire the same on the outside the cylinder as it would on the inside of the cylinder whether it is under "compression" or in a state of zero compression.....Spark is spark... Ok, I have been corrected many times in my life, so here is your chance. Eck
  12. Tom, Page down to the bottom of this page,and you will see other posts related to steering issues....loose or excessive play.......and how to fix it...
  13. I put one simular to the one shown below in my trunk... I purchased it at Wlly world... for about 9 bucks... I glued velcro on the back side, and also onto the side wall of my trunk to hold it in place..Works great...and it was cheap! Sun Visor Organizerhttp://www.smith-system.com/images/30x10.gif http://www.smith-system.com/images/Wallet.jpg It features: a zippered pocket for storing maps place for registration information an eyeglass pocket, a pen pocket and a small zippered change pocket. Made of durable vinylized rayon canvas and measures 12” wide x 6” high
  14. Im going with plastic ..........
  15. Now this is something I can call "ECK's" rated....
  16. Galvanic corrosion (sometimes called dissimilar metal corrosion) is the process by which the materials in contact with each other oxidizes or corrodes. There are three conditions that “must’ exist for galvanic corrosion to occur. 1st. There must be two electrochemically dissimilar metals present 2nd. There must be an electrically conductive path between two metals 3rd. There must be a conductive path for the metal ions to move from the more anodic metal to the more cathodic metal. IF, any one of these three conditions does not exist, galvanic corrosion will not occur. Often, when design requires that dissimilar metals come into contact, the galvanic compatibility is managed by finishes and plating. The finishing and plating selected facilitate the dissimilar materials being in contact and protect the base materials from corrosion. Conversely a large area of noble metal in contact with a small area of less noble will accelerate the galvanic corrosion rate. For example it is common practice to fasten aluminum with stainless steel hardware, but aluminum hardware in a large area of stainless steel are likely to rapidly corrode.
  17. I added the same auto trim to mine a long time ago. I'm not sure if I got the idea from your old post before the crash, or from another site, cause I've seen other bikes with the stuff on them as well. I put some around the edges between the lids and side bags and same on center trunk. That sure set them off.......looks good! I put some on the air filter covers, (3) small pieces on each, but not near as much as you put on yours. It looks like it took you some time to do the underside of your passenger floor boards.. You must have patients! I ride, or leave mine down all the time anyway where you cant see the underside. I've also added some chrome edgeing to the front fender edges.. Your right though, it is an inexpensive way to add chrome!
  18. WOW............ Now that's hot........ Hows the rotor, it must be warped
  19. If I remember correly, this stuff also contains a water displacement & protective barrier chemical... Darn good stuff!!!!!!!!
  20. Eck


    Hey Kurt, I see a 2nd gen is "passing by" in your picture? Now that's cool!!!!!!!!
  21. I thought of possibly drilling mine out!! :rotf:
  22. Well, I have a preffered vendor for all "my" leather wear.....but ....... I can not tell you about it ............... Now if you believe that, I have some water front property in ..............
  23. Good point!!!!!!!!!
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