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Everything posted by Eck

  1. As bad as that tire is, it did not happen during your last ride... you should have noticed it way before you left your house... SHAME on you for not checking your bike / tires out prior to leaving home.. :no-no-no: :no-no-no:
  2. The very MINIMUM in LENGTH that I would go is 10 ft MINIMUM WIDTH would be 4 feet depending how high the sides are.. You might want to go with 6 ft in width to be sure nothing hits anything .. My 05 RSV is 9ft, 2 inches in length from the most foward tip of front wheel to rear most aft edge/ end of the mufflers. That leaves me only 10 inchs of extra length on my 10 ft long enclosed trailer that I have...
  3. Sorry to hear this news Jeff. Our prayers are with you both. Eck
  4. Kind of far for you I would think, but hey, Lapryor is coming from New Mexico...... Its being held in Hamilton, AL.. See attached map: If you can hold out another three weeks or so, I can try to meet yuo on a saturday someplace between you and Huntsville. I will can adjust your carbs on the side of the road....
  5. Bill04, Hey Bill.....2nd request bud.. All I need now is your mailing address and I can mail this to you.. On the "OUTSIDE" of the postage package will be the cost I paid to mail it to you. The cost of the GENIE mini remote was: $30.97 plus 2.48 in tax, which totals = $33.45 So add whatever the postage is to that and were even bud. Just need your "mailing address"
  6. Bill04, I purchased the GENIE universal mini garage door opener, and I also soldered the two wires to it. All I need now is your mailing address bud.. Enclosed in the package I am sending to you will be: (1) GENIE universal Mini Remote (Battery installed) wired up ready to go on your bike wherever you decide to put it. (1) Receipt from Home Depot so you can see exactly what I paid for it The programing instruction sheet that came with it and I cut the cardboard insert to fit in the mailing package so you will also have the bar code label in case you need it. On the "OUTSIDE" of the package will be the postage I paid to mail it to you. The cost of the GENIE mini remote was: $30.97 plus 2.48 in tax Totals = $33.45 So add the postage to that and were even bud. Let me know your mailing address and I will get it off to you. Also, fill me in on where you installed it.
  7. Joe is correct in saying: It would be easy to get it in wrong if you don't split the fairing so you can get to it properly. I know others have been successful in doing it this way, but I'll always split mine. Whatever floats YOUR boat I guess...
  8. My 2cents... Being totaly honest now, all any one of us can do here is about 160 to 175 miles tops... then we have to stop and get gas and just by doing that causes enough blood flow in the rear cheeks and legs to go another 165 to 175 miles until its time for another fill up.. riding all day doesnt count..if you get up off the seat at all...games over!
  9. The head light bulb is changed out from the underside (aft side) inner fairing, behind headlight bucket.....tough enough task, but is done with out splitting fairing. If your talking about the head light "GLASS" (as if a rock busted it) then yes you have to split the fairing. The turn signal bulbs are not same as 1157 and apply to all yamahas
  10. Reinhard, Ok my friend, here is your chance... I am making up (1) mini garage door opener for Bill04. You mentioned (above) that your interested in purchasing one. I do not expect to do this for a living, but I will make his and yours up at the same time if you want one. Let me know ASAP if you are serious in purchasing one. I spoke with Bill04 the other night on the phone and agreed that I would make him one. If you are interested, let me know now, because I have to make a run to Home Depot for his remote garage door opener, and if you want one I will purchase yours and his at the same time. I will purchase (2) mini garage door openers and wire both of them up at the same time and mail both of them out at the same time. Approximate cost is; (1) mini remote garage door opener = about 30 bucks I will wire it up for nothing - no cost at all. You will pay for postage and the same cost that I paid for the remote. Receipt for remote will be included in the package to show what I paid for it, and the postage wil be on the out side of the mailed package. add the two up and that is what you owe me. Last chance...speak now or hold your "piece"...
  11. Well, I just placed my order for (4) speed bleeders.. (2) for the front (1) for the rear (1) for the clutch SO many thanks goes to Squidley for finding something else I can spend my darn money on just to do my part in keeping the world economy going...... Now I have to go buy some new brake fluid and a drain hose and what ever else you people decide to post.......
  12. Looks great Leland!!!! You did a great job adding all those items! I liked the idea of the power outlets aft of the left hand side cover for future heated clothes and such.. Im not sure what you mean though, cuse you mentioned they are smaller and my be the way to go on motorcycles. Are accessories readily available for this smaller size, or is the smaller size accessories (plug in's) hard to come by??
  13. Nope...........
  14. Stoutman, Your bike is under the 5 year warrenty. The brake caliper should not be sticking under any circumstances. You can try this if you dont want to take it to the dealer... Jack you bike up or use center stand if you have one where the rear wheel is off the ground. Remove your right hand side saddle bag. Take off the plastic cover on your rear brake caliper Make darn sure the bike is in netural... By hand, Slowly see if you can turn your back wheel If you cant, loosen the bleeder screw just a little to see if brake fluid comes out...(it should be a drop or two)..then retighten the bleeder screw. Now see if you can rotate the rear wheel easily. If you can not turn the wheel easily the piston is sticking. If it were I, I would stop right there and take it to the dealer, because if you try to fix it yourself, and cant and you leave marks or signs that you messed with it, the dealer may not honor your 5yr warrenty....
  15. Sorry, but I am not able to attend Ft. Collins this year, but sure wish I could... If you want one, Ill make you up one too. lemme know........ heck, I'll have to go into buisness making these and some more of my old "silver Dollar" Gas cap cover...
  16. Bill, I will stop tonight after work and pick up the garage door opener and a push button switch. I will try to get it soldered tonight, and then send it to you tomorrow. If not I will have it sent by Wednesday at the latest. I dont have pay pal, so you can just send me a check. I will send you my address in a private email. I wont know the total amount until I mail it because I do not know what the postage will be, but I am sure it cant be that much cause there is no weight to it. Anyway, Ill get-r-done for ya! I'll be in touch!
  17. Bill, Here is the one I am using on mine. It is a universal garage door remote and will operate up to three garage door openers but WILL NOT WORK with Intellicode radio controls made prior to 1997. SO if your garage door opener is older than 1997, this universal remote will not work and you will need to purchase one that is made for your specific garage door opener. You can read about the one I am speaking of and use here: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.geniedoor.com/uploads/GMI-3BL_edited-1.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.geniedoor.com/products/genie-mini-transmitter-intellicode.htm&h=270&w=360&sz=12&hl=en&start=18&tbnid=YdcEd4Mxjs9rfM:&tbnh=91&tbnw=121&prev=/images%3Fq%3DGMI-3BL%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG Here is how to program most any garage door opener:
  18. Bill, I will offer to do this for you. If you want, I will offer to pick up a mini universal garage door remote for you and solder the two wires to it for you and then mail it to you. If you want, I will also solder a push button switch on the opposite end of the wires too. If you want me to do this, you would only have three things to do. (1) Program the remote to your garage door opener (2) Mount it to your bike in the place you choose.. (3) reimburse me my total cost... (I wont charge you for the labor) Guessing.... The mini universal remote from Home Depot is about $30.00 Wire and the switch $5.00 Postage = $3,00 Anyway, somewhere in that cost range is what I could do it for you. I mounted a the push button switch under my clutch lever on the back side of the horn /turn signal cover where I can push the button with my finger with out even moving my hand from the handlebar grip. I ran the wires from the switch down the left handle bar up to and under the inner fairing between the left front chrome tube and then used velcro to mount the plastic opener to the inner fairing. This way, if the battery ever goes dead, I do not have to split my fairing. I can just reach under the inner fairing and pull the opener out to change the battery. I also made the plastic opener water proof by placing black RTV in the groove around the outer perifery and around the small hole where the two wires come out and over the push button on the front side so water can not get in.. Lemme know if you want my help!! Take care bud!!!!
  19. Rick, Good info there bud!! Hey, not sure if you did, but if you click on the "tools" section in the link you provided, you will see a complete tool box of Snap on Screw Drivers that they sell. I would believe that this the confirmation your looking for that Snap on does in fact make those tpye of screw drivers. Well I can go back to bed now. I learned something today...Hope I learn something new again tomorrow now....... Thanks Rick
  20. Well here's my two cents... My bike seems to run a whole lot faster, is a lot easier to handle, and Im sure my gas mileage has significantly increased... I have lost 39 lbs so far this year...!!!!!!!!! Oh, and I noticed that I can get on and off the bike a lot easier too!!!!!! (Ok, Stop it now......I said the bike...)
  21. BuddyRich, What a great post and thanks for those excellent photos too!! Freebird, I request another VR tech award for this man!! I noticed that my carbtune is sticking and now I know how to fix it. Question though.... Think it be a wise idea to take and apply a little RTV in the gap to avoid dust / dirt from getting in it while you have it apart or do you think this would cause it to not work properly?? Thanks B-R!!!!!!!!!! Eck
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