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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Well, I just created my Christmas wish list, and came up with $1,734.59 in parts and heck, that doesnt include shipping........... Wonder if Mrs. Clause will be kind enough to let me have just ONE of them...??
  2. I'll have to wait for Beer30 and I to come together down the road sometime and hope he has his video camera...Im sure the two of us can cook up something for your pleasure . :rasberry:
  3. Bill, I have never installed leveling links, but I did have the problem with the rear shock growning with my stock links. I first heard my rear shock grown while at the Vogle rally this year. All I did was "pounce" on my bike seat using my full body weight about 4 or 5 times to work the oil inside the shock all over every thing. By POUNCING on the bike, it moved the shock up and down "further in travel" than it would in normal travel. It stopped the growning immediately......I never hear the growning again until about two months ago.. I bounced full body weight on the seat again thrusting the shock up and down in travel, thus lubricating it once more than it would be normal travel. I have not heard it since.. Now Im not saying this is YOUR problem, but ma be worth a try to see if it is.... Good luck!
  4. Eck

    cookies for all

    I looked down, could barely see my pants, and moved on to another post bud.. Thanks anyway........
  5. Dang, As soon as I saw the title of your post, I immediatley began wondering what you did..... .....AND WITH WHOM... Sure scared me there for a minute..wewh...
  6. My thoughts exactly..........That was a fine caddie back then.....
  7. You might want to read about "etching the concrete floor first"....... then applying what ever type covering you wish.. Etching is a necessary step in most concrete finishing applications, such as painting or sealing. The purpose is to open the pores of the concrete, creating a surface that a coating will adhere to. Take a minute and read this: I etched my old house garage floor before applying Lowes floor paint and it looked good for 9 years while I was there. http://www.safe-react.com/etchtips.htm
  8. Sure looks like it would hurt more than you say it does. Hope the rotor cuff is ok too.... Im going thru that now, and it hurts like heck..been pndering th ethoughts of going to the Dr to have it fixed, but there is still some riding time weather down here, so it has to wait.. Hang in there, and dont do any more stupid things tht will make it worse.. And do stay off that bike because it will win in a "fall".......
  9. Just a thought.. WHy not "pure white" led ligths............. You can check them out at your local auto store..
  10. MX4T 10W40....ranges about $45 to $55 for a case containing 6 quarts The V-twin will not work in your Venture....You might want to read the side of the V-Twin plastic bottle..If I remember correctly, it mentions something about not being for V-4 cylinder with wet clutch...
  11. Food for thought: You might want to reconcider on the blue lights.... Many states concider them illegal. Most State police and some local cops will give you a ticket for having Red or Blue lights on your bike if you are on the highway with them on. They say you are immitating an emergency vehicle.... Ask Grey Fox....he was lucky in that he received a warning... You can have the blue or red lights turn on if you are parked in a parking lot or private driveway, but you become illegal if yuo leave them on and pull onto the highway.... Hey, It's your call, but your decision could get expensive....... Dont shoot the messanger here....I didnt make up the law, and I surely dont support it...Im only passing on the info...
  12. Glad you both are OK John... I remember years ago, I saw a thunder bird hit a mustang at an intersection one time, and there was horse sh## and feathers all over the place..
  13. Darkwolf, The Left one has an after market “DRIVERS” back rest Right one has an after market “Passenger” back rest Left pictured bike has the following noticeable "added" accessories: Kuyakyn driver foot pegs Rear side bag guard rails Chrome side covers under drivers seat Chrome carb covers under gas tank Chrome choke knob Chrome Domes on front turn signals, drivers lights and on head light drivers lights and bar Chrome rear trunk rack Chrome front fender rail guard Chrome engine breather covers Windshield with elongated closeable vent (looks like Gold wing type)The right pictured bike has the following added accessories; Rear passenger back rest Chrome dome covers on front turn signals, driver lights and head light drivers lights and bar Chrome front fender guard rail “Possible” chrome front dics caliper covers (not sure, cant really tell) Pretty much a standard "Venture"
  14. Well, I live in the south, so I dont really put mine up for the winter, but if I had to, I would Wash and dry her off real good. Giver her a darn good waxing with plain old regular turtle paste wax.... You cant beat that old paste wax...it's been around a long time.. Then lift her off the ground / pavement where her sneakers (tires) are not touching and if they do, I would put a piece of plywood / board between the tire and ground surface. Install a battery tender.. Cover her up with a protection cover, and put her to bed for the winter.
  15. And here I always thought Cinderella was our mommy..... Although, Squid does make a good daddy....if we can keep him out of being photographed in a dress.....
  16. Don, Did you leave me any beer in the fridge this time?
  17. COOL BEANS!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats are in order here!!
  18. Certainly glad your ok... Now the sad news... Appears you now fall into a category that 86R brought up in a post.. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=16244&highlight=donate+dollars
  19. Sorry, but I go to bed at 6pm every weekday night because I get up at 2am for work...
  20. Doesnt that make you feel all warm and fuzzy? /quote] I feel much better now Riderduke...thanks!...I needed that
  21. Well, I must say.. it is funny from this VIEW...but if it was turned around, I dont think I could have been near as kind as you sound to be..
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