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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Not sure if these are what your looking for but the clip appears to be able to hold (2) different size cords.. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.goldwingcountry.com/images/2-305_100.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.goldwingcountry.com/list.cfm%3Fcategory_ID%3D167%26model_ID%3D0&h=67&w=100&sz=3&hl=en&start=20&tbnid=rYB0KwG7MjPrIM:&tbnh=55&tbnw=82&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCord%2BClip%2Bset%2Bmotorcycle%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG
  2. Eck

    Just called

  3. Steve, This is what I have but it is for the Garmin, Zummo 550.. but it should work for most any GPS..
  4. Your name should be ......."lucky dawg" ...... ride safe....
  5. Not sure about the clear glasses, but you could try out a clear helmet shield such as this one attached...
  6. JT you both are in our thoughts and prayers.......
  7. Eck

    New Venture

  8. Goose, If they made wide white walls, I would give them a try..
  9. Yep, what he said.........!!!!!!!!!
  10. My fuel pump had to be replaced last year after getting back from Ft. Collins. When my fuel pump was not working, and even if I pull my choke on full way,,, the bike would not start....and it would not run.. You say yours is hard to start, but runs fine.... Do you mean it runs fine ...with the choke off..and you can litterly ride itdown the road 50 60 70 MPH? If so, then Im afraid your fuel pump is working, and you may have another reason why yours is hard to start.. Are you pulling the choke out all the way prior to starting it? Is fuel pet cock valve open all the way? 2006, should not need its fuel filter changed YET, but then again, it could need changed depending on where you buy gas and how dirty thier gas is.. Check you plugs to see if they are wet...if so you could have a weak spark issue which could be your plugs themselves, a weak coil, bad /damaged plug wire...on and on.. Is the gas in your tank from LAST YEAR and you parked the bike for the winter? If it is then add some fresh gas to it and run the tank dry..filler her up again with fresh gas it should start fine if this is your problem...
  11. Well we are ok... we put or personal belongings (wallet keys purse glasses & small hand carry safe, etc, in the bathroom with the motorcycle helmets and watched local TV weather channels for about 30 mnutes...got really windy, but no damage here..
  12. Police Station..........but then again that might not be safe either..
  13. Eck

    i,m off

    ride safe Lowel......see you on the flip flop..
  14. Not positive, but I think it is Buddy Rich...who makes the cable your looking for..give him a shout with a p-email
  15. ...Not sure I remember who you are.... But you have a friend here!!
  16. One little sheep, two little sheep, three lttle sheep....nighty night now...
  17. Correction: Boo, I had the PCW clutch installed. (Not the Barnett as earlier stated)....
  18. sounds like a plan there guy...need photos..
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