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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Yes Don I must agree that you do have a wonderful wife for putting up with you and for giving her all to make Maintenance day turn out the way it did. What an event you had. And from what I gather, I hear you also have a very nice young man that everyone is speaking about and I must say you should be rooster chested and full of pride from him. Everyone I spoke to seemed to mentioned some young man named Dylan and how nice he is. Dylan, I am so sorry I didnt get to meet you while there, but maybe next time. My hats off to you! All I can say Dylan, is you have some great parents to be proud of too... Not many mothers and or fathers are spoken of as highly as your parents are... and if you think Im wrong, keep reading all the other posts about them from others who were blessed to meet them. One man's dream brought us all together... Many thanks Don
  2. hope he has a high tolerance for pain. My heart and prayers are with him (and you)
  3. I too thank all of you for the kind words even though I've been active for a while now. If there is anything I can do to help one of you just email or call me.
  4. What "brand" oil do you use George?
  5. Hey Squidley, Wasnt it you that sold me a brand new carb tune with the carrying pouch and a special screw driver... Man what a deal I got too.....super cheap.........thanks Squid.... :rotf:
  6. My heart goes out to all the people having the floods and tornados. I too saw it on TV and WOW....what a mess. To see your house fall down and float off down the river has got to be one sick feeling to experience.... I feel for those folks..and then to see the fires in Calif again...and folks with out insurance loosing everything they own..cars, home everything.. guess it was thier choice not to buy insurance..but dang.. what a loss..
  7. Rick, How much would you want for just the black switch box with out the toggle switch in it? Im only interested in the black plastic switch box. I have an idea (look out now)..to use it for something else, and the black switch box looks like it would work for what I have in mind. If it works, you could have another use for it and another item to sell....
  8. WOW Boe, you have done some really nice work there. Yea man..be proud of yuorself. It really turned out great. Now if my wife rode, I would have to ask you do do me a favor ....
  9. I'ld wear a T shirt like that if I had one...
  10. You might want to take a look at the MSR Raptor adjustable clutch lever. Basically it is a standard clutch lever with three different positions for the cable nipple to adjust the pull length/effort. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.faster-motocross.com/images/34-1805lg.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.faster-motocross.com/msr-raptor-adjustable-clutch-lever-assembly.html&h=202&w=300&sz=13&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=UcbDrU_7weMdcM:&tbnh=78&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3DMSR%2BRaptor%2Badjustable%2Bclutch%2Blever%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG Not positive if it will fit your bike though.. .but I think it is a "universal fit"..
  11. ah, I still have to agree with Redneck....your still a traitor...
  12. Did you heat it up at all with a hair dryer (or something like one) to bend / shape it as you installed it??? If you just bent it in place, and then tightened the mounting screws then you are asking for stress cracks. If you replace it, I would warm it up with screws ready in hand to install it. heat it up, install a couple screws but do not tighten them down, just 'start" the screws. heat it up again and slowly tighten the screws..this may take several times.. once all screws are tightened, then heat it up again."real good"... then let it set before going for a ride till it cools off completely. you should never have stress cracks again if you heated it properly as yo uinstalled it.
  13. Eck

    Another Scam!

    Thanks Boo.......
  14. at 1pm, just before the catering van drove up, I walked around Freebirds property, twice just to be sure I was right, and counted a total of 66 motorcycles.. I did not count people...just bikes..
  15. loose nut between seat and handle bars
  16. great news JT, give her a hug from us
  17. Glad to hear your home Don, and feeling ok. Your in our hearts and prayers and I send them with attached hopes for full recovery and better days to look forward to.
  18. Yep, sure did, and would you believe she even wanted me to sign the darn reciept...ha It was a pleasure meeting up with you to! (Harley friends name is Dave)
  19. Mechanic and Sleeperhawk are home Glad to hear you two made it back home safe again. As always, it is a real pleasure knowing you two will be at a Meet & Eat that I am going to. You both are really great people and Im thankful for the friendship we share. Looking forward to the next time we meet down the road......Until then, ride safe!
  20. Well by golly BurgyMon, I sure am glad someone cares if I come up missin..but no need to worry (this time) cause I went and purchased one of those fancy electronic thingys and it told me where to turn and when to turn and I was able to make it to Oberlin..and when I got there I found the food ( DragonRider).......and it was some good food too If it werent for Sojourner, I dont know if I would have made it up there. I tell you, he planned one hell of a back roads trip to take up there and back, and it was really a nice ride. Except for the dang heat...WOW...%##...I wont ever ride that far again when its going to be in the 90's ,,nope never.....getting to old and cant handle it.
  21. Don, No need to worry.. You did fine, and thanks to both you and Eilene for all you do. The Cattering was an excellent idea in my opinion...and it was really good food too.. It was good to see you again even though we didnt get to talk very much. I think everyone understands the fact that you cant spend a whole bunch of time speaking to everyone when you are trying to work on bikes and be a host at the same time. It was my first time there and I enjoy it a bunch,,, I just wish you would have turned down the heat a little outside..dang it was hot..
  22. Oh boy, I can see it now.. spray cleaner all over the inside of the clear front plastic window which eats it up to where you can not see thru it..could have been the type of cleaner I used ,but it sure ruined mine.. (ask me how I know...)
  23. Eck

    Heads up MS!

    Red, As I've told you before, my door is open anytime to you. Hope you have a safe trip. If you need any road service just call.. (and call, and keep calling..) Really, if something happens call me. Our thoughts are with you and your daughter as your both prepare for her tour / journey in supporting the wonderful country we all live in here. Tell her I said thank you!
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