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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Eck

    Broken Grip

    You passed the test... now if I only have the grip you need.......
  2. Eck

    Broken Grip

    BigD, The one I have at home IS part number: 6235 I just dont know if it is th eleft or right one that I have .,
  3. Eck

    Broken Grip

    I think I have one good grip, but not sure if it is the left or right one. I am here at work right now, but will look when I get home to see which one I have. I think it is the left one but not positive... If BOO cant help you, just send me an email.......
  4. Here is a universal replacement ignition that "I THINK" will work. It replaces: Yamaha OEM 47M-82501-50 & 3JV-82501-00 Your stock ignition switch is: 4XY-82501-00-00 Im thinking of getting one just to try it out: $27.63 (Plus shipping US: $10.99).
  5. not fair..........for I was not there.......
  6. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=23309&highlight=replacement+key Contact John Blankenship at http://www.motorcyclekeys.com/ He may be able to help you..
  7. Eck

    Welcome aboard

    My name is ECK, and I live in Huntsville, Al.

    If your ever in or coming near Huntsville and have time for your favorite drink, give me a yell.


    256-774-5153 = home

    256-429-8623 = cell


    Looking forward to meeting up with you some day.

    Keep your eye peeled for a posting of one of my Alabama meet & eats. I will be posting soon, about another one coming up in July.


    If I can be of any help on your bike just ask.


    Until then, please do ride safe.


  8. Welcome aboard

    My name is ECK, and I live in Huntsville, Al.

    If your ever in or coming near Huntsville and have time for your favorite drink, give me a yell.


    256-774-5153 = home

    256-429-8623 = cell


    Looking forward to meeting up with you some day.

    Keep your eye peeled for a posting of one of my Alabama meet & eats. I will be posting soon, about another one coming up in July.


    If I can be of any help on your bike just ask.


    Until then, please do ride safe.


  9. Hey guy,

    Didnt realize you rbirthday passed...


    Happy belated birthday...

    Now your older than me.....

  10. Greetings Mark, and welcome to VR.Org.


    My name is Eck on the site and Eck in real life.

    If I can be of any help feel free to call or email me.

    256-429-8623 = cell#


    If you live in or close to Huntsville and want to meet up on Saturday mornings with the rest of us for breakfast let me know and I will send you the info.


    Until we meet, ride safe!


  11. jt, He (and you) are in our thoughts and prayers.
  12. http://www.utpr.com/
  13. Thank you Cindy Hope Dale is doing Ok with his shoulder... My rotor cuff has been torn for about a year now and I just keep putting I off, but I will have to get it taken care of soon.. It hurts like heck all the time..especially in the mornings from laying on it wrong. I cant pick my arm up shoulder high anymore. Think I wil wait till winter before I get mine done though..
  14. Bill,

    It was a pleasure running into you and your better half last night in Huntsville. Please tell your friends that were with you the same.


    Hope to see you again down the road.


    If you or your freind ever need help, or just want to meet up some place for a bite, feel free to call me.

    256-774-5153 = home

    256-432-1569 = office

    256-429-8623 = cell



    Until then, ride safe..:thumbsup2:


  15. Eck


    Good news!! Sounds like your the only one here that can afford to splurge and replace that red ink pen of Freebirds....
  16. What a great example of a VR.Org family member.. Giving a part that is no longer needed and only asking for postage in return.. Yep, My kind of brother .. Hats off to you Ponch.. Many thanks for your donating a spare part to another family member in need! Vin, Dont forget to check out the free parts section.... There may be something listed there that you might could use.. If you see somehting you need, email me and I will ship it to you..
  17. Thanks for the pics Cindy. It sure was great seeing you, Dale and your family again. Hope to see you guys again soon.
  18. Welcome aboard.


    My name is ECK, and I live in Huntsville, Al.

    If your ever in or coming near Huntsville and have time for your favorite drink, give me a yell.


    256-774-5153 = home

    256-429-8623 = cell


    Looking forward to meeting up with you some day.

    Keep your eye peeled for a posting of one of my Alabama meet & eats. I will be posting soon, about another one coming up in July.


    If I can be of any help on your bike just ask.


    Until then, please do ride safe.


  19. Eck


    I purchased the extra large bike cover from Wal-Mart... Fits & works fine and I have had it for three years now. It folds up rather small then fits inside a small pull string bag which fits in the side bag as well leaving lots of extra available space for my rain wear... for got what it cost but I think it was around $15.00 to $20.00
  20. Autozones down here wont / dont carry it... but I use the same type oil as you.. I have to order it directly from Mobil oil company..
  21. Hope Bill P doesnt see this ...he will be off trading in that new goldwing for one of these today.... looked like the paint slid back a half inch when it took off......
  22. Not bad Goose, Reading your looooong post...I was cruising really well while I was in the laid back position in my cumfy padded chair and after a few calculations, I found I got about 25 words to the minute,,,,that was until I made an adjustment where I sat up, but then because of the extra height, I found I had more wind shear, which cut me back to about 20 words per minute. Being uncomfortable in this straight up position, I slowly laid "way back" with both legs extended fully out in front of me, and man what a difference... got mer to about 28 words per minute.. Im n cruise right now..will check in again later....
  23. quick suggestion... You could take a piece of square tubeing and set it on the mud flap where the reciever would go thru it, and rap it with a hammer to punch a hole in it. Set the mud flap on a piece of 2 x 6 board and just punch the hole in it where you need it.. good luck with whatever you do, even if you use a knife or Squidley....or whatever..
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