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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Got mine at the local Hobby Lobby craft store........
  2. It was only a theroritical story ..........
  3. I agree with roadkill and was thinking along the same lines as he is.. Ethenol...I dont agree that is the root cause of the defect either..I fill my tank twice a week at minimum..and every time use ethenol...use it in my car and truck everyday too.. it doesnt hurt the rubber seals or internal components of either one ..I use it in my lawn mower too..doesnt hurt the carberation effects on any vehicle that I use ethenol in on a daily basis.. My fuel pump had to be replaced last year after I returned from Ft. Collins.. aproximate miles at that time (guessing) was around 38k to 42k (I have 57K now) And I also again agree with Roadkill in that it would more likely be the manufacturer of the fuel pump..(like...may be it was made in china ...)..dont know that to be a fact but it could be or some place where cheaper internal parts are used..and less inspection performed. Overall assembly cost of these bikes to Yamaha is key to survival in the market place competition... They build them as cost efficiently as possible...that includes cheaper parts..and the cheaper the part, the fewer quality inspection points in the build process. I know of not one "rebuild" or "remanufactured" fuel pumps for our bikes... there is a difference between the two.... It is cheaper for Yamaha to purchase another "cheap" fuel pump to replace the bad one, then it is to pursue the market of a rebuild or remanufactured one.. just like electrical components... mass production, cheap to build just replace with new one when it goes bad.... Hey think of it this way... once the 5 yr warrenty expires on our bikes we can "purchase" the cheap parts ourselves from Yamaha to keep the bike going... Or you can opt to trade in your old bike for a new one every 4.9 years and get another 5 year warrenty on a new one.......hell, all the accessories you purchase and installed on your old one will fit the new one every time.... what an idea huh..?
  4. The stud (bottoms) do not scratch the tank on the underside of the bib, because the two-sided tape protects the tank.... There is two sided tape already under the stock bib, holding the bib to the tank. I did not remove my bib from the tank to install the chrome rivets. I "laid out the rivet patteren as to where I wanted the studs on the bib using masking tape and an ink pen. Then I carefully "pealed up" the edgeing (the side edge) away from the two sided tape, leaving the tape stuck to the gas tank... I then inserted the chrome studs one at a time along one side of the bib. Then I pushed the bib back down onto the two sided tape so that the tape is between the chrome stud (bottom side) and the gas tank. The tape protects the tank. Then I pulled up the other bib side edge and inserted the chrome rivets on that side and pushed that side back down onto the tape. Hope that explains it. If not let me know and I can try to explain it better for you.
  5. Lets see Squidley... Hypothetically now...it cant be all that bad.. If you put 1,000 a month into 401k, times 12 months for the year = 12,000 company matching that same amount for same 12 months = 12,000 (a total of 24,000 a yr) Save this every year for the next 15 working years = $360,000.00 you would have Now, hypothetically speaking of course... Housing for a yr = Food for a yr = Gas for a yr = electric for a yr = water for a yr = hospitalizaiton (for two) for a yr = Dental (for two) for a yr = VR.Org M&E's for a yr = VR.Org rallies for a yr = Ice cream for a yr = Yea, I guess your right Squidley.... it just dont add up....... you better just keep working so that your SS taxes can go towards those of us who are in the later 50 yr old range who can retire.. gosh didnt that make you feel good ... I was only kidding..
  6. Eck

    chroming fins

    OK, I'l bite..... or is it a secret.. How much for them?
  7. I put studs in my stock bib....(See attached pic) The studs do not scratch the tank on the underside of the bib, because the two-sided tape protects the tank....
  8. Sure hope you and your family are safe on the ride through it Ruff... just do me a favor though.... make darn sure my bike is protected and inside where it is dry....
  9. Eck

    Menu Bars

  10. Yep......very perrrrrty it is.... but what is that big blue and white thing on the drivers seat??
  11. Well I to was in a good mood this morning till I read the local news paper.. I read an article about an upcoming (17 to 27%) price hike in utilities.. (electric & water) ......starting Oct 1st.. I said the same thing..My retirement dream is slipping away and there is nothing I can grab onto to hold on to it..as I would like to have it.. However, some day, I will retire.. I dream every day of living a life "somewhat" like Lowell lives... just take off and ride .......until my next Dr. appointment..
  12. That is the same one I looked at when at Harbor Freight this past saturday. I have heard where some have made the trailer not as wide.... by cutting the croxx members down the same length. This way the trailer dont stick out as far on each side of the bike (air turbulance -friction / gas mileage issues). I've also heard where some have moved the center cross member towards the front to extend the length of the neck...(8 to 9 inches). Guess the actual size you want it to be when completed would be YOUR design, based on YOUR reasoning. Some leave it as is and away they go.....and have no problems..as already stated. Proportionately, the actual width and length of the "carrier" you get to place on the top of the frame, would be "key" as to how wide you would need the trailer frame to be.. It would look some what funny to have a large frame base, and then have a small cargo carrier mounted in the middle of a piece of plywood.... of course this is only MY opinion now...which may not carry much weight with your actual end result design plans. good luck in what ever width / length you make it to be..... If uncertain as to how wide or long you want it.......leave it big and work your way down to what size you think you would actually want... You can easily "take away" material......but adding it would be a bit of a challenge with out having access to a welder..and some steel framing..
  13. Don, You might want to begin setting up a "whole new photo folder".... Yep, sure wish I could tag along, but I dont have two weeks of vacation left..
  14. add blue loc-tight to new bolts ......
  15. Skid, Here is another link I saved that you might find interesting for your trailer. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gadgetjq.com/rg_bike-trailer.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.gadgetjq.com/trailer.htm&h=732&w=578&sz=205&hl=en&start=38&um=1&tbnid=Q0r3cWXzSgeazM:&tbnh=141&tbnw=111&prev= And here are some Harbor Freight part numbers that might help you.
  16. Skid, I found this article a while back and saved it. This guy has some interesting comments about extending the tonge and building the trailer in general. Hope you find the info helpful. http://www.herberts.org/wayne/valk/trailer.htm
  17. Andrew, Im glad to hear your OK... You right though, it could have been a LOT worse... heal up and then you can take care of the bike some other day..
  18. Dang guy, dont you ever work...?? Seems like your at every rally there is...in every state...every month... Are you related to Wild Hair by chance????????
  19. unreal..........
  20. If you folks would send me a list of what parts you have to give away, I will add that list of parts to the "free parts" list in the VR Tech section that I have going. Provide me a phone number so that whosoever wants a part.... can contact you.
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