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Everything posted by Eck

  1. It is different looking. wonder what the weight is.. I see it doesnt have a kick stand...its sitting on a red jack stand. I wonder how much of a seal there is when you close the lid. you would htink the lid would have to be a little larger (wider) then the sides to go over the side seal a little bit to keep water out. The door hads a prop bar to hold it open. Beer30 would have to modify that part for sure. Looks like one or two small suit cases would fit but not much more. The fenders look like they would catch some air..but the paint job is kind of cool. The cooler looks like it would hold a lot...now thats the important part...
  2. Glad you guys made it thru the weather OK.. So....the ol-Gazebo decided to take another swim did she...??
  3. Hey George, Any chance your place of employment be looking for help???? I guess I better get a better paying job so I can afford some accessories too.. Sure wish I could tag along for the ride out west, but just cant pull that one off (yet)..
  4. Well did anyone see the one dollar bill that the VR.Org folks signed and Redneck pinned to the ceiling from two years ago?
  5. As Don said, I too can promise that I didn't delete it.
  6. All the real honest ones here will admit to it...the radio incident happened to me ...
  7. I personally would rather "PAY ATTENTION" to what I am doing when riding , then have to "PAY $149.00 for something that lights up, telling me to pay attention... Wonder if they come apart so you could use the lights on the rear side bags......as turn signals...
  8. Between 7:30 & 8am for a good seat.......and parking place NOTE: CD's is serving breakfast...!!! Huntsville Times newspaper article states that the ride will be an estimate 150,000 bikes will participate. Bikes will arrive in Madison around 10:30am in the Old Time Pottey Parking lot for a lunch stop before leaving at 11:30 for Florence and on to Waterloo around 1:30pm. Madison Police have received an email of same info that the bikes are coming thru Huntsville and Madison again this year and they must support the flow of traffic at all intersections...
  9. In the parking lot where most all the riders stop at in Madison, and located on your right when facing the "pottery place" of all the strip mall of stores, is a little biker pub called CD's. You can ask almost any local Madison person, and they can tell you where it is.. I will be there...with my 05 Liquid Silver Venture parked right in front of CD's Just look for a stocky fat guy.....
  10. First and foremost.....WELCOME TO VR.ORG...!!! Sorry, but I really can not help you at all with comparison views since I have never rode one myself. I having a difficult time accepting the looks of it still. It is a kind of look that needs to grow on me for a while before I get used to it I guess. I have heard good things about it though, but personally I havent really even looked at one up close to compare anything. But hey, again...welcome to the site... sit back, enjoy..and jump in anytime..
  11. Eck

    Be Carefull

    Wow, thanks for the daily up lift.......... I really needed that........ and I was in a really good mood.......... until I read this post.. Truthfully and all joking aside, We all need to really pay attention to our suroundings every time we go for a ride...
  12. Eck

    Tie downs?

    You beat me to it Squid.... I was seaching for the same link..
  13. Looks like we need to have a VR.Org Ilinois meet & eat at the stealers place...so we can find out who the painter is, then have a special ride afterwards to go find and meet up this this painter to find your parts...
  14. You would think if you placed your finger in the center of the phones you would be able to feel the heat... Now for the truth of the matter... http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/tech/2008/07/09/carroll.cellphone.popcorn.cnn
  15. Welcome home Cindy. Sure glad to hear your home. Now if I knew you were coming home and if I were your husband, I would have made sure the grass was cut, sidewalks and drive way edged, garbage was taken out, vaccummed and moped all the floors, made up all the beds, had all the laundry done, dusted, made sure there was not one dish left in the sink, and I would have offered you a really nice home cooked meal ....after I got you all settled in and comfortable. SO Dale...............what did YOU do...........
  16. I really dont think calling Yamaha will do you any good..this the dealer sent your parts off to a painter,...and not a Yamaha representative approved vendor... This issue is between you and the yamaha dealer.. and he has the issue between he and the painter. You will need to file a lawsuit against the Yamaha dealer for the return of your parts or the cost ($$$) for the replacement parts which will be based on the same condition as yours were in when you gave them to the dealer. Your attorney will then send the Yama dealer a certified letter showing you have filed suit, and that his client (you), expect your parts to be returned with in a certain alotted time frame and if not the law suit will be pursued. The yamaha dealer will then file suit against the painter...you can not sue the painter..even if he damaged or lost your parts.. I would first try requesting the painters name and address and or phone number from the Yama dealer and see if you can work something out with the painter by yourself, leaving the yama dealer out of the conversation..That is if the Yamaha dealer will tell you who he is and where he is located.. You can bet the Yama delear has th epainters phone number and address......
  17. Eck

    Good Video

  18. Not fair..life just insnt fair........ If they come out with what I am hoping for, my liquid silver 05 RSV is for sale today!!!
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