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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Sorry Dale, I have lots of parts, but I do not have that particular part.... If I did though, it would already be on its way to your place. Just a thought here Dale, You might be able to stop in at a local truck stop. They all carry many antenna parts and are usually just hanging on the wall. You might be able to"make do" with a different part ...They have several to choose from. Hey, its just a thought...
  2. got mine today in the mail.. I too already rode some of the roads shown, btu there are several that I havent.. Nice little book ..that I will keep on the bike...
  3. I wish you and your family well, and do hope your bike sells quickly for you. Hang in there...our thoughts and prayers are with you !
  4. Wow Bill, You had me worried there for a minute when I read your post "title".... I thought you were gonna say Lewis tricked you and "shook the bed covers"......phew... Sorry Lewis.... but sure glad you didn't mar up the bikes paint job or chrome, OH...or your body...
  5. Rich, I'm happy to hear you are one who not only pays attention to that inner voice, but you also know when to listen to it... You can stop riding, but you cant quit coming on the site here... If you think htat new car is drving you crazy , I know around 50 to 75 bikes sitting in your driveway would really make you sick..... We would enjoy you to stay and keep us informed of your healing progress. I feel I can speak for everyone here and say that your new set of wheels would be most welcome at any VR meet & eat or rally too.....come join us anytime!
  6. Brad & Lonna, Happy to see you made it home safe. As always, it was really good seeing you both again.....!!
  7. Im on my second set of Avons. My first set seemed to slip when I first got them even after I had 300 to 500 miles on them.. but then they quit slipping...at least it apears they quit or I either got used to them and didnt notice.. My new set that I just put on last weekend seems to hold the road very well. They have not slipped at all, and I have rode on some twisties.. Cant really give you a good answer...not sure how many miles you have on them, but take your time give them some miles and then see if your set quits slipping.. I really think both sides of the center line of tread needs to get some wear in before you will notice them not slipping. Until then, take your time and ride safe..
  8. You will need to remove the rear wheel first: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=515 Here is the Rear Hub Info you will also need. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13263 However, as Mini already stated, it is covered under warrenty, but if you want to do it yourself so that you know it was done and learn more about your bike the above info will walk you through it. If you need any help, you can give me a call.. Phone # is in my profile..
  9. Larry, Im certainly happy to hear your able to write and tell us about it. The bike, well, it can be repaired or replaced.. You on the other hand I hope repair well and are able to spring back better then you were before.
  10. Is this what you are looking for?? http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.casporttouring.com/store/graphics/00000001/mstr_cyl_blk_asmb.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.casporttouring.com/thestore/gl1800_Electrical.html&h=174&w=250&sz=8&hl=en&start=16&usg=__4lllT4J9YXcgfKiDM-CKVX_Q1Jg=&tbnid=N5f-2ir77tIMZM:&tbnh=77&tbnw=111&prev=/images%3Fq%3D3%2Bswitch%2Bmaster%2Bcyl%2Bcover%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG http://www.casporttouring.com/store/graphics/00000001/mstr_cyl_blk_asmb.jpg
  11. If you have fringe on the brake lever that will cause it to not work properly too...
  12. Eck

    Who's going?

    Hey, I wasn't the only one who could not keep up with the UPS truck.... If memory serves me right, there were four of us that could not keep up...but i will take the blame for holding everyone back..........
  13. This is not the Kuryayn clamp but is what I used on my crash bar... It works and looks good.. See attached photo.. You can find them here: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://memphischoppers.org/catalog/images/50903_85T_L.jpg&imgrefurl=http://memphischoppers.org/catalog/products_new.php%3Fpage%3D3%26osCsid%3Defc5fb782ae02d3f9cd4d24ae3306ebc&h=315&w=315&sz=16&hl=en&start=33&um=1&usg=__k0CJANPw7ZLZ2NboxynzbgEp-Ms=&tbnid=KJ4Rl__tq1dssM:&tbnh=117&tbnw=117&prev=/images%3Fq%3D3%2Bpiece%2Bclamp%26start%3D20%26ndsp%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://memphischoppers.org/catalog/images/50903_85T_L.jpg&imgrefurl=http://memphischoppers.org/catalog/products_new.php%3Fpage%3D3%26osCsid%3Defc5fb782ae02d3f9cd4d24ae3306ebc&h=315&w=315&sz=16&hl=en&start=33&um=1&usg=__k0CJANPw7ZLZ2NboxynzbgEp-Ms=&tbnid=KJ4Rl__tq1dssM:&tbnh=117&tbnw=117&prev=/images%3Fq%3D3%2Bpiece%2Bclamp%26start%3D20%26ndsp%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN http://www.jcwhitney.com/CHROME-PLATED-HEAVY-DUTY-3-PIECE-BOLT-TOGETHER-CLAMPS/GP_2006236_N_111+10211+600014666_10111.jcw http://www.motorcycletunes.com/products.asp?cat=72
  14. Yes Sir......couldnt have said it any better... Best of luck Don to you and your son and dont forget mom, for she will be a nervous reck too...bless you all..
  15. You did a great job on it Larry. You should be proud of yourself for such an accomplishment..!!!!.. Very nice!!
  16. Eck


    ColoNavy, I would not reccomend using Green Slime on your bike...maybe temporairily on a lawnmower or 4wheeler, but not the bike... Please Read on... SLIME can have an adverse affect on certain types of aluminum rims. Because alloys differ, it is difficult to predict how SLiME will react with your rims specifically. Over the years, though, we have found that older rims are more susceptible to damage from SLiME. Make sure that, if you have tubeless tires, you are using our tubeless formula. Our inner tube formula does not contain rust and corrosion inhibitors. Do not leave SLiME inside your tires for more than 2 years. After that time, we cannot guarantee the integrity of your rims. If pre-existing damage is present, we do not recommend using SLiME. http://www.greatlakes4x4.com/showthread.php?t=97239 You could use SLiME as a "roadside repair", just to get you home or to a tire repair dealer, but I would get the bad tire off the rim ASAP so I could wash the green slime off the wheel.... I carry a can of fix a flat with me at all times. If I happen to get a tire puncture, I will use it to seal the leak and air the tire back up just to get me to a place where I can have the tire removed, wheel cleaned and a new tire put on.
  17. Eck


    Condor On my last set of tires, I installed Ride on in both of them the day after I had the tires mounted. I rode both tires a little over 17,500 miles.. Last week, when I replaced the tires, the Ride-On WAS NOT WET..at all. The Ride on material was in appearance wise, "equally thick", all the way around the inside "center" part of the tire. When I touched it, it was "sticky" about like the glue on a sticky note pad paper. It was not wet and runny like it was out of the bottle.. not a solution at all. The Ride-On in both the front and rear tire was like this, and I stood there with the guy as he removed the tires from my rims/ wheels. I too thought the Ride-On solution would be just that...a solution... to run side to side, rotate around inside the tire, and be able to "flow" into a puncture wound.. The stuff in my tire would not have done much if the puncture was anywhere out side the center IML of the tire by a 1/2 inch in either direction, and I am not talking about running up on the side walls here...but talking about the 1 1/2 inch to 2 inch width of the IML (Inner Mold line) base of the tire
  18. Eck

    Zuma 550

    I knew, (or didnt think), you had one yet, but just thought maybe the info would be of help if you or anyone else ever did need it bud. My Zummo 550 (I think), is about to poop out on me.. When I turn it on, only half the screen lights up... but then it comes on full screen after about 30 seconds (which seems like a long time).. Then when I go to maps, it sometimes shows the road I am presently on, and with out touching anything on the unit it changes by itself to where I can see all the roads in the whole city, then it goes back to just a few surrounding roads from where I am located. I happen to use the unit on its own power last weekend and the battery went dead on us while in use, so I shut it off. I fully charged it last night and this morning I turned it on and again only half the screen lit up... but then it came on and has worked ok all the way to work. I programed my home address into it and will see if it takes me home after work tonight like it is supposed to.... then I will try another address just to see if it keeps working properly..I certaily hope so...if not, it is going back for repair or replacement..
  19. Eck

    Zuma 550

    Duuble D, (and other Zummo 550 owners).. Not sure if this site would help any of you but it has helped me with some problems that I have had with my Zummo 550.. Sometimes it may be the unit, but other times it may be the operator... http://www.zumoforums.com/index.php At the top of the HOME page, left hand side, click on "forum" to read the many posts on problems, causes and suggested solutions..
  20. In my opinion, Is if the idle speed is too low, the vacuum is insufficient to get a good reading on the carbtune..as already stated in a posting above...but hey, what do I know., its only my 2 cents worth...
  21. This is what I think 70,000 ("plus") bikes should look like.......... 2008 Trail of Tears that I rode in...get in line and lets ride........... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBFVoioy3DM&feature=related]YouTube - Trail of Tears Ride 2008[/ame]
  22. Looks like it was a great day for a rally... nice Pics!!
  23. Question Cliff, Im sure this is too late to suggest, but.... Could you have by chance relocated the chrome piece on the plexiglass windshield by "slotting" the mounting holes or even drilling other mounting holes next to the exsiting ones in the plexiglass and not trim or mess with the chrome at all?? or maybe "slot" the mounting holes in the chrome piece and in the windshiled both to provide clearence ?
  24. Good to hear Don.. Wish you the best. Last week, the lady who I share my office with (and have worked with for years), told me she found out she has breast cancer... Yesterday (Monday) she went in for her operation to have the cancer removed. Her husband called me and said the operation went well and she is in recovery right now.. Then in two to three weeks she begins her chemo treatments.. She turned in a leave of absence last Thursday for 5 to 6 weeks.. Hope all goes well for you and for her...
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