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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Thanks for that, Please excuse me for I now need a tissue........ Very very touching...thanks
  2. Matt, Im not certain, but I think your problem may be because of the light duty stock ground cable... There has been mention of a heavy duty ground cable mod for 1st gens to help aid in starter related problems.. Squidley or some other 1st gen knowledgeable person will jump in here soon to explain more in detail..so hang in there.
  3. In my opininion I would never do this for you can easily damage the chrome and gouge the weight by using a pipe wrench. Yes, the end weights can be removed using this method but the choice is yours.. (quote) Tape the weights and use a pipe wrench to loosen them I suggest you remove the end weights in the way they were designed to be removed by using the proper tools. On the very tip or end of the chrome weight, there is a small plastic chrome cap that can easily be removed by using the blade of a pocket knife and carefully pry it outward & off. Inside the hole that this plastic cap covers is an allen socket head bolt. Use the proper size allen head wrench turnging counter clock wise or left direction (lefty loosen / righty tighty) and the end weight will come off as it was designed to be removed.
  4. Heres a funny short story about a deer and a friend of mine I worked with years ago.. My friend was riding with another guy who hit a small deer with his car. They both got out and thought the deer was dead. Together, they got the deer in the front seat with them. My friend being on the passenger side, had his leg over the deer and was holding its neck like holding its head up. The driver started down the road again and shortly the deer came back to "FULL" life.. The driver slammed on the brakes and bailed out..laughing at first.. My friend, stuck in the car, was wrestling this so called small deer that was litterly kicking and stomping the tar out of him. My friend was finaly able to get out of the car..but the deer stayed in the car kicking the heck out of the seats, dash board, windshield roof, and then finally worked its way out and ran off.... They were both lucky.... but the car was severly damaged... My friend (a large man too) said he never struggled with anything so dang strong as that deer..he said he just couldnt hold on to it..
  5. Eck

    Life is good

  6. Sorry to hear about the loss of your friends guys. I know the feeling well, for in years past, I to have lost close coworkers. You never know how one touches your life until they are gone, then you realize that hey, I really miss that person... The woman who sits next to me came back to work after being off for 3 weeks. She is presently taking Chemo treatments, loosing her hair, but is standing proud and strong coming back to work and trying to do what she can while dealing with the sickness brought on by the chemo treatments. She has 3 more treatments to go and hopefully its over. One minute she is doing fine and the next she is sick and feeling down. God bless her and God bless you two.
  7. It sure wasnt in northern Ga near Helen where I tried to catch my UPS truck... Swifty, I'd give it one heck of a try to keep up with you anytime......but like I said, Im certain it would be you that would win..but I dont think you would have time to set up for a camera shot waiting on me to catch up..
  8. Well Swifty, I must say the riders level of courage and skills including the bikes handling capabilities play a large part on how a bike is controlled wether on a straight away or in twisties. I am sure if a bet was placed between us, you would win... I mean hell, I cant even keep up with a UPS truck, so I know I dont have a chance against you..
  9. It sounds like you blew a fuse on the bike. You most likely had your key in the "on" position when checking which wire was which one in the tail light box..you may have blown a fuse when you were doing this.???
  10. Im gettinng ready to jump in the cage and drive from Sarasota Fl., to Huntsville, Al., so we can get back home... just what I feel like doing today tooooooo....drive for 13 hrs...yuk..
  11. one french fry short of being a happy meal///////:confused24:
  12. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=15244
  13. Oh boy.........
  14. Thats a nice looking trailer bud. I like the forward compartment too. Can kep thing separated a little. Does it have a cooler box to go with it yet.. I made a cooler rack for my bike (see attached photo). I may make some changes to it this winter. I noticed that every time I went to get a cold one out of the cooler, the cooler was fairly dirty from all the road grime... Im thinking of expanding the rack size to accomodate an enclosed hand made box with a lid on it, that my cooler can slide into..This will do two things..keep the cooler clean in case I want to take it off and put it on a picnic table and it will also help insulate the cooler to keep things cold. Being at the rear of the bike the exhaust does expel a lot of heat in that area and to add the 90 degree plus weather I ride in the cooler itself does not stay as cold as it should. And many people think Im carrying around a car battery on the back of my bike...
  15. Cant help you much on the rad sofa seat question, but I do wish you a safe journey and ride on your trip. Im about to leave this morning for Florida (Disnsey then Sarasota) for the holidays, but am not taking the bike..got to take the cage this time around..
  16. Yep, that is where I saw it and have tried to live it since. Great movie..! Amazingly, there are still people who have not seen or ever heard about "pass is forward", that is the only reason I mentioned it. I have yet to meet anyone on this site that doesnt "pass it forward" in some fashion or another and I think that is what makes this family special..
  17. Mashley, The trailer looks really nice guy. Very nice job you did on it. I like how you have the tail light bar in the rear too. Is the long notch acroos the top where the aft compartment lid hinge is, and you notched it out so it dont hit the front section lid?
  18. at the beginning of each riding season..(January)
  19. http://www.msgroup.org/forums/mtt/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=6685
  20. Eck

    It's Friday

    I'm off to camp for a week of deer season and vacation......... Oh yea Mamamo is coming to ........... Hey Frog Man, want to borrow my hat for your Mamamo...
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