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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Stock it with some fish.......... and post a M&E... Post it and they will come.........
  2. Eck

    repair work

    You could probubly just stop at your local auto zone or auto parts place. They all carry vacuum hose in many different sizes. Figure out the total length of how much you need and they can cut it from a roll.
  3. Yep, going on 4 years now with that same addiction... However, I do see light at the end of the tunnel.. I am about to stop buying stuff here shortly, because I don't have any room on my bike for very many more accessories.. its just about where I want it...
  4. Eck

    new plugs

    Barend, DO NOT ,, I repeat... do not...let anything go down inside the cylinder where the spark plug is.... Do not let any dirt / debris go down in it... do not let water go down in it..nothing.. Leave the spark plug in the cylinder head (snugged up) and clean all you want to.... use a leaf blower to blow the water and loose debris out of that area, and "wear safety glasses". Shine a flash light in the spark plug areas and look for anything loose and remove all of it. You can now remove the old spark plug.. and then install a new plug. Hint: You can use a small piece of vacuum hose (about 4 to 5 inches long) and push one end of the hose on to the top part of the spark plug so that the plug is hanging / dangling from the hose. Now while holding the other end of the rubber hose, you can easily place the new spark plug back in the hole and you can turn the plug with the rubber hose until you can not turn it anymore. Then just pull on the rubber hose to remove it from the plug. By doing this you know your not cross-threading the plug into the cylinder head.
  5. I agree Bill...here's your award.....
  6. Good post. I have already added driving lights and several rear lights including 140 Green LED lights so that Google earth can watch me at night ...........
  7. I was reading that same article yesterday Don at work, and found it interesting and was also going to post it but I got busy and forgot about it. Pretty neat helmet...
  8. I would say Redneck put it quite well, so I'll just add a little bit more Those who never smoked and those who quit smoking can relate well...!!!!!!!! Empty a day old ash try into a plastic zip lock baggie...carry it with you in your shirt pocket..then every time you have an urge to smoke, open that baggie, put your nose in it, and take a damn good wiff of what your loved ones and everyone else smells.....its not a pleasant aroma at all ....... I quit smokeing 3 yrs ago..
  9. Really sorry to hear this, but very happy to hear you were able to walk away from it. Wish you well and hope the insurance folks take care of all your needs.
  10. Ken, but I do not have that 1st gen part. I would send it today if I had one.
  11. Sorry Kbay, I don't think he is posting a "swingers".. M&E....
  12. Wish I could...but cant.. I already made other plans to head for Pensacola for the weekend..
  13. Red1, Sure wish I could ride along side you and your better half once again. I would really enjoy riding that area, and some day ...(soon)... I hope to.. Tell your better half I said hi and hope you both are enjoying life..!
  14. If you took it in because the dash was blinking, and now the fuel gauage is blinking, I would say they didnt fix the problem completely... I would at minimum take it back and let them at least KNOW you are still having a blinking problem..and ask them to document it in your electronic file on thier web site so that no matter what Yamaha dealer you need to go to , it will show you were having the problem..
  15. 1-800-628-4737
  16. I would guess that it is from photoshop... reason being.. the exhaust would melt the right side bag......
  17. quote from Freebird: So far, so good here. It's been 6 days now. It gets a bit easier each day but there are also those moments each day when the urge is pretty strong. Don and to all of you who are trying to quit. I wish you all the strength needed to drop that nasty habit and walk away from it for ever. I was diagnosed with emphysema about 6 years ago, and was told to quit (like you were Don) and I quit 3 yrs ago. Since then I never ever think of wanting to smoke. I never have a desire to smoke, and I can’t stand the smell of cigarette smoke... Cigars, they choke the hell out of me and I just have to walk away. I can breathe so much better now and my sense of smell has increased so much, I can tell if the person in the cage in front of me is smoking. Sounds as if that is a false statement, but I swear it is true. I never realized how terrible cigarette smoke stinks when I smoked. I always thought non smokers were just being smart A$$eS with their comments, but now I understand what they meant. If you are a smoker, you really don’t understand or know what non smokers go through. You may think you do, but you dont until you have stopped smoking for about 2 years at minimum to really see exactly what I mean.
  18. YOU have a buddy.....
  19. I cleaned horse stalls and walked horses after the races in the early 60's. Does anyone remember Ascot Park that was on Rt 8 North Randall Ohio? Ascot Park was a thoroughbred track.... no cars or trucks. It was purchased by the City of Akron then annexed to Akron in their expansion or merger of Northampton and Cuyahoga Falls. It is now an industrial park. Interestingly enough, one of the old corner observation towers is now situated on a property on Graham Road, not too far west of Kriegers Ranch Market. The very last page of this history link shows the track... (might need to copy & paste link in search block to view) http://mredshistorythings.blogspot.com/
  20. My heart and prayers go out for his family and for him for a safe return.
  21. Well this is great new.. I wouldnt let my guard down and show off while she is on it and scare her now.. I think I would let her learn to enjoy it and build her confidence level up before I jump on it or lean real far in a curve...
  22. Eck


    It does give one a sense of great accomplishment of first, not knowing 100% of what to do, and then realize that you did it right and are satisfied with the end results. Good to know we have another carb sync adjuster amongst us and can help out others at M&E's...
  23. Eck


    Ride my bike comes first (always) Spend time with wife when I can Play pool..most anytime Spend time with the Grandchilderen Helping others
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