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Everything posted by Eck

  1. [quote=sleeperhawk;324097 Hey, I had to get on two wheels this weekend somehow, :crying: Should have called and come over and I would have let you ride the GW...
  2. You did good Yama Duck....just like me...Your learning too I see.........
  3. I added the photos in Yama Ducks first posting above for you DaveCB.
  4. Ruffy, Send me your address... I happen to have one on a crashed bike sitting in my driveway.. Guess it came off in the accident..........
  5. [quote=YamaDuck;323649 Here are DaveCB's tail lights. You definitely don't have any trouble seeing him stop. Pretty neat lights.....but I dont see him..........
  6. Well I certainly did enjoy all the laughs and puns we had during the expedition we took, led by Lewis and Clark (wingman's new name), in the manufacturing of the four brackets and installing them to set the fairing in place. I think the fairing looks really sharp on it. Just a little more final touches to the brackets by rounding corners off and then painting them should make it really a complete installation job. Hey Lewis, dont forget to mark each bracket as to where they were located before you remove them and get them mixed up... Might want to consider doing one at a time or one side at a time maybe..... I also want to thank Lewis and wingman (clark) again for going and picking up my trailer and side car body for me last weekend. Thanks guys! I want to thank Todd to for helping with the wiring of the traielr to the truck, and for buying my dinner and that extra large mug of beer..man, I dont know what kind it was, but not only was it good, it was REALLY GOOD...Thanks Todd I made it back home to Huntsville at 9:15pm Thanks to all you guys for everything !
  7. Sure happy your ok. In a split second.. that is all it takes... a split second and it really amazes me how much can really happen in that split second.. Again, glad to hear you are OK.
  8. worked fine for me too.. I have to wipe away the tears though so I can type.. Enjoyed that.. seen it before but what a touching reminder...
  9. SEE...told you... I have faith........
  10. Eck

    Carb sync

    If you cant find anyone to help you, I will be happy to mail you my carb tune to use. You just pay the shipping back and forth..
  11. Ask DaveCB to post some photos of his tail lights.. Once you see his, you might change your mind on what to get. His are relly really nice...I like, I like..... If I only owned a venture now..... PS: I deleted your other identical post per your request.
  12. I hear what your saying though with all these winger dudes around here.. Winger dudes...Winger dudes......all these Winger dudes....yep, sorta has a wing to.. Hey Redneck, I could have bought a 1st gen......or a hardley...... but i just couldn't pass up the deal on this one with all the attachments and accessories being included..
  13. Eck

    I Need !

    Bubber, I have the black one off my 05 RSV and looks like new, and I have a chrome one that is a little scratched up.
  14. Yea, they are on the pricey side arent they.... Looks like a good durable product though. But, I'll stick with little one I have since it does fine for what I need.
  15. Our door is open any time Lowel......you know that....!!
  16. here they are........photos of the new to me GW Redneck... your so damn right.........but it is powerful...!! 2002 Gold Wing with ABS FULL Traxxion Suspension Upgrade! Included in this sale/on the bike: 42,000 +/- miles FULL Traxxion upgrade $2300.00 + New tires, less than 1500 miles Spare rear wheel with brand new tire mounted Hidden trailer hitch w/ wiring harness! Rear passenger arm rests Rear Spoiler w/ LED’s Rear rack w/ waterproof, heavy duty bag GL1800 Carpet liners in trunk and sides Deluxe GL1800 trunk and side case liner bags (with GW logo, etc.) Highway pegs Driving lights J&M integrated audio system: Listen to AM/FM/CB/CD/XM Radio/iPod/Cell phone/GPS/Radar Detector 6 CD - CD Changer J&M Bluetooth (works great!) Cords for rider/pillion intercom Muth signal mirrors Garmin 276c series, with power and audio XM radio with antenna, power and audio cords Radar Detector, power and audio for Valentine 1 Newer model year windshield w/ air vent Old windshield included New Bike Cover Harbor Freight trailer I installed shocks on the trailer to make the ride smoother yes, believe it or not…sidecar body with plexiglass cover lid, with no wheel / axel or framework
  17. It sure was great to see you guys again and everyone else who was there. It sure appeared everyone had a great time because no matter where I looked I saw smiles, many smiles, people talking and laughing and just having a great time. Thanks to everyone who made it and those who tried and could not for whatever reason, we hope to see you at the next one. PS: Next M&E will be next Friday ( April 10th) State and Town will be "Newnan Georgia" Time: 5pm Restaurant will be "Mexican food", (name of restaurant is unknown at this time but we are working on it..will post it soon.... watch for M&E posting coming soon.. we are making all the plans right now. Watch for posting from Dragonrider or me
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