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Everything posted by Eck

  1. I feel for you knowing a friend has been hurt. As already been said by many here, we all are sorry to hear about any crash..
  2. Right up my alley ..love it...thanks
  3. Well I just knew you went there again.. Oh, and I didnt open the link...........(Im at work....)...
  4. You can spray the handle bar with regular hair spray...coat it well. then spray some inside the grip and quickly slip it on... It will hold it well and it will be easy to remove (if you ever want to) by inserting a screw driver under the grip and spraying water between the grip and handle bar..the grip will then just turn right off.
  5. I would like to make a suggestion Lewis if I may with out offending anyone who may be thinking of attending this Vogel rally. How about if everyone who signs up, brings something with them to donate. Just one item, and it does not have to cost over $5.00 or $10.00 (a set amount) Something like a Dirty Santa Christmas gathering. it sure would make it fun..
  6. Food for thought for next time you change your fuel filter.. If you remove the two 10mm bolts that holds the fuel pump to its mounting bracket, you can swing the fuel pump completely out of the way, and you will have lots of room. The wires going to the fuel pump are just plug in's and you can even unplug them and put the fuel pump on the shelf while you work.. As for that little nut on the back side that is a PITA to keep from dropping and lining up in the hole to install the bolt, just use a little piece of tape rolled into a circle (or bubble gum) and put it on the end your finger and then put the nut onto the tape.. it sticks there and you wont drop it.. Or you can relocate the fuel filter like I did and never worry about it again..
  7. If your not in a big hurry to have the carbs sync'd the best I can offer you is, I will meet you half way someplace and sync them in the parking lot of a resturant. After we sync them we can have a bite to eat, and head back home. I wont be able to do this for about 4 to 6 weeks from now, but I will be happy to if you cant find anyone sooner or closer. Only other thing I can do is send you my carb tune, but if you dont know how to do it your still in a pickle.. If someone close to you knows how to do it I can still send you my carb tune. Just email me if I can be of help.
  8. And here I heard "GM" was having troubles.. it's even been on the news, but it looks like Gary and Mary are making it big time... Congratulations Gary and Mary. I am really happy for you both, and hope to see you guys at M-Day.
  9. Spaceman, I promise you that your inside pad is GONE... If you have 23,000 miles on your bike and you have never changed you rear brake pads, then the INSIDE one is shot, gone, and needs replaced now. It is a known occurrence that the inside rear brake pads wear very fast on all RS-ventures... You may also need to replace the rotor now...best get it check fast..
  10. what...........
  11. I noticed mine was gone on my Venture after my accident. Some huge gremlin reached up and grabbed it..
  12. Now that there is funny......... I bet your neighbors are still laughing waiting for you to come back... As for your statement: Always wear your helmet...I must say that is a very true comment. If it werent for the helmet I had on my head at the time of my accident, I really dont think I would be here today. So Yes, I too agree that you should wear it all the time...every time...
  13. Glad to hear your getting a little exersise other than flipping the remote, cause there isnt a thing on that TV but commercials and news that just saddens your day.
  14. Eck

    Weather !!!

    Hope the weekend works out for you George. Im sure you could use a little mental therapy. I wish I could ride, but I will soon
  15. Hey Jeff, At least you have a newly hand washed and hand waxed plastic snap on cap coming in the mail for your rear caliper... I can see you now having to remove the right side bag to put it on.........No stop..... You should be able to snap it in place by reaching around the front of the right side bag...
  16. Sherry, I am so very happy for you.......for you both... for your family.. :clap2::clap2::clap2: :thumbsup2: (oh, and I ride a GW too now, so he cant be all that bad..)
  17. Stick around until it becomes dusk / night time, and you will see why men carry "beads"
  18. As Redneck mentioned, this site has always been open for members to share thier opinions and I will now share mine. An annual membership fee request of a mere $12.00 If a VR family member here finds that they can not pay their requested $12.00 membership fee because of "economy reasons", I ask them to contact me privately via P-email, and I will see what I can do to pay it for you. I am not a rich man by no means, but I will scrape up that $12.00 some how for someone who is in financial ruins. Oh, did I mention I love this site........... I would now like to suggest the following "as an option" to help raise money for Don going above and beyond his requested $12.00 membership fee, to help him with his upcoming medical expenses and to keep this site above water. Every time there is a meet & eat, lets all pitch in and donate $1.00 and give it to the person who posted and arranged the M&E. After that M&E takes place this person sends the money collected to Freebird via Pay-pal or through the mail, and posts what they collected. Every person who attends a rally this year, each person dontate's just $1.00 to the person who posted and arranged the rally. That person sends the money to Don,and posts what they collected. One more thought: Lets have 52 people, one VR member from each state, and this also can include canada and other countries, but one person from each state set up a day benifit ride for some upcoming saturday in your state. You plan the starting point, all potty / stops, and places to eat. This is a benefit ride for FREEBIRD.. and each person who attends pays $5.00, $10.00 or even $25.00 as an entrance fee to the person who arranged and planned the day event. That person sends the money to Freebird and posts the amount HIS state collected as a contest between states / countries. The ride you plan can include riding into other neighbouring states, but each state must have its own ride planned by a VR family member. That alone would be 52 planned benifit rides..
  19. If you look at the small left (small) bag, you can see a small chrome acorn nut on the rear edging of the leather bag where it touches the windshield. Each leather bag has two screws and two chrome acorn nuts (one on each rear edge side) that hold it to the windshield. I drilled small holes through the rear flap on the bags and then match drilled those holes through the windshield. I then inserted small allen head screws with flat washer from front side of windshield and through thw two holes in the bag and installed chrome acorn nut to match the chrome dome nuts ont eh forward flaps of the bags. People made comments that this will crack the windshield, but those bags have been on my bike for over a year and never cracked the windshield.. Of course, I didnt see how tight I could get them either......., but not one nut ever came loose either..
  20. I have just what you need... Click on the below link and you can see the 3 windshield bags I had on my RSV. Take note on how they are attached to the windshiled. If interested send me a p-email http://www.venturerider.org/forum/vbpicgallery.php?do=view&g=1784
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