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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Gosh Gary, I'm really feeling kind of dumb right now.... I didn't really read your entire posting..Sorry, but I promise to pay better attention.. woh is me...........
  2. buycheaper.com has them for $619.00 Camerakings has them for $624.00 MEGAgps.COM has them for $629 Gosale.com has them for $636.99 PCnation.com has them for $655.35 Those are the cheapest ones I could find Gary Eck
  3. Eck

    Lost a Pet

    BradT and Nasty, So sorry to hear of your loss.....
  4. Squidley, Take a look at the free parts exchange listed in the VR Tech section and see if there is anything you could use.
  5. Sure hope your dad does well and heals quickly Brad. I also hope you and Lonna are able to hold eachother up while dealing with all this too. My heart is with you guys.. If you want someone to warm up either of your bikes and make sure they run well, Ill fire them up and take them out for a spin for ya....
  6. I hope Riderduke, ops, I mean "STUD MUFFIN", can sign onto V.Org using his new name. ................ He sure is a cute bugger...........
  7. Eddie, During one of your test rides, pay attention to the "shifting".. I have heard from several owners that they shift very hard and "clunk" real loud, and as already mentioned the heat from the engine is unbearable on really hot days..dont know why this is. I could get used to the clunking in the shifting I guess if everything else was up to par.
  8. Tire leaks are caused due to a loose nut between seat and handle bars... Pick, I wish you, your lovely wife and family a very Happy new year and I look forward to riding with you again sometime this coming year.. As already mentioned, I'm sure there is a build up of something on the sides of the rim... a wire brush and some elbow grease and you will be full of hot air again..
  9. Lewis, I am sorry to hear this news, but like Beer30 said: set your terms on moving forward without delay. I personally would not reschedule and just press on with the arrangements already made. Once the new insurance company does their review it will all be covered anyway.. and most likely they would have it straightened out before you got the first bill.
  10. if the 550 works,,, then you have the best.......... If you decide you want to keep the 2730, then I will give you $50.00 for the 550. Hey, you made a heck of a profit now...
  11. Here is me.. One photo of me taking a nap on a friends porch in NC., another photo of me in a group photo at a breakfast M&E I had in Birmingham. (I"m kneeling down in front with the blue "T" shirt on) and another photo of my wife Konnie and I......
  12. I would first look at the shifter attach bolt. Check to see how much "PLAY" you have at the attach bolt. It is a known fact that if this pivot shaft is not lubricated as it should be then much wear will occur causing excessive play of the shifter on the shaft. I had to make a very small "spacer" out of shim material and wrapped it around the shifter shaft of my 05 RSV, which worked fantastic for about 2 years. After I wrapped the shim spacer around the shaft, I applied molly lube and reinstalled the shifter lever and attach screw. Make sure you use blue Loc-tight on the screw threads. Now, under neath the left floor board follow your shifting linkage and you will see another pivot point just aft of the radiator near the front of the left floor board. This pivot point must also be lubricated since it gets all the rain water and road muck splashed on it. I used the flat end of a fairly large screw driver and applied some oil on the screw driver tip and then placed the tip of the screw driver on the pivot point so the oil could slip off onto the pivot point.. hope that makes sense to you. Anyway, make darn sure you have checked and lubricated ever pivot point in your shifter linkage. If that doesn't do it then I would drain out and bleed the hydraulic clutch reservoir and the entire clutch system and and replace with fresh fluid. Clutch bleed screw is located just aft of the left rear cylinder at the lower rear corner under neath a little rubber piece that has a Phillip head screw holding it on. One other thing which MAY be an issue and then again it MAY not be. This was just an after thought.. Check the "type of engine oil" you used at your last oil change to ensure it is made for "wet clutch" systems.......
  13. I went for the "TV" screen look........ Mine is a Garman 7200 Yea, one can laugh at the size of this GPS but with a 7.5 inch screen and very large letters showing road names and cities, I surely don't need to take my eyes off the road long to read the words on this screen. Has text to speech, and MP3. Not water proof but I use a plastic baggie to cover it when it rains..so what.
  14. I think I have a copy of every tech article..........
  15. And here I thought I was having a round of BAD LUCK....... Sorry the bad luck found your door step Freebird, but I sure hope you are OK and you get to feeling better real soon.. At our age, our bodies just don't seem to heal fast like they used to so take it easy and relax best you can.
  16. So .........who the heck are you anyway........???????????????? Merry Christmas ya ol fart..
  17. Ahhhhhh yes...........enjoy it Lewis........hope you, Charlene and your entire family have a wonderful Christmas and many memories to share. Hey, I have been off work since Oct 15th and man...I'm getting to really like it..
  18. Dont know how your garage ceiling is but if the rafters are showing, you can strap both forward crash bars to the rafters. As you pick it up on the jack, tighten straps evenly. Slow process but safe.
  19. Harley mirrors are standard thread and the threaded hole for connecting them on the RSV is Metric. You would need a conversion piece with a male metric end to a female standard end of the same thread size the mirrors are.
  20. I wasted my money also on a pair two years ago, and I just gave them away to someone who thought they were the best thing since flush toilets. Worthless junk they are..... sorry, but had to tell it like it is.
  21. I learned no matter what..hit the object that is in your way or you insurance will not pay.... I promise I WILL hit the next vehicle in my path no matter what..
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