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Everything posted by Eck

  1. After reading your posting, I am almost certain the leak is under your gas tank on the right hand side near the forward end of your gas tank. There is a hose clamp there and it is known to leak.. Hopefully these 3 pictures will help you find the location and show you what to look for. Give me a call if I can be of any help...phone number is in my profile.
  2. (Quote) The one that I bought the bike from, and the only ones that have split the fairing are out of business. Make darn sure you tell your new Yamaha dealer about this when you you take your bike in to get it fixed..
  3. I found this site and after searching some roads in different states, I thought it may be of help to many thinking of going for a ride in their own state or neighboring state.. Hope you find it helpful... http://www.bestroadsbyhonda.com/
  4. Thanks to midrsv, I am able to ride even when it is colder .... This heated vest is fantastic.... Turn a little knob and wha-la..I am ready to ride.. Lets see, it's going to be 70 today...ah heck, I wont need it...
  5. Ya never know who's gonna show up.. I just put in on my calendar..
  6. You beat me to it KEN.. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3247&title=harley-tail-light-bracket-and-light-bar&cat=7
  7. Yep, and it has caused many an argument in many homes across the country...
  8. No matter what date you choose I would like to suggest you check the date you pick against the VR calendar.. You never know when someone else may have a M&E in that area... Someone on the site here holds a M&E / rally in Maggie Valley ..(every year I think). I went to it in fact two years ago, and may go again in 2011.
  9. Well I have been down twice..Once for myself I guess, and if what you say is true, I surely would to meet the person I went down for last year cause it almost killed me..... I think someone owes me now...thanks
  10. You might want to check your rear rotor... it may have to get more money out of YOU...if it is damaged...
  11. Let the chroming begin......:mo money:
  12. Repair your broken windshield mounting tabs.. I am certain they are broke..it is a common problem. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20293 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=516 Add a light bar spacer to ease the removal of your fairing: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1656
  13. Tom I agree whole heartedly with you about the GL1800 has some really tough commenting characters. One can ask a simple question and be bombarded with some harsh comebacks that deeply hurt your feelings to where you want to just sign off and go looking some place else for an answer. Yes, there is some good technical information on their site but I have found other GW sites that offer the same technical info with out the smart comments. I have never seen someone on this VR site give hurting comments to a question and hope I never do. This VR site is the most friendliest helpful site out there. As for the new 2010 GW your looking to shortly take possession of, I would ask the Honda dealer to throw in a set of driving/ fog lights (installed), for the same price he is selling the bike to you for. You most likely already made the deal by the sounds of it, but if you haven't, then ask him to throw in the fog lights.. You won't believe the difference in lighting viability with the fog lights on the 1800. First things I would buy for my new GW (when time $$ is right) would be: Fog lights The 16 DVD repair/ maintenance set Highway pegs Back rest GPS MP3 player (plug & play) Floorboards if you like floorboards Heated clothing
  14. They look like they are made my Kuryakin by the end rings and end cap. If I am correct, those are foam rubber pads that absorb the vibration. They also look like the wide (or larger) grip style. Some like the larger diameter grips while others do not. If I also remember, Freebird didn't like the larger diameter Kuryakin grips, however, I do. The larger diameter ones seemed to fit my hand better then the stock diameter ones. The left grip should come with an inner plastic spacer that is about 3/4 inches long. You may have to cut it to correct length..The directions will explain how to, that is IF they come with instructions. Also when glueing th eleft grip on I personally would NOT see how much glue I can use.. I would only put a "bead" of glue runningdown the uper most part of the handdle bar so if you ever decided to change them out, you can easily stand there and get them off by wedging a screw driver between the grip and handle bar. I would not put glue all the way around the left handle bar to hold it on.
  15. :rotf:...I cant stop laughing long enough to think of a come back.............:crackup:
  16. Expecting the need for parts huh.....
  17. Sorry your week was a bad week for you guy. I hope some GOOD luck comes your way starting NOW... I would think it would be very cold in Buffalo, NY, so I think I would head some place south too.... They say it is going down to 27 degrees here in Huntsville tonight.. BURRRRRRRRRR
  18. OK, my 2 cent suggestion on the broken ball in Allen head.. Using the next size larger ball end allen wrench...place it on the head of the bolt and tap it carefully. Is what you are trying to accomplish is this: As you tap on the Allen wrench, you are trying to push it into the head of the bolt (JUST A LITTLE) to where it "expands" the head of the bolt. It will bend the metal outward making it easier for the ball to come out. Again, You only want to enlarge the outer edge of the head of the bolt. Dont go smashing the Allen wrench with a hammer now for you will crack or even break the fairing. You must slowly work at it "carefully" and bend the metal edge outward. If you can not get the Allen wrench to do this then use a small punch and tap out each "edge" around the broken off ball on the head of the bolt. Keep trying to remove the ball as you bend the metal outward. You can also use a very small flat blade screw driver.. Tap in between the broken ball and the head of the bolt "as a prying motion" to expand the metal around the broken off ball. You can always go to Ace hardware and get another bolt to replace the damaged one..and you can always get another small screwdriver... Oh, and you can ride your bike missing that bolt if you need/ want to.. Now for the two bolts on the driving lamps. You MUST use a ball end Allen wrench to remove them. I strongly suggest you put a slight covering of grease on the threads of the two bolts BEFORE you replace them back into the aluminum block that they screw into..it sure helps NOT cross threading the dissimilar metals..The aluminum block will strip out before the steel bolts do... Added thought/ suggestion: You can also use a small Dremel tool and slowly-carefully grind away ONLY the TOP edge of the Allen bolt until the ball comes out. You do NOT want to grind the head all the way down. You want to leave a little of the Allen head so that when the ball comes out you still have the LOWER portion of the head left so you can still use an Allen wrench to remove it. You will need to replace the bolt once you get it removed..
  19. 4th Annual March on Rome lunch M&E When: Saturday, Sept 10th Where: Fudruckers, Rome, Ga. Time: 11am Hosted by Eck & Blackjack
  20. I think I had that same model at one time in my life too, and I also upgraded.. Check this one out.. Appears to be a good choice...$640.00 http://www.escortradar.com/iq/?utm_s...q_v=4d60e06c07
  21. Should take their pictures while on your property, and have them on hand in case anything does happen.. This way you can tell them you will turn their pictures over to the police if anything does happen....... whether they did it or not.... they would have to prove their whereabouts to the police..and prove they werent on our property.
  22. Silvrt, I deleted (physically removed) your other (duplicate) posting of this same thread for you..
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