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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Been trying to call you my friend. I'll try again today...
  2. Enjoy your ride and be safe Randy.. It's gonna rain and supposed to "S" here later today...
  3. Well, I don't have a guitar and have not owned one for about 20 years. I gave it to my son who does not play at all.. I used to play Gospel songs and went to different churches around the "east of Cleveland" Ohio area where I grew up. I played for about 15 years altogether in a band, but I gave up long ago. I have played one every now and then, but my fingers are like having all thumbs. Talk about "soft" fingers... Mine would burn for weeks before they came back like they used to be.
  4. If you end up with any parts left over or your not sure where a part goes, just take a picture of it, post it, and we can tell you where to put it.. I mean tell you where it goes..
  5. Brake Pad, I think this is what you are looking for.. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3768
  6. Eck


    call the "Pickers"
  7. In my personal opinion.... If I owned a truck with 126.5K miles I would stay with the oil I have been using. I would NOT go with synthetic oils of any nature. My Silverado has 199k and it has never seen synthetic oil and wont as long as I have it. If I began using synthetic oil when I first bought my truck, I would have continued with synthetic oil to this day. In other words, I do not recommend changing types of oils now that you have 126.5K miles on your truck.
  8. I haven't received anything like that either... Guess I have to agree with Squidley.... appears you have a "friend"...
  9. Eck

    My son was born!

    CONGRATULATIONS to the both of you.. Very good looking child you have there....and after looking at the pictures, I now see his looks definitely came from his mother..(ha)..!!! Gosh, after looking at your pictures, it also brought back memories of when my 1st son was born and his socks were just as long as your sons, reaching his arm pits.. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-..._8265136_n.jpg
  10. The glove box is held in by (4) push pin connector pins (which are called plastic rivets). Take a small pointed object (ink pen works well), and push in on the center part of the pin, This unlocks it. Do this to all four of the push pins. Remove all (4) push pins from the glove box before you lift it out of the fairing so that you do not drop or loose them (ask me how I know...). Once you complete the above instructions, the glove box will lift right out (lift straight up). Now, on the "right hand side" of the glove box you will see two white plastic clips. These two white clips are the locking mechanism. Spray the two white clips with a lubricant..(Do not use WD-40).. but use a silicone spray lube or a very light grease.. By using your fingers, you can work the white clips back and forth thus locking and unlocking them. Make sure they work freely. Replace the glove box in the fairing in it's proper orientation (door to left side). Now, on the (4) push pins that you removed. You will need to "pull up" on the center part to unlock the push pins so that the "BASE" of the push pin will easily go back into the hole it came out of. The center part must be "raised above" the base for installation. Once you get the push pin center up above the base, you can insert the push pin base through the hole in the glove box "AND" the hole in the fairing. Once you acchomplish this, you then push in on the center part to where it is "FLUSH" with the top of the base part and this locks the push pins back in place. Any questions, give me a call. Phone number is in my profile my friend. Eck
  11. I sent you a web link (via email) .....Hope it helps you as it has helped me..!
  12. Rick, I bought my 5.3 - 2000 Silverado off the line in 2000, and I now have 199k miles on it.. I am on the 3rd set of tires Replaced the battery one time about 6 years ago.. It's about ready to poop out.. I changed the oil & filter every 3k religiously... Trans fluid and filter changed twice Replaced (1) right hand front driving light bulb Replaced (1) license plate light bulb Replaced all four brake pads once (about 6 months ago).. they lasted a LONG time.. Problem issues I had on mine are: My emergency brake shoes would hang up and I never even used the emergency brake.. There is a recall on the emergency brake lock ups for standard transmission Silverado vehicles. Mine is an automatic transmission and they would not cover the recall even though my emergency brakes were hanging up and doing the exact same thing that the recall was about. Soooooooo, being that I never ever used the emergency brakes, I removed the emergency brake pads all together... That solved that problem..It's been like that now for about 5 years.. My radio went out (a known common problem) you can do a search on "silverado radio quit working" and see for yourself that it is a common problem. Drivers side and passenger side seats slide forward and backward every time I touch the brake or the gas pedal...There is a service bulletin issued for this defect.. it is NOT a recall so that means I would have to pay around $3.50 for each seat to have it repaired. Your seats may do this over time... Other then those few issues, I would buy another Silverado tomorrow. I love mine!! It has been a great truck for me...and very dependable I wish you the same luck or better with yours.. Eck
  13. Battery Tender ................... Sounds like a heck of a deal there Blackjack.. It's nice when all the "positives" come into play..Now you can put a good charge on that battery of yours.
  14. RR, I think this is the connector you are speaking of that shorts out.. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=32359
  15. I would not be riding at 75MPH in 30 degree weather in the first place.... You could possibly be on black ice before you knew it and would be replacing more then the lower fairing. I am surprised you don't need a radiator too..
  16. Eck

    Did a few mods

    I mounted my Garage door opener Button on the left side handle bar right next to my hand so that I never have to take my hand off the handle bar or fumble around trying to locate the button on my dash or under my seat. I installed a micro push button (RED on in below photo) inside of a chrome ink pen top end piece, then used black silicone to seal / water proof it. I ran the wires to a micro quick disconnect (male / female connectors) where I could easily remove the garage door button if/ when the batteries need replaced..The actual garage door opener is mounted with velcro to the left front fork tube between the inner fairing. All I do is push the little red button I made with my finger that is mounted right next to my left hand..see photo below
  17. The Oberlin Inn will never get my business again.. I'll be staying at the Comfort Inn..
  18. Ignition Switch failure... Need to by-pass it or replace it.. This is a known common problem http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=512 While your in there, you might wanna check this out too.. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=32359
  19. Andy, I have never been there or even heard about this place. If you ever want to take a ride up to check it out, let me know and I will ride along with you for the heck of it. I live in Huntsville, and I could meet you at I-59 & I-24 or somewhere else if you wish. Eck
  20. You did good there my friend.. looks real nice and should work fine for you.. Hate to say it, but mine was cheaper then yours, but yours I would rather have.....
  21. (QUOTE): First, what is the AIS? Second, what is to be gained by plugging it? http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=485
  22. You better hope V7Goose doesn't see this thread on plugging the AIS system.. Oh heck,, I'm getting out of here now..
  23. Try this.. Ill keep looking for more for you if this is not it. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=42358
  24. Eck

    Gel Pads

    Yep, I agree with what he said too from my own personal experience.. WildHair told me when I was in Ft. Collins, Co., to go down to the dollar store and buy a bath mat rug for a buck..This was on my 05 Venture. When I left Ft. Collins for Huntsville, Al., I rode 14 and a half hours straight the first day and 13 and a half hours the next day and I was home. Two hours later, I was out mowing the grass on my riding lawn mower..
  25. Sorry to hear this news. Many people suffer from breathing problems and the smoke from those type of large fires play havoc on them. Ask me how I know...
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