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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Prayers on the way..
  2. Looks real nice Dennis. I like the color... Hope you and Valerie enjoy it as well as you did the RSV. Couple of accessories you might want to consider that I find most helpful are: Driver highway pegs ( I have the 6 inch but wish I had the 4 inch stubby ones) Backrest (however this item may impact passenger real estate) Bakerwings Passenger arm rests with cup holder Added 12 volt plug so you can charge cellphones..I placed one in the trunk, one in the left side "rear" glove box, and one in the left "front" side pocket. On really hot days (90 degrees or higher) you will notice very hot air coming out of the lower side vents on both your knee caps...I am pondering many ideas to come up with an air diversion to avoid this..
  3. Randy.. Im sorry to hear this and pray for guided hands to perform the needed help Marcie needs.
  4. Why is it hard to give people money? I'm with RedRider.....if you cant find him, I'll take your money..:mo money:
  5. Rick, it looks real nice.. Food for thought here.. You might think about moving your intercom connector base away from the bib edge so that the bib lays flat in that area. It would be easy to move the connector base over about a half or so. You can use a fishing string and work it like a saw under the base with a heat gun to remove it, then reinstall using a small piece of two way carpet tape to hold it in place. I would not want to use glue because it would mess up the finish on the tank. It does look really nice though ..!
  6. Things may be looking UP in north Georgia..................
  7. The family here on this site seems a lot happier when GREAT news is posted... I wish your family well....
  8. Sorry to hear this, Hope all will be OK..
  9. Eck


    Like Tom, I lay mine on its right side to remove rear tire. Laying it down is easy, picking it back up is the trick. Stand with your butt against the seat and lift using our legs.. Yes you will have to strain to lift it.
  10. Eck


    I think that is a really picture of when Beer30 was 4 yrs old.....
  11. That figures, It took for me to move out of Alabama for you to visit the state huh... Hope you and Pat have a safe trip.
  12. Dont cut corners to sharp or near the inside because trailer tire will hit curb....ops.. Watch when trying to avoid obsticles in the road..you swerve to miss with bike but trailer tire hits object.. Learn to ride more in middle of lane at all times, since you basically now have a three wheeled vehicle.. As mentioned above, add more distance to your stopping time..a lot more distance to save your brake pads, especially the rear inside pad.. Always check your trailer lights to ensure they are working. Check with your insurance company to ensure you, your passenger, bike and trailer are covered. You dont want / need any suprises if something did happen. Ride safely..
  13. BUMP....
  14. Such sad news. My heart goes out to you so very deeply. I pray for you and your family. I just burried my father today and truely understand what loss is, but I know where my father is. Your feelings of loss are so much greater and deeper. I am so so sorry.
  15. Dang...I read the title to your thread here and had to go looking for my call phone... Had me worried there for a minute..
  16. Eck


    If you get to where you feel you gotta smoke... just pick up an old ash tray and put your nose real close to it and take a long deep breath... The stentch will remind you as to how bad you smell if you light one up.... I smoked for years, and now I cant stand the smell of one. Truth is they stink.. and they are NOT good for you..period..
  17. Tom, I installed a thin (1/4" wide x 1/4" high) rubber (adhesive backed) strip around the lower trunk edge where it was rubing when I first purchased my GW, and it works great I dont carry much in my trunk as far as weight (just a coat, gloves, and riding pants and a few small items). The trunk is way more solid enough for me for what all I carry in it.
  18. is this what you are looking for..?
  19. Many were those previous members who have not visited the site for a long period of time and / or no longer wanted to take part in the Meet & Eat's or planned activities, and decided to drift off on to other adventures that they found appealing. Some have not been on the site for two or three years (or more). Cleaning up and finding more real estate (useable space) on the site is an ongoing challenge...! Another way to say it is: If..IF... I ever happen to be ,who some day finds another adventurous road, I am certain I would "eventually" want all my contact information removed from the site... HOWEVER...I do not see that in my future.. unless...they throw me off the site, because I too am one who finds enjoyment and personal satisfaction in helping others....
  20. I think the fastest way ...other then by I-95...... is by air .......
  21. it takes a LONG time to grow young....
  22. (quote): I just hope I completed it to the families satisfaction Well, you touched our hearts already..Well done sir.. Her and her family, and friends are in our thoughts this morning.
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