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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Tom, You keep going, youll have enough in that ride to buy two of them.. Hope to ride with you some time this year.... Keep in mind thuogh, the 02 silver is faster.......and better looking... oh wait, they all look the same........well, almost..
  2. Eck


    Yep BOO, your a little late my friend...but its always nice to see change again. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=56881&highlight=2012+goldwing And it is spoken about here too with more photos: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=55681&highlight=2012+goldwing
  3. Have him contact East Coast CHhppers,,,the ol man might be looking for another machinest, or th eyounger one might could use his tallents on start up...
  4. (Quote thread title) Does your Cell Phone Work??? Yes...but I havent washed this new one yet... give me some time..
  5. well by golly, I am 19...... #2,#3 are expired members, Black Ice is 4, #7 dont exsist, #8 is OB-1, #9 is Tooldood, etc..... All you have to do is change the number at the end of the link and you can find out who is # 10, #11, and so on..
  6. Cover your butt there Randy... Hope all is ok after it passes...
  7. Eck

    Made it home

  8. If you do my suggestion, you can rest assured you at minimum, eliminated that possibility of being your problem, and in doing so you also sealed all the connectors from moisture. This may, or may not be the cure to your problem, but it is a simple task well worth doing, and will do nothing but help improve the electrical contact durability of your bike.
  9. You need to split the front fairing. If you need help on this feel free to ask. Standing in front, looking aft, on the left hand side, there is a bundle of "BLACK" wire connections. (4) bundles). Carefully pull one connector (male/ female) apart and spread a little dialectric grease over the female connector covering he holes. Then plug it back to gether. Do this to all 4 connectors (wont hurt) and by doing all 4 of them you will do the one that pertains to your radio and your radio should work correctly after that..common known problem with them...
  10. I spoke to him last week, and he said he was going to take a ride up to see John and spend possibly the weekend.. this was last weekend, not this weekend. He is still having some heart rythum & blood pressure issues, but says he feels fine and is doing ok.
  11. Bill is a teaser, Bill is a teaser......nahnah,nahnh,nahnah............
  12. What I like about this is .....it isnt something that happened to ECK............ It's about time things start happening to someone else. Sorry it was you this time Don..
  13. So many types to choose from out there Dennis, but no matter what type trailer I pull, it must have a spare.....preferably sitting in a cubby hole inside the trailer where it stays clean and is easy to got to.. Have you seen these? Spare tire would be extra though... (Road GT model or the Drifter model) http://www.roaddogtrailers.com/trailers_Widetrack_deluxe.asp
  14. (Quote- Freebird): I have actually censored myself here by going back and deleting my own posts a few times because when I read it back later, I realized that it did not come across as I had intended or I had said something that I quickly realized was uncalled for.
  15. Safety reminders are Always a good thing.. thanks
  16. Certainly very nice of him to do that Lewis....... Hope many more send in donations for this event.
  17. http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/motorcycle_recalls/01/yamaha/index.html http://www.allmotorcyclerecalls.com/recalls/detail/107012/2001_yamaha_road_star_motorcycle_recall.html http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/530/Motorcycles/Motorcycle-Recalls.aspx Search: "Motorcycle recalls" and you can find out what is on your bike
  18. (Quote): My service time is worth $225/hr. What type of service do you provide may I ask ,that you charge $225 /hr for?
  19. Your in our thoughts and prayers Gunboat...
  20. Possibly, but I doubt it.. It may just be the battery is low from sitting? When was the last time it was started..? Then again, it coud be the ignition switch too... Ops, I forgot, I am not certified so I am not a master mechanic...
  21. we now have a fix for leaking fork seals..............
  22. Brakepad, Not sure if your bike has had this done since you owned it, but have you ever flushed the cluth system, and replaced it with fresh new brake fluid?
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