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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Well dang...if I was ever in the market for another RSV, I would be much interested as you know I have always thought your bike was outstanding and well dressed. Could you make sure my benificiary papers go to the buyer...?
  2. Eck

    Glossary of Terms

  3. Dang, I live on Daniel Island about 8 miles north of Charleston.. Im in.. keep us posted.
  4. Dang BOO...I bet your grinning about now..how about now.. ok now... 4am this morning I wasnt seeing to well... That decaf just doesnt work for me..
  5. I do not own a 2012 model but they brake system is the same on earlier models with either ABS or non-ABS.. Since you mentioned he tried bleeding his brakes already...I can not say he has a defective master cylinder or defective part on his bike (which I dounbt anyway) but I do suspect there is air in his brake lines. Please note that there is a step by step process that must be followed to bleed the brakes on a GW.. This step by step process discribes/ explains in detail as to which bleeder must be "bled" first, second, third and so in proper sequence to bleed the brakes properly on any GL1800. I posted the below link in the GW tech section on this site here a while back. You can click on this GW technical help link and search to find the brake bleeding information. Somewhere in this link is a document that tells you how to follow this step by step process. I am at work rigth now and I do not have authroity to visit this site while here at work or I would find it for you. If you do not locate it let me know for I have a copy of it on my home computer..and I will email it to you. I would need your home email address to do that, so if you want a copy, you can email it to me. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=52598
  6. Eck


  7. I am certain either one will fit... here are a couple pics of my mud flaps that I had on my o5 RSV.. Note: Fenders are the same on yours as mine are.
  8. Buz, I am so saddened to hear of your heartbreaking loss and at a loss for words of comfort. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.
  9. Hang in there Dan....it will all work out.. Hey Skid.. Eat your heart out... and still dont have enough room...(I wish)
  10. As they say... check is in the mail Dan..wishing you a quick recovery and blessed life for 2012.. PS: Keep the trailer Don.. Eck
  11. This just isnt right....We need to investigate this a little more I think.. Really... Have any of you noticed that George gets to have 2 or 3 birthdays and you and I dont even have one... Soooo why is this George..? It appears that about the every fourth month mark, George has to have a B-Day... So what do I think...?? I think.. George goes in and just changes his B-day in his profile page on the site here just so he can get all these Happy B-day posts, receive phone calls, AND... be able to go off some place with is bride.. George, You not but 45 years old...and if you keep this up your gonna catch up with me and be my age.. Just remember my friend..you cant swing from that ceiling fan forever ...And watch out for that reverse switch,,, it hurts... OK, Here is another one ...Happy Birthday George..there, you should feel better... now go to your room..
  12. nope ...the VR site email system does not allow attachments at this time.
  13. Eck

    How Long??

    Heck I just now signed up........so what goes on here that is so contagious?? I was here also before the site crash..(03/05 I think)......and I too remember Dallas. That did get under my skin a few times ............then I figured him out..all bark..no bite.
  14. I wish you a easy recovery Jeff. I know after watching my wife recover it is a road on which I hope I never have to go down, but no matter what, my heart and prayers are with you my friend.
  15. Hair dryer and a strong fishing line works best... Once removed, spray some WD-40 onto a rag, and wipe the remaining glue off.. Note: The longer you let the WD-40 sit on the glue the easier it will be to wipe off.. You can spray the WD-40 directly onto the glue, but it will run down the fairing...it wont hurt the paint or anything but it will remove any wax you have on the fairing.... Just re-wax the fairing when done..
  16. (Quote) How do you "lower" a 2nd Gen Venture Just Stand it along side my Goldwing..............:rotf:
  17. I would not think so.. At 70 plus MPH there is a lot of wind pressure on that windshield pushing it towards the rear of the bike... The cover you decide to get should not be soooooo "tight" where it is actually pulling the windshield back towards the rear of the bike..in a hard "restrained" condition. Here is a suggestion of what I just did to my half cover..to help ease the tension on the windshield. I hand sewed (2) 3/4 inch wide black elastic straps to the lower front edge of the half cover and on the other end of the two straps I hand sewed on (2) pieces of Velcro about 4 inches long. Under my Front fairing, in hidden view, and having one piece on each side of the fairing, I cleaned the areas and stuck the mating ends of the velcro. When I place my half cover on the bike I pull down on the front of the cover and stick the straps to the velcro... my cover is not tight at all on my windshield but lightly snug. If the wind blows hard, the elasatic portion of ht estraps "GIVE" and relieve the strain on the windshield.. I also added a "teathering strap" to each side of the half cover. The teather strap is hand sewed to the outer edge of the cover located aproximately near the rear of the divers seat on the cover itself. With these two straps (one on each side) they are about 3.5 ft long and I pull them towards the front of the bike and hook them to the front riding pegs so that the sides of the half cover is being pulled downward and forward again relieving the strian on the windshield and the cover is not being pulled towards the rear of the bike. The rear end of the cover is wrapped under the rear trunk and it has a built in elastic strap around the whole rear edge of the cover. It would take a good wind ot blow the cover off the bike but it would only be blown off the rear or the front... the sides are still tied down to the foot pegs and it would have to tear off these straps for the cover to blow down the street.. Hope this helps! Eck
  18. Is this what you are looking for? Very large down load.. http://www.jcmotors.com/t-cross-reference-chart.aspx Yamaha cross reference http://www.johnnystoybox.com/yamaha_parts_cross-reference.htm http://www.yamahamotorcyclepartsonline.com/YamahaMotorcyclePartsCrossReference.html http://zedder.com/itm00609.htm
  19. The best looking HD rear light assembly I have ever seen on a 2nd gen is the one on DaveCB's Blue Venture.. Very nice light assembly and if I ever get another 2nd gen I would do what I could to find one just like he has on his bike..
  20. to work = $ 160.00 month (for car) to work = $35.00 month (on bike) minus same $35.00 from car above) For wife = $100.00 plus a month leisure/ weekends = $100.00 month Bike weekend excursions = $100 a month (or more pending if it is a three day weekend)
  21. Does my heart good to see that you and Charlene finally had some time to spend together and not worry about Vogel being a success.... Welcome back.. So glad you both had a safe and enjoyable time..!
  22. Too many couples marry for better, or for worse, but not for good. If a man has enough horse sense to treat his wife like a thoroughbred, she will never turn into an old nag.
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