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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Eck

    So ECK

    Well yes...and no... ...WHAT....Hows that you ask...? I recieved the call... however, I was told he chose a previous employee for this open posiiton, and that he is holding my application for his next open position... They just won a huge order (contract) with Bombardiare Montreal Cannada) making the landing gear for the C-series airplanes. Guess I just have to wait it out for now..bu tthanks for asking and thinking of me bud..
  2. Eck

    It's a boy!

    Congratulations Grandpa Gary and Grandma Mary, and to the parents. Here is to wishing them and thier new son great health and many days of memories..(good ones)... PS: I bet your grandson would look really good behind the sterring wheel of this old truck I'm thinking of...
  3. Sorry Freebird, but this will have to be the 1st year I miss, since 05... I expect to be back "home" soon, and wont be able to just take off right away on a vacation. Aug/ Sept time frame I may be able to take a couple days (Thurs/ Fri) for a long weekend ride some place but even that is unpredictable at this time. My heart will be there though..!!
  4. Ruffy, How did you know..I've always wanted polished wheels on MY RSV....... As always, Im certain you will do a fine job on them... (for me)....
  5. Tom, I sent you an email listing a trialer that is selling right now for $900.00 and is located in Queens NY.. Looks like a great deal to me..just thought I would try to help you locate one closer to where you live.
  6. You have mail............
  7. We met up with him when they were here in Charleston.. Hope they have a great (SAFE) ride./ vacation.!
  8. Eck

    Clean and Sober

    WOW..Trader...very good post.!!!!!!! Your point is taken with up-most-respect...and I thank you...!!! Will do from now on.. never thought (or heard) of that. . Now I understand what happed to Dragonrider....
  9. Eck

    Clean and Sober

    As for drinking: Yes..I do drink...I enjoy my beer now and then..I can buy a 12 pack and two weeks later I still have 6 left, however, then again sometimes I dont.. All depends on what I am doing and who is there with me. I dont get drunk or see how much liquid strength or courage I have and I know when I had enough. I normally do not drink anything during the week days.. sometimes on Fri or Sat night but very seldom on a week day. Im 60 yrs old and have never missed a day of work due to drinking..Some weekends I never touch it yet it is right there in the fridge. Now..Sitting in the garage on a saturday afternoon you can bet I will have a cold one (or 2, 3, 4 or more..) while I wash and wax my bike, car or truck.. listening to my radio..in my man cave....minding my own buisness. If someone dont like it they can leave. I work for what I have and I want to enjoy the things I enjoy. I enjoy a cold beer. Liquor is not totally out of the question, but I might have a shot once or twice a year.. I have bottles I have had for years and have never opened them. In fact, last time I had liquor was New Years eve two years ago.. Smoking.. No thanks ...not for me.. I have emphasema..I quit smoking years ago..and can not stand the smell of a cigg, pipe or a cigar..If someone ligths a cigar up, I have to walk away.. cannot breathe around a cigar for anything..heck no.. Clean.. After I work up a sweat I always shower.. Oh you mean drugs... Not since 1970...the year I quit.... Few years later I lost my brother because of drugs..He got killed in a drug deal gone bad..some guy shot & killed him with a double barrel 12 gage..then he took him out in the desert and burried him.. we found him 8 months later after the killer was arrested for another crime then confessed to killing my brother. Drugs kill...one way or the other they will kill..they may kill you or a loved one..but the do kill. In my line of work, I cant (and never will) do drugs again.. Dr prescriptions only and most every time there are pills left over ..I seldom take all that are prescribed to me. A month or so later they end up flushed down the commode..
  10. exact write up I did a year earlier except I didnt mention heating the glue with a torch in my write up. I surely would not bond the glass back in the metal ring all the way around the circumference of the glass... only a few spots (12,3,6,9,oclock positions).. It looks like hanks write up has an 06 RSV..mine was an 05
  11. The headlight glass is glued to the metal bucket (if you are speaking of a 2nd Gen)... To removeit you have two choices.. 1) Break the glass and take it out in pieces (as I had to do) 2) You can try to heat the metal bucket (slowly & carefully) and see if that softens the glue enough to where you can remove the glass..I have never done this. I did a major mod to mine about 6 yrs ago, so that I could replace the headlight at anytime with a head light assembly from a auto part store. You can see what I did here. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=498
  12. Bubber, You can use a small grinder with soft wire brush and grind the chrome layer off. Grinding sounds like a "harsh' word, but I dont mean pushing the plastic bezzel into a grinding stone... Harbor Freight has small hand held grinders that arent expensive, that have interchangable harsh/hard ..to soft...attachments.. You would be basiclaly sanding the chrome layer off "SLOWLY' on the grinder...using soft wire wheel attachment or light sandpaper (trials in areas not visable to eye...) In the tighter spots (crevases/ seams) a dremel tool would work..again using soft wire wheel and light sand paper wheels.. A lot of work to save the bezzel, but it could be done if you take your time and use a lot of elbow grease.. Keep in mind..the more chemicals you play with (soak it in) may end up effecting the ABS and crack it or make it very brittle.
  13. (Quote) the chrome is metal not plastic and it is plated to the headlight bezel. Need to know one more thing before I can offer my 2 cents worth.. Is the headlight bezel plastic or metal? Just want to be certain.. Need to know BOTH part materials in the "stack-up". Metal chrome piece bonded to a metal bezel or metal chrome piece bonded to plastic (ABS) bezel. Post here or send me an email.
  14. Time to It appears to me that birds seem to know what YAMAHA's ...and what YAMAHA related items ..need to be "white washed"..... I've noticed though that they dont bother anthing that is GOLDWING related. And if you noticed this post didnt pic on Harley's either..
  15. (QUTOE from above) Did you coat the plug with the supplied glue? 3. Did you insert it far enough so that appx 1/4 - 1/2" was left sticking out? 4. Did you rotate the plug tool 180 degrees before yanking it back out? 5. Did you trim off the excess level with the face of the tread? 6. Finally, did you go out and ride it at 80+ mph immediately after you plugged it? All very vaild quesitons ...........from one who knows how to plug a tire.. Most people never comply with 3,4,5 and most all do take off rigth away which I myself would do. The hole you plugged before and it spit the plug out, may have been an extra large hole you were trying to plug. If the reamer tool slides in the hole.. dont plug it..if you have to "force" the reamer tool in the hole then you have a good sing that the plug will work and hold, but you may not be inserting the reamer in dire t line with the hole since you do not know which direction or path the object took. Are you sure you didnt make someone mad at you, and they are placing nails at the end of your driveway.. not that YOU would (or could) get anyone upset now...
  16. I too have own a timeshare for about 14 years, and my personal testimony is to not get involved in one either. I was fortunate to find a buyer...even though my time share was paid for, every year I had to pay more and more each year for maintenance fees.. when I bought mine back in 1986, the maint-fees were only $1.50 a year.. when I sold it in 2009, the maint fees were a staggering $885.00 a year..now apply that times the numer of units in the building, then multiply that times the number of 52 weeks a year for each unit is sold to another person who owns a unit for a week, and SOMEONE is making a bundle......and it was not ME......... Once you sign those papers, you are STUCK making payments for life. It is much cheaper to rent one for a week then to get stuck out on a limb for many years to come.. My advice: DONT BUY ONE..
  17. sure looks beautiful up there...
  18. Here are a few things that you could do while the bike is naked and your just in waiting mode.. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13263 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1705 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=485 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=37353 enjoy....... Oh, one other thing not many speak of...Check the air in your tires...
  19. as already mentioned....sounds like it is the 2nd Gen Ignition Switch problem being your problem.. I would take the time (NOW).. to "by-pass" the ignition switch with an emergency ignition switch before yours leaves you stranded.. This is very simple to do.. You mount an OFF/On switch (in a hidden place of your choice), so that if the stock ignition switch does go out on you, all you have to do is flip that little booger and you will be on your merry way.... Check this connector out also... This is a tech article on my ignition switch connector that I had on my RSV. Yours may be the same problem.. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=32359
  20. I spoke to Beer30 about a week ago.. I happen to come across a little item that I felt "fit him well"... so I needed his mailing address to send it to him.. Gene and his lovely mate Becky are doing fine but are both working many hours and have thier hands full at this time. Both hope to be back in the VR family activities soon.
  21. This is bad news to hear of a wreck, .. but in this case, this is good news to hear Dave is OK... Sounds like the bike is OK and should not be much to rework back to new again. Many Thanks to TOM also for jumping in and helping another VR family member out...
  22. Hope "Goose" didnt get cooked..I mean hit..
  23. And here I thought that hose was so one could connect an "adapter" for those "long" rides...
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