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Everything posted by Eck

  1. Looking real nice there Lewis...Real nice...!!
  2. (Quote - BOO) I'm just lazy............. I like an honest man..............
  3. sure wish I could have been there....
  4. Eck


    HA..Dallas was a hoot..he raised my hair a few times until I figured him out..
  5. Eck


    Im still here Bill.. Hope you and Linda are doing great.. Many of the older crowd have laid back, some are still here though.. Would be nice if we could all get back together again next year for an Ol-Time international VR rally...You, me and many have phone numbers and emails of the folks we remember. We could set a day/date next year and then start sending emails and calling the ol-time members letting them know and we can post it here also in hopes the newer members would join all of us. What a story telling adventure that would be...
  6. Alrighty Joe.... It's about time someone had the courage to step up to the plate..thanks a bunch!! I here by "proudly" hand off the torch on this subject to you....do carry it well... until the next person steps up and washes their phone...!!!
  7. Lewis, I remember that tap dance with my bike.... The two women on the road and everyone standing on the hill with you all enjoyed that dance.. .........109 LED lights swinging in all directions at once.. The blue mustang ..I will never forget....
  8. I too would like to have a 56 crown...or the 58 hardtop convertable.. Nice vehiicle you brought home Montey...looks like orginal colors also...!!
  9. I remember watching this on the news..a very interesting story behind it all.
  10. Dave, ride it like you rode your old bike. (Unless your scard...........).. Ride it in the mountains, back roads, curves (if you have any up there)...and the engine will be constantly fluxuating in RPM,s and loads..all the while you are enjoying your seat theropy... Dont forget to pass a few cars on the interstate....if yours will go that fast.
  11. Everyone makes their mark in life...... in one way or the other..good or bad.. Mine just happen to be two washed cell phones.. Glad my journey is over.......in that I will be remembered for something..... something good...... but dumb..
  12. looks liek another job for Snarley Bill...
  13. Sorry Joe, If you needed a rear wheel for a GW, I would possibly be able help you out, but I dont have anything for a RSV anymore..
  14. So sorry to hear this Brad. My heart, thougths and prayers are with you and your family my friend.
  15. Our hearts thoughts and prayers are with your mom..
  16. Carefully laying a GW on its right side to change the tire / rear bake pads / clean it, does not do a thing to it. I have done it many many times.. Placing an old folded up towel under each rigth side crash bar, and then carefully laying it over onto the towels where it is sitting on the crash bars wont mar the finish and nothing happens inside the motor..(water or oil)..I have let mine sit in this position for 4 plus hours one time and it caused no harm. It just appears to be the wrong thing to do when you see a bike laying on its side...the normal thought process is bikes are supposed to be up on the two wheels at all times.. Oh you could bet if I owned a table lift, I would not lay it on its side, but I dont. I had a jack at one time, but a GW 1800 and a jack is a little flimsy...I used to place a jack stand under the rear shock and set the GW down on it just to help ballance/ support it when working on it..The RSV fits the jack a lot better then a GW.
  17. Just keep it waxed there Ruffy..... I know someone who is your beneficiary who would enjoy it....
  18. It is a nice looking ride my friend. I think the next ride I get just may be a harley, but dont tell anyone..
  19. Did someone mention Gremlin Bells???
  20. So what kind of bike is it? Oh,, never mind..........
  21. Ft. Collins, Co to Amerillo, Tx, and on to Elk City, Okla in one day......... Very next day from Elk City, Okla to Huntsville, Al. 05 RSV...loved every minute too..
  22. I put a kill on this thread pending review from the other moderators...... Thanks for your understanding.
  23. Hope your turing it the correct way to remove it.. Righty tighty, lefty loosie... $4.99 at Harbor freight.. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=rubber+belt+oil+filter+wrench&view=detail&id=403767CD7B95BBEAF0538237D17CA79382108BEF&first=0
  24. Eck

    New Toy

    Is your camera broke ? Can't go out and take a picture ? Brad My camera is in Huntsville, and Im in Charleston, and my cheap (replacement) phone doesnt have a camera on it.. So there you turkey..
  25. Ill bring a tissue when I get to see you again my friend.
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