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Everything posted by Hart

  1. Sedhead If you want the one with David Mann's Art Work just go up and do a search for David Mann and it will pop up. John
  2. Great post, I can't imagine that many replies without any name calling especially on such a hot topic. It says alot for the members on this site. :clap2: Last week I counted all the replies and at that time there were only 32 members who positively said they do carry. Of those that do, 6 rode 1st gens and 26 rode 2nd gens.
  3. Kirt, Bought my 07 in July and so far I have had it in to the dealer 2 times just for the radio and it's still dosen't work all the time. Mine cuts out, sometimes goes dead, sometimes it fades in and out all by itself, sometimes just by turning the vol knob it will come back. Dealer has been good about it but I'm gonna make them put in a new one when I can get it to them. They have already tried the grease in the connectors without results. John
  4. Count me in, It would look great sittin on my desk at work.
  5. I'm looking for a lift, has anyone here ever used a Black Widow Lift from Motorcycle Ramps. Any info or suggestions is appreciated. Thanks John http://www.motorcycleramps.com
  6. TJ Me too, both hands on the index finger. It's not real bad yet but is getting worse. I would be interested to know what the Doc says. Great post Eck , Thanks John
  7. Great site guys, a lot of good ideas. A company called Hermosaworks makes a First Aid Kit just for motorcycles that includes a Water Gel burn dressing and some larger dressings just made for road rash. I also carry a couple packs of Celox Powder pronounced (cell locks ). Its made for larger wounds to stop the bleeding. Its similar to the stuff the Army uses and is available over the counter. No special training needed for use. http://www.hermosaworks.com
  8. The problem with deer is they are like people in that they can adapt to their surroundings. If you move next to a railroad or airport eventually you don't notice the noise. Deer whistles worked great when they came out but now with so many vehicles with them deer have gotten use to them and pay no attention to the sound. Indiana also has seen a boom in deer population. IMHO the biggest problem here is lack of hunting ground, because hunters have abused what properties they were allowed to hunt on, it's hard to find farmers that will let you hunt.
  9. Lights are done. I appreciate all the wonderful help :happy65:and advise. Smokie you were right, it took three times longer than I expected and then only with another set of hands helping hold the lights while I tightened them. Sadly I only lost 2 wrenches, I sure hope the neighbor finds them before he hits them with his mower.. Thanks All
  10. Thanks guys, it dosen't sound like much fun, mabey I can get my wife to help:rotf:.
  11. Thanks BMW, Kinda what I thought but didn't want to hear.
  12. Greetings from Indiana. New to site and first post. Just had factory passing lamps installed and need to adjust them up. Side to side is no problem but looked at them and it dosent apear they go up without tearing them apart. Suggestions and any info would be appreciated. Great site, have learned alot about my new ride from here. Thanks
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