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Everything posted by tntviper1

  1. ok i will do that and see, thank you
  2. so first did a search, most signs point to gummed up carbs or out of synch. but did not really find a thread for whats going on. 1983 venture 45K kilometers on it. bike was fine when i put it away. full tank of gas and sefoam, started it up about every 5 weeks. so yesterday put all the trim back together (spring deep clean) fired it up and in neutral has to be at 1k rpm's to keep running. tried driving, at 4k rpm still in first i have almost no power (about 15mph tops) anyone have this specific issue before? new plugs or air filter? fuel filter? or take it to the shop
  3. wow that is awesome, maybe one day for me. my next is a .357 wheel gun after i build the next AR
  4. i stumped prarie LOL my bike was made in japan for mexico, it has an 11 character VIN LOL then sold in canada now back to the USA there is a glove box on the right side with coolant, i will get it together in the next month and post pics of the final build
  5. thanks folks, sorry bike is 1983 venture royale, the coolant (right side) is the glovebox, left side was the job previous owner did i design wire harnesses for a living so i was shocked with what i saw. new speakers and radio are wired, going to order some of the ABS plastic you recommend to fab up a cover to hide the hack job on the left panel.
  6. no one has pictures? even without sirius
  7. just looking for pictures folks, here is my mess to re-wire this weekend and i was thinking about adding one of my sirius radios also. scoured the net for pictures of our favorite rides but came up short. so please post your after market setups
  8. thoughts? https://www.autoevolution.com/news/yamaha-mt-10-tourer-edition-unveiled-in-europe-115749.html
  9. why leave? just because you dont have the bike anymore you have good people here to chat with
  10. pulled the trunk and started sanding
  11. So my baby is showing major wear on the paint. Do i just sand the hell out of it or get it repainted? Pictures show 320 grit then 1500 wet
  12. see i love this forum y'all are great see you all on the road soon (maybe saturday?) LOL and i see some members up near lambton shores my summer area BACON FEST EH my canuck riders
  13. since it is winter here in the mitten, i am getting antsy to ride soon (june LOL) where in this forum would i find micigan members near detroit that ride together? DW wants to start meeting more venture riders
  14. only if you are that moron on my gun forums LMAO just kidding i am very hard to offend
  15. i named mine Chole because i always wanted to ride a women named Chloe
  16. going to be there this weekend, what is there to do outside of tourist stuff, drinking and hiking ? we dont hike or drink LOL
  17. not if you are a kardasian
  18. actually it is, see federal code 675-87623A "posting on a forum from egypt is punishable by letting hillary clinton handle your finances and security" actually i was going to compare it to the greek god Zues, but if i post it on the web its true and i dont want to mislead people
  19. Halloween is actually a christian holiday derived from pagans Christian religious observances of All Hallows' Eve
  20. i didnt mean to hi jack the thread, stand your ground is a slippery slope, what i was told during certification, by a lawyer was this. "when asked why you felt the need to use deadly force", your reply should be " i felt in danger of imminent death or grave bodily harm" then ask for a lawyer. now every scenario is different and this is one reason i never OC, i dont want someone seeing me as a threat and get shot now please return to the normal bad crappy driver bashing in this thread
  21. better yet i just let my jacket "ride" up a bit, if you cant see my little buddy on my hip your even dumber than i thought now with that being said you cannot use a firearm to intimidate anyone. i carry concealed legally and am a certified instructor. we cover brandishing during the law portion of the class. it is only for self defense meeting 2 criteria, i feel threatened with imminent death or grave bodily harm. tailgating doesnt cover these so i guess we are back to nipples
  22. just hold on to your cash wait for this to hit the market
  23. you can in washington state
  24. depends on schedule but if something happens i will try to meet you all
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