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About tntviper1

  • Birthday 12/30/1967

Personal Information

  • Name
    todd tresik


  • Location
    st clair shores, MI, United States


  • City
    st clair shores


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    2009 royal star venture

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  1. ended up getting new tires, cracks in the tread on old tires. went with shinko WW 777
  2. Dave to funny, we also will be at the iron horse, check in on the 28th, leave on the 1st. i think cabin 101 PM me when your there
  3. the waterfall is on our list, great pictures brother
  4. sweet thanks i will look at that also we will be there for 3 days then off to NC
  5. well 2 weeks out to head to the tail of the dragon and the Cherohala skyway, getting bike looked over for tires brakes etc, thinking of a smaller front (130-90) based on feedback here. 09 RSV we are trailering the bike to NC from michigan, then riding. any tips for roads down there? things to pack you wish you hadnt forgot? LOL getting excited for this trip
  6. i carry a G19 bottom line carry what you trust to go bang if you are ever in a gun fight. most important, is shot placement and capacity. in a gunfight you experience vision and auditory acuity, so train, train, train. every shot counts. and finally, shoot till the threat is down. period
  7. well the DW and i pulled the trigger. sold the beloved 83 for an 09 RSV pick her up in 2 weeks
  8. cowpuc, hi jack away buddy i was really thinking about a 2nd bike, but the DW doesnt ride, she likes being a passenger. so i was just looking at newer models. i do like the 06 someone mentioned
  9. dropped her off for brakes, tires, and overall check up. doc says a few days
  10. we all love our 1983's but if you were considering another one what would be the year and why? my baby is 35 YO
  11. thats how i teach, i do the class at your home, then hit the range.
  12. we call them that cause they do shoot wheels better LOL
  13. so much good reading here ok to try to cover all things written: EDC is springfield XDs 3.3 .45 love my 686 6 inch wheel gun re load 9mm, .45 acp, and .223 using the red one love Lee for the CS and cost certified instructor for the NRA amateur gunsmith (online course)(need hands on) weird gun? own a 1985 tokarev hate steel ammo LOL working on 2nd AR15 build no glock fanboys here LOL carry on
  14. love my AR, first was a build, 2nd one is going to be also shooting is a great sport and a great way to protect our 2A rights
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