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Everything posted by Statussymbol

  1. Ok ok. I had a 06 roadliner, traded that in for my 08 venture. Driving the new venture as far as TORQUE and acceleration were same as roadliner. Lots lots more bells and whistles. You can fit 2 full size helmets in trunk upright... Did it. Had no key... key fob unlock everything. No remote start....lol, i asked. Did get to play with nav or radio. Too many people in line to ride. No accessories out for it from anyone. So hoping for pegs or backrest are a ways out. Loved the power windshield up all the way it pockets me, wife did not complain of buffering but we were got cruising at 75 for long, just a short stint. She likes the ride if the old venture. Me i liked it but not for 26k. Oh oh. it does have engine guards about the same size as 2nd gen. But like I said it needs pegs. Im a 34 in inseam and I felt cramped, and seat could have been a little wider, and it was hard i thought, but maybe just not broken in. My bike only had 350 miles on it. All in all, if say it's a fully dressed strat with a frame mounted fairing and duel exhaust with lots of storage. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  2. First im 6 3. 300lbs. First glance it is not any bigger than my 08 RsV. Sitting on it it is considerably lower, by like 6 in. Wife sits higher than on RSV but foot boards are lower. Driver definitely needs driving pegs. I was more cramped in new vs old. Driving....HOLY TORQUE!!! defiantly want to control the wrist. Turning defiantly take a little getting used to because of frame mounted fairing. 75 mph in 6th gear 2500 rpm. 60 in 6th 2000 rpm. Overall I like it but it defiantly needs foot pegs and a driver's back rest to control upper body for that torque. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  3. Did the sea foam 1/2 can last fill up. Using the gas 87, 10% eth. Only stuff around here without paying out of the nose. Would not put premium inn at 3.00 anyway. Reg is 2.25. Guess I'll pay more attention if it chugs in 4th at 60. Will be getting new plugs after trip to star days. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  4. My 08 RSV S chugs when I get on it at about 60mph, not bad, only slightly. Wondering if its time for new plugs or a carbtune. I have a Carbtune from my brother...its the gauge one not mercury, but I have no knowledge on how to use it. I've only got my bike 1 year ago. I am somewhat mechanically inclined, but if someone around the New Lisbon, Wi or Wisconsin Dells area could show me how to use it once I'm sure I can replicate it. I've used Sea Foam on a regular basis. Oh, also, even on warm days I have to use the choke to start it.....is this common? I'm thinking it's time for plugs for sure. Its got 32K on the clock and I bought it with 25K like I said last year, so I do not know the last time plugs were changed if any. thanks, Stat.
  5. Anyone else going to be there? Hope to get on the new Venture and take it for a spin!
  6. Pizza Ranch? Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  7. Oxford Federal Prison Wisconsin 19 years and counting............11 more to go......I'm on the downslide...
  8. Highly doubt its the original.....I got 25K on the bike.
  9. Thanks. Hopefully I can get through rest of season. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  10. Noticed it today on way home from work. It leans and sweeping curves a noticed what can only be described as humming. It's either tires, which look good, or are my bearings going out. Hopefully tires, but I got a lot of tread left. Gonna check pressure before next ride, bricks tone front Metzler 888 back. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  11. depends on weather....
  12. Here is the info..http://milwaukee.craigslist.org/rvs/5743085805.html
  13. yes 2008 RSV S. shoot me a txt 608-542-0305 my cell
  14. Gary, Are you busy Sat afternoon? Would like to meet and if possible sync my carbs. Thanks, STAT.
  15. Fool, One of my co-workers is selling one as we speak. I believe it is the same as the first one pictured. Let me know and I'll get you the info. I'm at work now and they leave at 330. Not a member yet so don't PM me. reply to this post or txt me 608-542-0305 STAT
  16. Is anyone doing a Maint day around the Wisconsin Dells/Tomah area? I think I need my Carbs syncd/Adjusted. It feels sluggish and the idle is a little rough. I see minimal vibration in my mirrors but can feel it in the floorboards. My brother has a Carbtune with gauges he is going to give me, but he is 260 miles away, and my friend and I are planning to go to the Tomahawk Fall ride next weekend. I have to clue on what to do and would like so see how it is done firsthand without watching a bunch of YOUTUBE videos. Thanks. STAT
  17. Now I am a big guy, but this morning after getting to work. I proceeded to turn to back up into our motorcycle parking area at work. I turned a little to sharp and proceeded to "lay" the bike down. Thank god for the highway bar!! Tried to stand the bike up while still sitting on it....NO DICE! Got off it with the bar still holding it up, got my right knee under the seat gave it a little leverage and it popped right up. No damage except for my pride because my co-worker/riding buddy/best friend saw the whole thing and was laughing. Lesson learned!! Stuff Happens!!! ETC.... Probably will not be the last time I do this....LOL. Stat
  18. It's not grinding....Just found it odd that is was still spinning....never heard it before, but I did not have my radio volume up. Guess I need to learn some more things about the bike/bikes. My 06 Roadliner did not sound like that. Plan on changing the oil soon....since I have a Cummings diesel I have have plenty of Rotella T6. Just need to find the right size Wix filter.....anyone know the number off hand? Before I offend anyone, or start a flame war, I use Wix on everything so that is what I'm sticking with.
  19. Got home from work. Put into neutral. Can hear clutch spinning. Pull in clutch no noise. Time for oil change? Put about 1000 miles since purchase from dealer. Thoughts? And how hard is it do without a lift
  20. ended up that they have a metric catalog there so I ordered a carbon fiber looking tank bib with see thru pocket for mp3/cell phone. gonna forgo the windshield pockets. picked up a kruzer kup holder, but could not get it to fit right on handle bars so wife inherited it on her grab rails. Some Novus 1 and 2 scratch remover/polish for shield. PO must have used a regular rag with dirt on it, lots of small scratches on it. hopefully this helps with water shedding. I also picked up a air shock hand pump and used it right away. pumped rear up to 40 since the wife was with me and the front up to 2 it made a difference. they were both at 0. had a little left of my 195.00 and bought a Cramp Buster even tho I have cruise. I don't use the cruise all the time. works great. Stat
  21. I have a Gift Card, won it, from a local HD shop, that can only be used there, the wife and I are going for a ride to there tomorrow. The things I am looking for are a windshield bag, cup holders and maybe, if they sell them, Sena SMH10's. I do not know if they deal in Kuryakyn accessories for the windshield bags. So I need to know the model number of the Harley shield bags that fit. I've read that some do, but for the life of me I can't find the post. something like hd909 or 90? not worried about cup holders for front and back, I can get those later. Any suggestions for the must have accessories if they do sell Kuryakyn? STAT
  22. Couple questions for you.... What is the date code on the Bridgestone? You mentioned that it looked new but an old Bridgestone rides worse than a newer Bridgestone - age of the rubber rather than any changes in the newer years (don't think they changed it at all) will check, at work now. The Metzler 880...if you have a lift and adapter...lift the bike and inspect the tread area on the tire. Several people have had issues with chunks of tread breaking off. Rotate it slowly and check rim to rim for any "defects" Don't have a lift. Would a piece of plywood and floor jack work? I know, I know.....center it. While you have the bike on the lift....inspect the rear shock. Wondering if you've felt like the back end was bottoming out when riding which would indicate a failed shock. You can check the bottom of the shock to see if it is oily/greasy but that comes with age as well. Not bottoming out at all, not bouncy....wife and I rode 200 miles....all is well. What air pressure do you run in your shocks front and back? An easy way to lift the rear a bit to see how it feels is to increase the air in the rear shock but this will also stiffen the ride. What pressure do you have in the front shocks? Raising the rear will also raise the centre of gravity and might make it feel more top heavy. No clue, I need to find a low pressure tire guage/pump. The questions are geared toward your safety and also either avoiding or limiting expenses in trying to alter the height. With tires....when you go to replace them, to me the only way to go is Dunlop E3's front and back in the stock sizes. I think Dunlop 404's while listed as a tire for the RSV are for lighter bikes and this causes them to wear faster on a 800+ lb bike plus rider and passenger. Avon's have a number of reports of sidewall cracking. Metzler's "chunk". Dunlop E3's...I don't recall seeing any complaints about them and they last (harder rubber in centre of tread pattern). What about Michelin Comanders II's? Thanks for the reply.
  23. So after having the bike about 2 weeks now. I checked tire pressure and noticed that I have the infamous Brickstone on the front (stock) and a Metzlers 880 on the back. From reading other posts and personal experience I have found that the Brickstone does not like grooves on the highway, kinda jerks left or right when it hits them. Now the tire looks like it has a lot of tread left (I haven't gauged it) so I don't plan on changing it until I have to (money). According to previous posts lowering the front, which I have no clue on how to do. Or raising the rear, which I can probably figure out. I haven't crawled under the bike to see if it has been leveled. i.e. dog bones are stock right? and where do I look? How hard it the job to level the rear? Side note, the Metzlers 880 has a lot of tread left too. Any thoughts? Stat
  24. I don't know if this is appropriate, if it is not I'm Sorry. I am a Federal Correctional Officer for 20 years now. I do the job no one cares to do. I am also a Captain on our local Volunteer Fire Dept for the past 15 years. I am proud of what I do, otherwise I would not be doing it. Both can be stressful at times, waking up in the wee morning hours to help someone I know nothing about and putting myself and my crew at risk at any given moment can really take it our of a person. But I would not have it any other way. Stat.
  25. OK, so last night I on way home from work gas light came on and the fuel mileage was counting up, which I thought was weird I only had 180 miles on the tank at this point. So I put another 10 miles on before fill up. Filled her up at 190 miles and only took 4.5 gallons. Average 40 MPG, which it a lot better than the 30 I was getting on the Roadliner BTW. Also, I had my co worker and I rode into work that morning and according to my speedo he was doing 70 and I asked him at a stop sign how fast he was going, he said 60-62. so I had him go 60 on the next straight and give me a thumbs up. I looked down 68. So not only is my speedo off so is my gas gauge. The dealer disclosed that the speedo was replaced at some time, did they not recalibrate it? or calibrate it wrong? What is my next step? If it is too much to fix I'll deal with it. Knowing that I'm 5-8 MPH off and got a gallon in the tank when the light comes on, plus reserve. Looking forward to your responses. Stat.
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