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Everything posted by Statussymbol

  1. yes it does, waiting til tonight when I ride to work to adjust, LED shines a little farther down the road than stock.
  2. Well, got the light installed today during the eclipse...... the last pics were of the new F4 Custom tall and wide shield I ordered, but the ends do not follow the lines of the fairing....anyone who has a wide F4 shield have the same issue? Thanks stat
  3. I would like to know who here has mounted driving lights on their crashbars? What size? and if they have pics please post. Leaving my options open for ideas other than the light bar. I have highway pegs on the bars ATM and would probably have to lower them but they are configurable, will post a pic of bike if I can get it to upload so you can get an idea of what I'm working with. Thanks. Stat
  4. what is that on your cassette tray? Voltmeter?
  5. yes the arm...it seems to be binding
  6. try this..... couldn't hurt http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=132322796&KPID=26112702&cid=CAPLA:G:Shopping_-_As_Seen_On_TV&pla=pla_26112702&k_clickid=61767c6f-a1c5-4106-ad37-e7f1e7d9e01c
  7. mine is in the left on my 08
  8. How long to you plan on camping at a time? Like I said in previous post, if you have room to add another deep cycle battery do it and bridge them, I have two on my 35fter and with 3 kids who like to leave the lights on all the time I get 5 days before batteries get to 1/4 or less charge. I then hook up our 4000watt gen run it for 3 hours or so hooked up to just the shore power and get a full charge. But that is running gen at full load/throttle hooked up to the RV receptacle plug on gen. this is mine https://www.walmart.com/ip/Sportsman-Gasoline-4000W-Portable-Generator/46542324?action=product_interest&action_type=title&beacon_version=1.0.2&bucket_id=irsbucketdefault&client_guid=29e5d89b-488b-4f67-8853-fb9274f75e38&config_id=106&customer_id_enc&findingMethod=p13n&guid=29e5d89b-488b-4f67-8853-fb9274f75e38&item_id=46542324&parent_anchor_item_id=22190118&parent_item_id=22190118&placement_id=irs-106-t1&reporter=recommendations&source=new_site&strategy=PWVUB&visitor_id=UhGiYwfNuSHtwMBJKpvCSk
  9. You are right on the 220. I call it that due to the design. Don't ask me why. I know in the back of my mind its 110, but it looks like a 220. Smh Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  10. to use the A/C and microwave the gen has to be 3500watts/30 amps. Also use a 220 plug, Most gens 3000watts or more for RV use have a 220 plug on them but they are big, if you use a 110 adapter plug and use the A/C it will melt the adapter plug from the heat. Stat
  11. been camping for years.....if you use your "shore power cord" with the 110 adapter plug and plug it into your generator, you can use the generator to power the camper for everything except the air conditioner unless your generator is 3500 watts. It will also charge your battery/batteries. My camper is a 35 footer and when I bought it, it only came with one deep cycle battery, but I have enough room for 2, so I added another deep cycle and bridged them. Can go for 1 week without charging, but you cannot use the microwave, tv, or ac while on battery only. How big, type and year is your camper. I can give you tips and tricks. If you hook the gen up to the batteries via jumper cables from the charging posts on gen you are only going to trickle charge them anyway, unless you want to haul a battery charger around with you. The little charging posts that are on some gens are for hooking up a maintainer type clamp setup, not for full blown charging. Hope this helps. Stat
  12. Is there any adverse effect on removing the "stop" from the rear trunk? i.e. plastic cracking at the hinge. I put my work bag in the trunk and it does not lift far enough up for me to not wedge my bag into it. Thanks Stat
  13. Back in MY DAY! I'm 45 BTW. We had to use something called the Encyclopedia to do research. Or go to the library and use Microfiche. I'll let you ponder that one young people. Google it! LOL! Old expressions...... "You can lead a horse to water, but can't make it drink" "A horse apiece" "Smoke a fag" from my fathers time, not mine. another thing from my day that you can't find nowadays is "roll caps", "candy cigarettes", "Juice pops (the wax kind), "wax lips" "candy dippers" "penny candy" or play these without offending/hurting anyone. "ARMY", "Cowboys and Indians", "Kick the Can" or my personal favorite "Red Rover!". Where else can you close line someone you don't like and not get in trouble!!! LOL. Stat
  14. well I ordered some stuff for the RSV. New F4 customs biggest and widest with vent should be here tomorrow.. Wife will enjoy it. Too bad I didn't order it sooner because Fri and Sat we went on a 600 mile ride to northern Wisconsin. We visited Lake Superior and Michigan, stayed in Rhinelander. She was getting hammered by the wind on the interstate at 75mph. Her new helmet was chokeing her due to the wind buffeting to the point of having to take it off on the ride home. I also ordered this.https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01FI0S486/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It should be here sometime this week since its coming from China. I will do before and after pics. Hopefully by Thurs I'll do both since I have to crack the fairing to get the new light in, no sense taking the windshield off twice. Hopefully the light pans out like to now out of stock broview s5 with the copper heatsinks. Stat
  15. they added a frame mounted fairing, bigger trunk and side saddles, bigger rear tire thus bigger rim....I'm sure the size of the twin motor and pistons are the same weight or damn near close to the V4. I'm sure there is more.... I test rode it at star days, its lower to the ground and a tad longer than the Gen2. You don't even feel the extra weight, and its much easier to handle at low speed than the gen 2. Stat
  16. If you ever make it down to wisconsin dells look me up Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  17. Nice Pics...... Is that an F4 Shield on the bike? Was looking to get one with the vent.... How is it? What size? And how big are you? If you don't mind me asking. Stat
  18. I looked and looked the Broview S5 H4/9003 is no longer carried by amazon it is now the S7 H4/9003 but it looks to have a fan cooling. Was wondering if this would work... https://www.amazon.com/Headlight-Conversion-headlamp-Halogen-Replacement/dp/B01FI0S486/ref=pd_sbs_263_1?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01FI0S486&pd_rd_r=CEKRHEQSST2HP9QW784D&pd_rd_w=K03Nb&pd_rd_wg=HFFfW&psc=1&refRID=CEKRHEQSST2HP9QW784D let me know Stat
  19. Now all you need is someone in a Batman suit, Wonderwoman attire, and Auqaman......Justice League!!! I would laugh my A** off at the sight of that riding down the highway. Oh and the Flash too... Stat
  20. reading some of these past posts......some of you guys are fortune tellers.....with the new Venture Stat
  21. sorry to hear that... Nice looking bike, and I like to ask one thing. What is the make of the main light on the trike. Ive been looking for a daymaker type light for the front of my 08. and a set of driving lights. The only one I can find costs 300.00 by Bagger Bags. I'm sure others would fit with some modification. Stat
  22. don't know on fuel pump or filter, no venting on fill up. I hear plenty of clicking when turning the power on for the fuel pump so I know that's working. tonight on the way into work it ran fine. might have been a bad batch of gas.
  23. So I did a little testing on the way to work tonight. 60mph 4th gear and hit the throttle. I could feel what is best described as it feels like I'm running over some rumble strips, but not lugging the engine. But not overly smooth acceleration, almost like it was starving a little for fuel. Like I said I've done the sea foam treatment, but have yet to do the spark plugs or carb tune, time is not on my side at the moment. Ive owned this bike for almost a year so I do not know if the the dealership changed plugs, fuel filter or carb tuned it before I bought it. The only thing done to it since Ive owned it is new tires (installed by a shop) while there he greased everything, oil T6 and filter (done by me). Suggestions? Stat
  24. Did not get to play with radio or nav...correction. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
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