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  • Location
    Uniontown, PA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1987 Yamaha Venture
  1. Thank you so much for that detailed response I found it very informative and hopefully it will be the cure so I can get out there and enjoy it....
  2. I looked at these... how was the install??
  3. Also where is the best place to get the gaskets that were mentioned?
  4. Im going to chreck into the video mentioned.... I looked around for diaphragms and have not seen any for less than $30 a piece! But they definitely need replaced. Nobody has commented in the jets I replaced and how different they are from the ones that came out? So I'm guessing they are ok?? Would the diaphragms cause the problem I'm having?
  5. This is after I cleaned them.... before I cleaned them it ran rough but good enough to take a short road test. When the bike is at idle right now the 2 back carb slides are dancing very well, the front right slide is much slower and the front left does not move until throttle is applied. I replaced the O-rings but not the gaskets. The carbs are flat and fully mount to bottom boots. No visible cracks in slides. I will check for the air leaks asap! Any suggestions is appreciated
  6. Air box fully installed.... synced using the no sync guage method showed in YouTube vids from this site.
  7. Hello all... I'm sure glad I found this site! Up front info I picked up a 1987 Venture 1300 that's been sitting for 4 years very cheap. Its my 1st bike & bike project. I know my way around an engine under a hood but very insecure when it comes to this. Now for the problem.... It took little effort to awaken the beast and took it for a short trip of less than a mile. It ran rough but still run. So now that I knew the engine was good I started the fixing process. Knowing the carbs were going to need cleaned, I removed the carbs and removed the bowls, floats, all jets that I seen and soaked them over night in seafoam. the next day I blew air through every hole I seen and made sure it blew out somewhere else and passage ways were open. In the process of putting it back together I broke a big jet that screws down in the needle guide??? Anyway I looked up the part and what I could find said it was the main jet.... I order new ones off JC Whitney and replaced them but they looked completely different than the originals. (PICS BELOW) I put everything back together and moved over to the diaphragm and slides. I noticed right away there was 4 holes in all four diaphragms as though they were meant to be there. The holes were in like a 4 corner design. Seeing the prices of these diaphragms and not wanting to dump a ton of money I googled solutions and found that some say they had great results with liquid electrical tape because its flexible. So I closed the holes with it. Now all back together and on the bike the bike starts very easy and to my ears the idle sounds clean and healthy. BUT... as soon as you attempt to throttle it up and bogs down and cuts out. When choked the rpms will rise but when trying to use the throttle it just bogs and dies! I been trying to figure this out for 2 weeks now even taking the carbs apart 2 more times making sure I didn't screw something up. Need help badly..... The only thing different between now and when I had it started and running down the road is the diaphragm holes closed with liquid electrical tape and the new jets.. Any and all advice would be much appreciated!! Pics below show bike, carbs and the difference in the new and old jets.
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